'Always, Patsy....' in NC

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Roger Rettig
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'Always, Patsy....' in NC

Post by Roger Rettig »

I've been asked if I could do a very short 'run' of the show in early-June at a theater in Wilmington, NC.

As I have just commenced dialysis treatment, this is beyond my scope at present but, if you have an idea of who might be suitable, post here and I'll put you in touch with them.

I took the liberty of suggesting he contact Billy Knowles about this. I know nothing about pay-and-conditions - we didn't get that far. I'm really just passing this on.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
Ben Lawson
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Post by Ben Lawson »

I did the show a bunch of times with Carter Calvert (Patsy) and Sally Struthers (Louise) in New Jersey. Like you Roger, I'm under Doctors care and can't leave Florida for a while. Hopefully someone can do this. It's not hard and it's was fun. Roger I hope your Doc's take care of and return you to good health.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

I’ve done the show twice here in town. Different company, but theater pay here is the worst ($25 per show when I was doing it - of course that’s a few years back - but they’re not asking the local players to do it ‘cause they know what the answer would be).

YMMV, and the best of luck to whomever gets the gig.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

I was recommended for this gig by a couple of NYC pro guys so I'd imagine that the pay would be reasonable. The problem currently, I think, is that Covid has decimated the theater trade (along with a lot of other businesses) so negotiating 'upwards' might be challenging.

I have done scores of these shows away from home. I wouldn't have considered them unless the rate was a three-figure sum per show, and that my travel and accommodation would also be covered. The dates for this 'run' are June 8th - 13th (a 'long weekend'?) so it might be difficult to cover costs for an out-of-town player. After all, there's a limit on how much the theater can take in for a handful of performances. I'm sure there's a local player, though, for whom this would be suitable.

Having been idle, musically speaking, for more months than I care to count, I sincerely wish I could have taken the gig. The early stages of hemodialysis, though, require constant observation by my renal team and early-June is just too soon for me to consider leaving town.

Bill: $25 per show???? :(

Ben: thanks for your good wishes. It is what it is, as they say. Dialysis is the new reality for me but already the time hangs heavily.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Roger Rettig wrote:Bill: $25 per show???? :(
Looked through my records. I've done Patsy twice and Hank Williams twice. I was wrong - $50 per rehearsal and performance.

I'm not playing anymore, so my ear isn't on the ground. Do you know the venue?
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

It's not a theatre that I've ever played in, Bill. It's the Opera House Theater Co in Wilmington, NC.

When I was doing these shows regularly, I'd also have to bear in mind the number of performance each week. It would usually only make economic sense for me if it was a seven- or eight-show schedule. $50 wouldn't come close, though, for me to be away from home.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Opera House. I know those folks. I'll do some digging.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

So it's playing at the Wilson center. That's a big deal. Looks like they have a budget!

Billy should be able to find someone for them. Or I could. Course they're not reaching out to me. All new folks there since I did a show for them many moons ago. They're probably not even aware I'm here in town.

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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Okay. Heard back from a local player who had to pass on the gig because of previous commitments. I know the music Director very well. In fact, did one Patsy and two Hank Williams shows with him. He is an awesome dude!

If anyone is interested I can get you in touch with him.
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Bob Russell
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Post by Bob Russell »

The money's not going to be huge on this, as it's a local community theater company. But some of you Myrtle Beach steelers should check in with Opera House Theatre Company; you could maybe strike an agreeable deal and it's a pretty easy drive from MYR to ILM.
Lots of stringy things, many of them slidey.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Oh hey Bob. I've been texting Adrian. If anybody sees this thread and is interested in the show just get up with me and I'll get you to the music director.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

Bill: my contact will be checking on this thread - I sent him the link after I posted.

It looks as though things may get worked out?
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Roger Rettig wrote:Bill: my contact will be checking on this thread - I sent him the link after I posted.

It looks as though things may get worked out?
I think so. Thanks. I've been a great admirer of you here on the forum. Especially since I read of your history, your love of Super 400s, and that you knew Billy Bremner!!

I reached out to Greg with Chatham County Line, but he's booked. Will reach out to Nathan Golub next.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

Thanks, Bill. They may, of course, still be pursuing their own lines of enquiry independently from this thread. After all, it's only a few weeks away.

Yes, Billy's a dear old pal and we have much history together. And Super 400s? Sadly, a thing of the past now for me, but my old A28256 will forever have a place in my heart. (Notice how, when posing for the camera, I'm loath to let my hands obscure the guitar?)
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

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Bill Ladd
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Post by Bill Ladd »

Well, neither Greg nor Nathan are available, so the gig is still available.
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