another rumor from the opry

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Janice Brooks
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another rumor from the opry

Post by Janice Brooks »

Heard from Rick Ryan who works with Stonewall Jackson.

Is the opry asking it's members to drop one man from their band or have a maximum of 4 ?
This might keep the staff band in demand but it would be rough while your on tour.

"BUS" ICQ 44729047
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Earl Erb
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Post by Earl Erb »

Janice,if that infomation is true then the powers that be are really getting out of hand and if the artists don't stop this crap dead in its tracks they are a bunch chicken $hit$ and are not worth working for.
Since when did the Opry dictate the size of a band an artist could have as long as they could afford to pay them.Sounds like the Opry doesn't want to pay for a five piece band.Besides, the money is not coming out of Pete Fishers pocket its coming from the many sponsors that support the show.I think that would be a tough call for an artist to make.Does he lose the steel player or the fiddle player or does he sacrifice the guitar player?This is another clear cut case of our marketing genius's at work.
Can't wait to see what developes from this rumor.Keep us informed.
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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

The Opry has pulled some stupid crap lately, but I seriously doubt if the Opry is going to dictate how many people are in a road band. The next rumor we're going to hear is the Opry is setting standards for how many musicans can be on a session.....

John Hawkins
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Post by John Hawkins »

Janice, Earl, and Jack ,
If you folks think that that news is bad at the
Opry, read what has happened to Marty Martel
this past week . Read his editorial .

His site

Things sure don't look good for moral at the Opry any longer. Sad situation!!!
Earl Erb
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Post by Earl Erb »

John,I read the editorial. Image
Ron Page
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Post by Ron Page »

Marty cuts Fisher way too much slack when he excuses Fisher’s lack of knowledge of the Opry’s history. If Fisher cared about the history of the Opry he could pick up one of probably 100 books on the subject.

From Marty’s editorial one would almost have to conclude that Fisher is an insecure weasel.

As far as the band thing goes, I would have to assume that Fisher wants the bands reduced only for Opry performances, not tours, etc. Hell, Garth and Shania have more than 4 backup singers.

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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

I read Marty's comments and have had some other e-mail. I have to back off of my original comments and now believe that Gaylord and the Opry Management will do anything, and apparently are doing anything they can to screw it up.

My next question is, where is the Union in all of this?? I haven't seen a wimper out of them, although behind the scenes they may be trying to help. In most cases when management starts screwing with the rank and file the Union is the first one to take up the fight and usually goes public with everything. The Nashville AFM seems to be taking the exact opposite approach.

My conclusion is that the traditional Opry is dead. Country Music tourism in Nashville is dead. Galylord can take the credit for it all.

Gaylord has done what the Nashville establishment tried to do years ago and finally gave up on - "get rid of the hillbilly's". Nashville for years tried to ignore the country music industry until it woke up and realized the number of $$$ it was putting in the local economy. Where are the civic leaders now that the tourist $$$ have dwindled to a relatively small percentage of what it used to be??
Earl Erb
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Post by Earl Erb »

Don't expect our Local 257 to throw a life line.I have been told that Harold Bradley really doesn't have the back bone to do what he should do as president.He is too nice a guy to make waves.
Here is another shocking bit of information,Jimmy Capps,Leon Rhodes and Buddy Harmon have been on the board of directors at the union for years!!!! Go figure.
Leon Rhodes told me that one of the problems with their contract is there were no names on it to identify who the staff band really consisted of or the number of players.Smart lawyers looking out for the best interest of the musicians drew that contract up!
I can see the flack now,an artist telling some of their players they can't work the Opry but they can work the road.They will have a hard time keeping bands together at that rate.Its like a ripple in a pond.Its going to get worse before it gets better.
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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

It would appear 257 is like the other AFM local's I've dealt with. All they want are the dues and fees. They could care less about the "weekend musicians" (country or otherwise) and only concerned with the local symphony orchestra or in Nashville's case apparently the session pickers.

