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Posted: 1 Sep 2011 5:15 pm
by Sam White
Hi Ricky I'm hoping to start around 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM as Ray Walker has to leave early as he has a Gig to play and a practice before so I'm going to do tracks first as Ray will be doing tracks and we will see how many want to play tracks. Ok Ricky see you there.

Posted: 1 Sep 2011 5:21 pm
by Sam White
Howdy Any of the steel players I have listed on this thread if you are not going to make it let me know about 2 to 3 days in advance.
Thank You Sam

Sam don't sell your steel!

Posted: 2 Sep 2011 10:08 am
by Larry Ray Miller
Hi Sam. Don't sell your steel guitar. You will reget it. I sold two Sho-Buds in 1990, and two Nashville 400s. I always wished that I had kept one. You can't get rid of the bug. I bought a MSA Classic twenty years later after retiring, and I am trying to get back into playing. I also have a Session 500 that I stored back then. I know that I will never be a Emmons, but I enjoy playing in my music room. I hope to get better. Hang in there, and enjoy the music. Playing also helps to keep the brain active, and healthy.
Larry Ray Miller

Posted: 2 Sep 2011 11:04 pm
by Ben Godard

This sounds like its gonna turn out pretty good. I am looking forward to participating.

I was wondering what to bring. I've never played at a steel convention before and i know to bring my guitar but what else. Does each player bring their own gear (effects/amps/speaker) Also, what about the backup music. How does that work? Do we need to bring a backtrack. Sorry for the dumb questions but I was curious as to how it is all done.


Posted: 3 Sep 2011 12:12 pm
by Sam White
Hi Ben yes you bring all your own gear. Your Steel Amp affects and tracks if you have some you want to use.Make sure you bring your own extension cord as everyone has there own.We will be playing with tracks for the first round when everyone has played three songs it will go to the next and down the line.I hope to be starting around 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Sam White

Posted: 3 Sep 2011 12:23 pm
by Sam White
Listen up everyone I will be hoping to get started around 10:00 Am to 10:30 Am as the business will be open for people to come in and buy stuff so we have to let George and Mike run the store. We are greatful to George to let us use his Store for this event.Also Ray Walker will be opening the Steel Jam as he has to leave early for a GIG and hopefully we will still be there when he gets done with his practice and he can come back for a couple of hours and maybe play a bit more with mine or some ones Steel.
Sam White

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 2:25 am
by Jim Gilliam
I am a newbie up in Durham. Can I come and listen? Jim

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 7:52 am
by Sam White
Hi Jim yes you are welcome to come and listen and maybe get to learn some from these guys . They are all great people and they will help you.Make sure you see me and I will introduce you to most of the guys that I know and do not know.Get there early around 9:30 To 10:00 AM.Be glad to have you come and meet everyone.If you play Lead Guitar or Bass bring it with you as you can play with the guys.
Sam White

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 8:11 am
by Jim Gilliam
Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it. I'll bring both a bass and a guitar. See you then. Jim

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 5:34 pm
by Sam White
Looks like we are going to have another great Steel Guitar Jam at the Gold N Pawn in Clayton N.C..I have 11 Steel players and we have room for a few more so if you want to have a good time and meet new and old friends come on and have some fun.
Sam white

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 5:41 pm
by Sam White
Ricky I hope to get it going by 9:00 AM to 9:30AM.
Sam White

Clayton Steel Jam

Posted: 8 Sep 2011 6:30 pm
by Billy J Barbour
Hey Sam This is B.J. I will be there for the jam

Posted: 9 Sep 2011 9:11 am
by Sam White
Hi Billy glad you are going to be coming. Bring your Bride and her drums we will need her as you are both part of this.You will really enjoy it this time with lots of Steel players.
Sam White

Clayton Steel Jam

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 11:33 am
by Billy J Barbour
I am looking forward to it Sam!


Posted: 15 Sep 2011 7:15 am
by Sam White
Hi every one. I talked with George that owns the Gold N Pawn last night and he and I will be there at 9:00 AM on Saturday the 24Th which is (1) one week and (3) three days away.WE will be starting the Steel Guitar Jam at 10:00 AM sharp as we have a lot of Steel players coming and I want to be able to get every one enought time to play.Ray Walker will be Starting the Steel Jam off and we will be doing tracks first.I do be leave that all the Road House Ramble Band will be there and they will play a few songs with Ray after Ray plays about 3 to 4 Tracks. They all have to leave early as they have a two hour practice be for they play a gig that night.Also I want to let you know that we have a Lead guitar player coming from VA. that Played lead Guitar for Buddy Emmons and then for Barbara Mandrell up until she retired. His name is Sid Hudson.We have Joe Sapp coming down from PA. who is a good friend and plays a great Steel Guitar.WE also have Dave Nugent and Jerry Hayes coming down from VA.The out of State Steel players will be playing before the local Steel players as they have a long drive home.I did this in R.I. and got in trouble with one of the members of the then Our Organization. I hope that does not happen here as there is no Organization. I'm doing this because I love to hear Steel Guitars and I'm also doing it for all the Steel players we have here in N.C.. See you all there and every one have a safe trip here and home.Anna will be helping me with a 50/50 Raffle one half will go to George to help him toward the light and A/C bill.WE will set up in the order the steel players come in with the out of State players playing first after Ray Walker.
THANK YOU every one for your support and making this great Steel Jam possible.

