Emmons Push Pull knee lever disconnected
Posted: 8 Apr 2021 2:30 pm
Hey ya'll
So, my emmons push pulls RKL seems to be disconnected somehow. It was connected to the 1st and 2nd strings and now I'm getting nothing out of it. Any way to trouble shoot this on my own without taking it to be repaired? I imagine it could be a quick fix or something way out of my league. Sorry if this is a beginnerish question ive only had a push pull for a year now so I don't fully understand the underbelly yet. Thanks in advance
So, my emmons push pulls RKL seems to be disconnected somehow. It was connected to the 1st and 2nd strings and now I'm getting nothing out of it. Any way to trouble shoot this on my own without taking it to be repaired? I imagine it could be a quick fix or something way out of my league. Sorry if this is a beginnerish question ive only had a push pull for a year now so I don't fully understand the underbelly yet. Thanks in advance