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Posted: 17 Jan 2009 1:58 am
by Eric West
I privately maintain that anything that doesn't sound like a Sho~Bud sucks.. Usually you can get a Sho~Bud to sound like another brand guitar by smearing the right amount of peanut butter on the strings. Excepting maybe Fenders and Bigsbys..

But I never tell anybody that..



Posted: 17 Jan 2009 6:07 am
by Tamara James
Eric West wrote:I privately maintain that anything that doesn't sound like a Sho~Bud sucks.. Usually you can get a Sho~Bud to sound like another brand guitar by smearing the right amount of peanut butter on the strings. Excepting maybe Fenders and Bigsbys..

But I never tell anybody that..


Happy little Eric,
Some Fenders do sound like Sho-Buds for a reason. Some Fenders were actually made by SHO-BUD and the Fender logo slapped on it. Our friend Jay can probaly give the details on that. I believe I own one such Fender. It is what I began learing on. I do love that guitar. Please be careful how you use the name "Fender" in regards to Pedal Steel, I get a little touchy about it. (LOL) :lol:

Let's stay on topic....

Are you feeling any better David? I hope so. You are a major cord in my song. :D
(Did that sound too much like hallmark?Not my intent.)

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 6:33 am
by John Drury
Tamara James wrote:
Eric West wrote:I privately maintain that anything that doesn't sound like a Sho~Bud sucks.. Usually you can get a Sho~Bud to sound like another brand guitar by smearing the right amount of peanut butter on the strings. Excepting maybe Fenders and Bigsbys..

But I never tell anybody that..


Happy little Eric,
Some Fenders do sound like Sho-Buds for a reason. Some Fenders were actually made by SHO-BUD and the Fender logo slapped on it. Our friend Jay can probaly give the details on that. I believe I own one such Fender. It is what I began learing on. I do love that guitar. Please be careful how you use the name "Fender" in regards to Pedal Steel, I get a little touchy about it. (LOL) :lol:

Let's stay on topic....

Are you feeling any better David? I hope so. You are a major cord in my song. :D
(Did that sound too much like hallmark?Not my intent.)

And remember, choosey mothers choose JIF! LOL!


It appears that I am not alone in thinking that the moron you posted about is a couple fries (chips) short of a Happy Meal. Thanks for all that you do.

He Played You Like A Violin

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 9:32 am
by Peter Dollard
Dear David:
Sometimes the unanswered comment is the best defence....this guy can now come over to the Forum and see three pages commenting on his comment, and judging from your descriptor of him he probably checks into the Forum from time to time. Let his post die on You Tube without you feeding the fire.

David Hartley

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 11:27 am
by Charlie Shifflett
Hey David Charlie Here
I have been listening to your videos and man I thank you are the greatest I play A 1968 emmons p/p
But I know the builders very well I helped Bob rains
put to gather some of the first guitars they are great and you make them even more greater
David I sure wish you would send me the address of the back ground music you have or if you can send me
some they are great.Dave my e-mail is It would please me very much.
your listening friend Charlie.


Posted: 17 Jan 2009 11:27 am
by Mickey Adams
Ive had a few negative things thrown my way as well. No one has gone so far as to hurl a direct insult though, and I think that this email clearly denotes a personality disorder of some sort. Lets face it, Dave has all of the qualities that we all strive for. Articulation, dexterity, innovation in his phrasing, and his execution is flawless...Hey I hate him too :evil: :evil: LOL...but for all the right reasons, and its all in jest. :wink:
Dave, It will be good to see you In Dallas..Look forward to seeing you..
Mickey Adams-In Oslo Norway tonight!...[/list]

David is a GREAT guy!

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 1:19 pm
by Wayne Franco
I met him in the Rains room last year at the TSG Show in Dallas. I had heard he was going to be there and made an effort to make sure I met him. Hey, he's just a regular cool dude that plays his rear end off with great feeling and wonderful notes. Gotta love him.


Posted: 17 Jan 2009 2:30 pm
by Nick Reed
I've emailed or PM'ed you a couple of times in the past and never got a response back, however I never took it personal. I just figured a big time player like yourself didn't talk to little guys like me :lol: But hey I still watch your videos and like em!

Hi Guys.........

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 10:10 am
by David Hartley
And Tamara again too...

Nick.. email me at

I always reply. Sometimes a bit delayed cos I am busy..

