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'Patsy' show in Vero Beach...

Posted: 20 Oct 2006 8:45 am
by Roger Rettig
We've been here since 10/6, and we finish 11/12.

I posted about this before, but have yet to see any steel-players out front! The show is a very good production, and the bass-player and drummer are the best I've ever done this piece with! Great dynamics, and they make my job a real pleasure. I can assure you that, as a 'veteran' of about 25 'APC's, this is a rare treat!

Our 'Patsy' is a super singer, too, so you won't be disappointed if you manage to drop by.

I did have a surprise last night - a couple came up afterwards saying they'd seen me play in Medora this past Summer; there's a coincidence.

I do hope to get to say 'Hi' to another steel-guy one night soon.



Posted: 20 Oct 2006 10:11 am
by Roger Rettig
I guess I should have said Vero Beach is in Florida but, if you're near enough to come to the show, you know that already!


Posted: 20 Oct 2006 3:26 pm
by Bob Schorell
Hi Roger, I live in Vero Beach, play steel and I am looking forward to taking in the show one night before it is over. My brother, who also plays guitar in our band said he went and saw the show last week and said it was great, including you. Gonna have to find out for myself.I'll come up and say hi if I get the chance.

Posted: 20 Oct 2006 6:41 pm
by Roger Rettig
That'd be great, Bob - do come and say 'hi'; you can just wander up to the stage as soon as we're finished, as it's a fairly intimate space.

Better still, e-mail me when you decide to come, and I'll look out for you.


Posted: 21 Oct 2006 12:01 am
by Bob Schorell
Sounds like a plan Roger, looking forward to it.