But then I know some demo singers and pickers that after 30 years have still never received a cent for the sessions.
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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

Sad $hit,I wrote an article to Marty and he published it in this weeks "Current News". I was right on target about Fisher.He knows $hit about the Opry history and more about how to be a little Hitler.(Hiel Fisher) Smell a Rat? Looks like Bill (my jobs safe Lennerman) will have more bass spots. Jim Ed will probably not be able to use Chrissy on Harmony and Husband Daryl will probably leave his Steel home.A good joke is the Union will help? Name one person who has saved his job through them. It's a catch 22. You don't work if you ain't in,You don't work if you are. It's just a good way to get addresses and phone #s.Pay up fellas it's for your retirerment.Er somebody's . Image


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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

If the surviving members had any Ba--$ they would resign in mass,while It still could mean something. When Fisher depletes the ranks down to where it won't matter they will be gone anyway. Can you Imagine if there were no artist availible this weekend.The People would back them up and Fisher would be on a spot and have to show what he can do.Maybe he could get belly button back for three more songs...
Earl Erb
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Post by Earl Erb »

Hey Joe,
Great line"Maybe we can get belly button back for three more songs" L.M.A.O. Image
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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Hell, who needs musicians anyway. Now, live from Trashville, it's the Grand Ole Kareoke.

Carter D10 8p/10k

Bill cole
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Post by Bill cole »

First your missing the boat cause the very minute one Musician walks out the will be 3 to take his place there is no way anyone is going to get any of these youg whipper snappers to hang togather. The thing today is I will look out for me and to hell with you if you leave your job I want it. Unless there is a way to keep this from happening there will be noway to stop what ever they have in mind to do . If tommy White walks out now steel players are a dime a dozen mayne not as good as him but they are there. Now who will volunter to stand out side the GOO with a shot gun and stop this oh think about it
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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

I just cut out an article out of the St. Pete Times I will send anyone Via e-mail about an interview with Mark O'Connor.Mark does not hold back saying and I quote "I never liked Country Music". Here is a musician who cornered the all Session market and TV specials he could muster, also won many picker of the year awards. (CMA ha ha)And he hates Country Music. Ever wonder how many more there are with the same feelings? Stop paying and see. Speaks well for whats happening in Na****ville.


Smiley Roberts
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Post by Smiley Roberts »

Whattsa matter,Joe? Doncha know how to spell,
n ASS ville?


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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

I ran across a lot of musicians, in the short time I was in Davidson County that were playing country, because they wanted to eat. They would have preferred to play other types, and that was the early 70's.

I went to several jams and beside the "chocolatey smell" there wasn't one country song played.
Bill cole
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Post by Bill cole »

SJ I stand corrected I guess I should have payed more attentionI will from this point on. Maybe it the damn amp. in my ear to long. But I can remember working with Doug Lavalley God res his soal and we talked about all the players who laughed at us playing hicky music and all the bad joke we had to endure I even had people come up and look for cow $hit on my boots and later I seen these same musicians "for the lack of a better work" playing the same thing I was playing almost thirty years before and they were smiling and having a good ol time. I guess pride don't mean a lot to a lot of people I even saw Dickie Boy Clarke not long ago telling how he always loved country music and I say to him BULL$HIT
Bill cole
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Post by Bill cole »

SJ I stand corrected I guess I should have payed more attentionI will from this point on. Maybe it the damn amp. in my ear to long. But I can remember working with Doug Lavalley God res his soal and we talked about all the players who laughed at us playing hicky music and all the bad joke we had to endure I even had people come up and look for cow $hit on my boots and later I seen these same musicians "for the lack of a better work" playing the same thing I was playing almost thirty years before and they were smiling and having a good ol time. I guess pride don't mean a lot to a lot of people I even saw Dickie Boy Clarke not long ago telling how he always loved country music and I say to him BULL$HIT.. And as far as changing anything in A$$VILLE I don't think it will happen and if it does we won't be around to see it so just be glad you were part of what use to be the greatr music and be glad to know you knew some damn good musicians
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