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what do you keep your bars in?

Posted: 3 Feb 2009 2:18 pm
by Ron Victoria
I made a cardboard tube to keep my new red rajah in. It's ok but was looking for a suggestion that might be better.


Posted: 3 Feb 2009 4:52 pm
by Andy Volk
what do you keep your slides in?
These, of course!


Posted: 3 Feb 2009 5:24 pm
by Adam Gejdos
I picked up a cheap makeup bag from the dollar store. It's about 5 x 5 inches with a side pouch with snap button. It cost about $5 and holds my Shubb (for dobro), Jerry Byrd bar and picks. I have a habit of forgetting things so I put everything needed for lap and dobro all in one place no matter if I bring one or the other, or both guitars.
It kinda looks like these but with an extra compartment on the side. ... cts_id=611

Posted: 3 Feb 2009 6:07 pm
by Stephan Miller
My Tribotones each arrived in a hard plastic tube with a stopper at the open end. Ditto for various Red Rajahs and Black Phoenixes, except the tubes are cardboard. I received a Slipperyslide bar in a little cloth bag with a drawstring that'll hold 2 bars-- that's the one that takes up the least space.

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 8:30 am
by Jerry Hayes
I use a Crown Royal bag for my favorite bar.....JH in Va.

Altoids boxes

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 8:50 am
by Todd Weger
I use Altoids boxes. I can fit two bars, and my finger/thumb picks in there. They fit great in my accessories compartment in the guitar cases, everything is easy to find, and as a bonus, you get to eat the Altoids beforehand. They're curiously strong!

Oh yeah, I have the old (now discontinued I think) cinnamon flavor boxes with Sindy on the cover!


Posted: 4 Feb 2009 9:43 am
by Ray Shakeshaft
Cases for those small digital cameras can occasionally be found extremely cheap in supermarkets (£1/$2) and they will fit on your belt. I now wish I had bought more because they are handy for lots of things musical...and even small digital cameras!.

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 11:58 am
by Keith Cordell
If you know anyone who is giving up the cancer sticks, the tubes that Nicorette gum are distributed in are the best storage, bar none. Very thick plastic with a nice slick lining inside, and large enough to accomodate almost any size bar. I use lipstick holders for my dobro-type bars (stevens style bars), you can get them for a buck or two at lots of places.

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 12:41 pm
by Bill McRoberts
I've used small leather bags until recently.

One was from a pepper spray kit (you gotta have a good woman to give up one of those). A couple of months ago, I started using the digital camera case like Ray stated earlier.

I also use a simular case made for a nebulizer. Same price at the drug store and just as compact.

Here is photos of the Digital camera case. It fits nicely in my pack-a-seat.



Posted: 4 Feb 2009 3:39 pm
by Ray Shakeshaft
Well I'll be damned Bill!!!!! That is exactly the same case as mine only mine is silver!!!!!....and how far do we live apart?

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 3:50 pm
by Brad Bechtel
Here's another vote for the M&M Minis containers. Be sure to wash them out first, or your bar will smell like chocolate. They hold a bar and set of picks pretty well, and if the container breaks, you're only out 75 cents.

Posted: 4 Feb 2009 7:54 pm
by Bill McRoberts
Light years? ...No. Half a world?...Perhaps but, its a small one :wink:

Posted: 5 Feb 2009 11:13 am
by Les Anderson
I use a an old sunglasses case that has to be at least 50 years old. I can get two bullet bars into it.

I have a little padded pocket in the steel's case for my Stevens bar as well.

Posted: 5 Feb 2009 7:21 pm
by George Rout
I'm sure you didn't mean this type of box, but this is what I keep ALL my bars (and writst pins) in!!!!! The little pouch in the right foreground is what I use to keep my playing bars in such as my Shubb SP2. I have three of these, one for each of two steels I use ongoing and my Dobro.


Posted: 5 Feb 2009 7:31 pm
by Mike Neer
I keep them in my cases and gig bags so I don't forget them! Also, always keep one in my pocket on gig nights.

Posted: 5 Feb 2009 7:44 pm
by George Rout
Mike, your comment "so you won't forget them" hit right home. When I return from playing, I take the guitar and bar/pics out of the case, put the guitar on a stand, and the case in a back room. The picks and bar sit on an amp right here. For the first time in 40 or so years two weeks ago, I arrived at a venue only to have left the bar & picks home. It was because I changed cases, took the guitar and bar/picks out of one case, was in a hurry, and forgot to put them in the 2nd case. FORTUNEATELY, a chap who plays both Dobro and steel came and he had two bars with him, one was an SP2 same as I use. And, I also was only a half block away from a music store that has Stevens. That was close!!!!! Maybe it's a new "senior's moment".


Posted: 6 Feb 2009 4:58 pm
by Stephen Wells
I keep my Sheerhorn bar and my picks in the case that a pair of cuff links came in. I got the idea from Gene Crownover.

Posted: 6 Feb 2009 5:01 pm
by Dave Bader

Where I keep 'em

Posted: 7 Feb 2009 12:41 pm
by Pete Hunt
I keep a couple of bars in cases and my favorite speed bar (right now a cut down Robert Randolph #1) in my gig bag in a zippered pouch. Then in my pack I carry around some picks and an old stevens bar tied up in a sock. Yep, a sock. I'm right now headin' to the store for some mini M&Ms. I'm going modern.

Posted: 7 Feb 2009 2:55 pm
by Doug Beaumier

Posted: 7 Feb 2009 4:10 pm
by Keith Cordell
You hippies and your newfangled green technology...


So that's what the president meant when he said "renewable resources"...

Posted: 7 Feb 2009 4:20 pm
by Ron Victoria
I hope you licked them off before playing!!!!

Posted: 7 Feb 2009 4:31 pm
by Doug Beaumier
It really brings out the warm 'tropical' tone in the bar.

Posted: 9 Feb 2009 9:27 am
by Bob Simons
I use small plastic boxes designed for fishing tackle. With a snip or two of the dividers the small ones can be made to hold a bar in one compartment, with three others smaller compartments each big enough for a set of picks or a tuning wrench. The larger plastic tackle boxes can be modified to hold an assortment of bars and accessories. THey are available at most hardware and sporting goods stores.

Posted: 9 Feb 2009 5:16 pm
by Richard Shatz