We will take a (1) one Hour lunch break at 1:00 PM until 2:00PM PM.There is a nice Buffet Re across the road plus Burger King and other Restaurant and others close by.
Sam White

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 7:56 am
by Joseph V. Sapp
Just make sure there is a "very Large" coffee pot handy. I'll be leaving Pa. After my day gig on Friday, (the 23). Folks,,,,This is going to be one heck of a Steel show. Some awsome pickin' and a ton of fun not to forget about the fantastic fellowship involved. Newbie or "oldbie", (such as myself),,,and knowing Sam, Dont miss it,,,,it's gonna be a goodun'. cyall on the 24th.
God Bless

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 3:10 pm
by Sam White
Joe we will see what we can do about the coffee Pot.I know they don't want food or drinks in the Pawn Shop but we can get some in a pot out side the building.I will figure out something.You know me I have to have my coffee to.Anna and I will be glad to see you. Have a safe trip and let us know when you get here. If you want to stay here with us that will be fine we have the room.
Sam White


Posted: 18 Sep 2011 5:46 am
by Sam White
Well the time is getting closer and we will be having a great time of Jamming together.I will be bringing my RV-3 Leg holder brackets with me. They are selling fairly good.Guess I will have to make up some more.
Sam White


Posted: 20 Sep 2011 5:17 pm
by Sam White
Well I'm sorry to hear that my good friend Mike Archer from Mount Carmel.TN will not be making our Steel Jam this time.
Sam white

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 2:58 pm
by Joseph V. Sapp
I'm sorry, and not able to make your jam. told today that Saturday is a mandatory work day. Hopefully I'll be able to do the next one. I tried calling but the number isn't working.


Posted: 22 Sep 2011 4:46 pm
by Sam White
Looks like we are going to have another great Steel Guitar Jam at the Gold N Pawn in Clayton N.C..I have 11 Steel players and we have room for a few more so if you want to have a good time and meet new and old friends come on the the Clayton Steel Guitar Jam.List of Players so far are.
Sam White

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 4:55 pm
by Sam White
If any one has drums and wants to play bring them along or if you know one that would like to play with us bring him or her on.Our Drummer has to work to replace a fellow employee that had to go to N.Y. on a emergency so he has to work in his place as he is the only one that can do that job.Looks like we will be playing tracks and play with a lead Player and a bass player.We will still have some great pickers and great music.Just two days away and I'm getting the butterflies again and the itch.I just melt when I hear a Steel guitar play.
Sam White


Posted: 23 Sep 2011 10:49 am
by Sam White
Well in 19 more hours we will be all having a great time at the Steel Guitar Jam in Clayton. Guys make sure you don't forget any thing. Re check to make sure you have every thing.See you all there and drive safe and have a good trip to and from.George Williamson,Anna and I will be there at 9:00AM so if you want to get there around that time that will be fine.
Sam White

Posted: 23 Sep 2011 4:21 pm
by Sam White
Looks like we are going to have another great Steel Guitar Jam at the Gold N Pawn in Clayton N.C..I have 11 Steel players and we have room for a few more so if you want to have a good time and meet new and old friends come on the the Clayton Steel Guitar Jam.List of Players so far are.

1 Ray Walker - Smithfield, N.C.
2 Ricky Hagan - Elm City, N.C.
3 Jerome Hawkes - Fayetteville, N.C.
4 Dan Griffin - Smithfield, N.C.
5 George Williamson - Raleigh, N.C.
6 Ray Thomas - Goldsboro, N.C.
7 Glenn Lanning -LaGrange, N.C.
8 Gary Demers - Raleigh, N.C.
9 Ben Godard - Jamesville, N.C.
10Jerry Hayes Virginia Beach, VA.???
11 Allen Howington - Lillington, N.C.
12 Jimmy Underwood - N.C.
13 Rick Worley - Smithfield N.C.
14 Paul Norman -
15 Jim Gilliam - Durham N.C.
16 Sam White - Willow Spring, N.C.
17 We have another Steel Player coming that Ray
Walker told me about but I can not Remember what his
name is.
Sam White


Posted: 24 Sep 2011 3:50 am
by Sam White
Off we go to the Steel Guitar Jam in Clayton.First of all I want to thank George Williamson for letting us be able to use his Big Gold-N-Pawn shop for our Steel Guitar Jam. George is learning to play Steel Guitar as he is a great Bass and Mandolin player. See you all there Anna and I will be leaving in a half hour.
Sam White