Charlie Shifflet.. email me too..

I dont very often look at youtube. When I feel like doing something on the steel, I may put the camcorder on and post.

I ALWAYS answer personal youtube messages when I log on..

I love you guys.. (whoops, and Tamara), Can I call you a guy? Ha!

Listen? I have spent hours, and hours, whenever I get a chance to tab, and my tuitional DVD is nearly ready. I think that it may be a very useful teaching DVD. I have been lent, and sent (Thanks Joe Wright), many tuitional DVD's for the PSG. I have watched a few seconds of them, just to see how they are presented. It's not that I dont like them, they have been great. And me trying to be a perfectionist have got ideas from them all. What I didn't want to do is copy any of whats already been done. Listen again? I have learnt the PSG by playing (in my younger days) ALL THE TIME.. Literally, I would get home from a gig at 1.30 or 2 in the morning, and set-up the steel and play. Mainly Lloyd records and Tom Brumleys (Yellow) album with Apple Jack and stuff on.. It is under my PC table here and I cant remember the album. Now, that was LOVE for getting down to learning. I would play until I was probably falling asleep on the thing and my picks were making my finger sore. I remember all this well, as I am still in touch with the girl I was going out with at the time... I must have been a boring boyfriend.. I remember losing the most beautiful girl in my eyes at the time, who I went out with, (you know, the one at school that everyone wanted to be with)!, Just because I was kinda obsessed with playing this thing..

To move on... I am producing a DVD here teaching two songs per DVD. I have thought hard, and harder about how to present this..

Its going to be, HOW I LEARNED.. I will show you stuff thats going on in my head thats probably a NEW way of thinking. ie:- You only need start positions for the key of a song, or rather the start of a lead break, You need to know the numbers 0,3,5,7, 10 and 12 ??. You don't have to remember the key of a song after it has started if you can remember 0, 3, 5, 7 10, and 12. My tuition may be not as written in books, and has been shown on other DVDs or VHS tapes so far.. This is why I am still working on it, and I want to get something that I hope,many of you will all appreciate.

That being said, I really appreciate you guys (Tamara too) ( and thats the last time I am going to say guys unless Tamara want's to accepted as one!)..I have always been open to critisism (is that how you spell it?) .. I DO need your feedback if its no good, if it hasn't taught you anything, if it's too expensive, if its too short, if its ANYTHING really!.. I can only learn from you guys too with your help.

Going back to this thread, yes, it was a bit of a shock to have been slagged off, but I understand, I will never please everyone, (Just look at the gigs, you can not please everyones musical taste)..

I HONESTLY feel a bit wierd in a way? My mate has just returned from Nashville, and asked Lloyd, Paul, Bobbe, if they knew me as I was the one who gives John a weekly lesson etc? And all said yes, of course, .. I feel very honoured I suppose to be part of our steel guitar community. I dont wanna be famous, or be rich even, I just wanna be ME..

Just knowing that PF got a CD from his stool and got my request for his Christmas CD from this forum, is just great,, We all want to be Paul Franklins' dont we? I LOVE you all again..

Right, I hope this long reply to you all is making some sense..

I really cant say my DVD project will be completed as I change things all the while (in my head), so recording snippets, and tabbing gets put back..

I have a sleeve and back done.

Here's a preview..

I usually spell check postings but I am gonna have a kip now, (2 gigs and 4 hours sleep on both nights).so I apologise for any spelling mistakes now..

Here's a preview..



And YES, The Blame and Farewell Party is coming too..along with others...BUT

Only if you like the first one!


Posted: 18 Jan 2009 10:26 am
by Tamara James
You are so nice. Your new project looks like it's going to be a winner.

I don't mind being "one of the guys" when it comes to steel playing, but sort of like Brad Paisley sings, Just remember at the end of the day, I'm still a girl.. :D

Sidebar: I think there are more girls playing steel then we realize. I have seen threads where some have chimmed in and spoke up. There are several girl students of steel where I take lessons.

Best wishes with the new project. It sure looks great. Love the cover.

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 2:33 pm
by Jim Hoke
Dave , maybe he meant you have an aptitude...

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 5:13 pm
by Jerry L Miller
:D ? attitude :roll: just keep the one you have and keep the videos comming love them!!!!!! :D



Posted: 18 Jan 2009 5:20 pm
by David Hartley
I am seriously thinking the person meant "ALTITUDE".
Its so easy to make a speelink mistike whem usimm an ipof tough


I really must sleep one day!

