Thanks guys!
I remember reading in an old post here that someone thought the steels sounded too trebly or something on George's website.
Well, these babies certainly don't. When I got the S8 in December I was actually surprised by how warm and balanced the sound was, and I found it to be a piece of cake to dial in exactly the tone I wanted. A lot more versatile than I expected it to be (from my previous experience with one-pickup guitars).
The new D8 is perhaps even warmer and a little 'darker' sounding to my ears, perhaps because of the added wood, and I like that even more!
You may notice from the pic that it's actually two S8's combined into one D8, so it has individual vol/tone controls and outputs for each neck. I run the necks through an A/B/Y box, and this setup gives me even more flexibility than a regular D8 would have.
As George would have said; "Gotta love it!"
Scott,- as soon as I have the final gadgets for my new studio upgrade hooked up and ready to go, I'll start recording with the purpose of having a finished CD master ready within the year.
I'll post a cut or two on my website as soon as I have something that's 'representable' enough....