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 12:28 am
by Stephen Gambrell
Michael Douchette wrote:Just an attitude? Don't sweat, bro... you should hear some of the things I've been told I have! :lol:
When I was in the Army, a doctor told me I had something, but they gave me some shots, and it cleared up. There's a moral in there somewhere, but I forgot where I left it---maybe on YouTube???

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 12:49 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo David
We have never actually met even though I played on the Country circuit in the UK with Welsh band, "Frisco" some years back. I don't like getting
into shouting matches with people who don't acknowledge a great talent like yours thats why this is a personal message. You must have seen the flak
my mate Bob Adams from Scotland had when he converted his ZB D-10 into an SD-10, such negative
response and with the sad comments you have had. In
the words of the the Great Poet, Burke, "Sod 'em"!
you keep those videos coming,these are my lifeline
with the UK as my wife and I live here in Corfu.
All the best, keep 'em coming !
Frank Bloomfield. Corfu

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 1:50 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
David, Micky Adams and I have been told ,"We need more altitude", :eek: just remember, you have great respect and friendship from Micky and I, and tremendous admiration from the entire world.
You'd better get over here and see Micky and myself, at least!

One of your good friends in the new world,(bring plenty of tea, we dumped the last shipment out 200 years ago) :lol:
Bobbe Seymour

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 2:41 pm
by Charles Curtis
Bobbe, I believe the "Tea Party" incident was before our ancestors declared their independence from England, so they were citizens of England, protesting unfair taxes. Maybe we should have another "symbolic" tea party today? David I'm sure looking forward to the DVD my friend.

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 5:27 am
by Mike Fereday

I look forward to the opportunity to purchase the forthcoming DVD. I am sure it is going to be well worth it.



Posted: 20 Jan 2009 5:49 am
by Harry Johansen
David sure make us here on this side on the pond to be proud to be an European.

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 6:10 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
As an ex-pat replying to Bobbe's comment on tea, thats about the best thing that could happen to it,
horrible stuff, keep it coffee ! All the best
Frank. Corfu

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 12:53 pm
by Charles Curtis
I am so grateful that David is willing to go the extra mile, so to speak, do all the work that I may profit from his expertise and be a better player just to enjoy my psg. Again, I hope David continues to tab his ideas. Dave, you make my day when I go online and you have posted another video.

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 6:49 pm
by Tommy Shown
David I am trying to get off work, so I can go to the big show in Dallas in March. If I get to go, I hope I get to meet you. As I said in my earlier post.
You play really well. It all hinges on me getting off from work.
Tommy Shown

Re: Hello everyone....Apparently I have an 'ATTITUDE'

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 8:21 pm
by J D Sauser
David Hartley wrote:I just logged onto youtube an replied to 9 personal messages and the most recent one was this..

I was going to buy a Rains steel guitar until I saw how big an attitude you have, I have seen another Steel player with your attitude before it was '?????????????', and I would say he is either French or English with his name. Your a good player but no matter how good someone gets their attitude is of GREAT Importance, ...
Similar words in different languages can have not so similar meanings.

IF your poster is French, it may have been an intent to flatter you which failed because the word "attitude" in English has not at all the same meaning in French.
Where in English we may not like being said to have a little attitude, having an "attitude" in French means something rather positive, which may include the "noble position of your body" or the beauty of the gesture of your sharing your knowledge with us all (on youtube).

It's kind'a like the word "eventually" (at the end) and "éventuellement" (maybe)... NOT quite the same meaning. People of French speaking background, can tend to use that word in ways which can lead to misunderstandings quite often when beginning to speak English.

I had to find out the hard way that the word "buseta" which I use to describe a minibus in Spanish has a very, but very different meaning in Brazilian Portuguese (since this is a family Forum, I will not elaborate on this one).

... J-D.

Posted: 21 Jan 2009 10:00 pm
by Brian Folks friend, please don't worry about what anyone or anybody thinks about your attitude...because there the one with the attitude problem and they most definately need there's are a "Great Pedal Steel Player", and don't ever think other wise...also your DVD instructional material is looking really great and let us know when it's available...see you in Dallas in March...your South Texas Friends...Brian and Carolyn 8) 8)

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 2:04 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
JD S is correct on the french use & meaning of attitude
zut alors ! ;-)