Robert Paul Lee (Bobby Lee) Aug 1949 - Mar 2023

Tribute to the eternal spiritual leader of the Steel Guitar Forum, Bobby Lee.
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Carl Mesrobian
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Post by Carl Mesrobian »

I found out tonight from a friend.

bOb, you will always be remembered. I enjoyed learning from you and riding the wave with you and will continue to do so in your absence :)

"The better it gets, the fewer of us know it." Ray Brown
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Paul Stauskas
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Post by Paul Stauskas »

RIP Bobby Lee, a talented and incredibly prescient man who built the foundation for an entire community.
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Peter Schilske
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Post by Peter Schilske »

Such sad news. My deepest condolences to family and friends.

Without b0b and the Steel Guitarforum I would have learned less in this world.
And discovered less of the musical wonders of this world.
and discovered less of human wonders and nice and knowledgable and helpful people here on this fantastic place.

Rest in peace b0b
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Willem Langeveld
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Post by Willem Langeveld »

Thanks for everything, b0b! Heartfelt condolences to your loved ones.

James Taylor
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" b0b" wonderful fellow!

Post by James Taylor »

"b0b" was an inspiration and so very helpful with questions.

He was always very understanding and ready to help throughout this period with the Steel Guitar Forum.

When I first heard about this excellent site I knew little about this fantastic instrument and thus plied "b0b" with numerous questions. His enormous patience and understanding shouldered all my immediate frustrations to come to grips with a musical machine I saw as a zigzag puzzle, my mind had to try and grasp.

However, this kind gentleman made me a fan of the instrument, its experienced players, and "b0b" himself. He led me to the right people to advise me on tuition, music, and eventually a lovely new Pedal Steel Guitar which I still treasure.

Therefore, my heart and soul go out to "b0b" and all his family and friends, as I believe they are the friends of all who play this lovely instrument and my friends too. LOVE FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND JAMES
Christian Maucery
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Robert Paul Lee (Bobby Lee) Aug 1949 - Mar 2023

Post by Christian Maucery »

Rest in peace Dear B0b, I will miss you...
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Jason Rumley
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Post by Jason Rumley »

Heard yesterday and still in a bit of disbelief he's actually gone.

In my limited interactions with him over the years he always came off as a very kind person.

Rest in peace, b0b. Thank you for creating this space for an instrument we all love.
Scott Truax
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Passing of b0b

Post by Scott Truax »

Eternal gratitude to b0b for all he has done for the Steel Guitar Community. His pride and joy,
The Steel Guitar Forum, brings us together daily. The fact that it will continue is a testament
to him and the importance of the forum in advancing all things steel guitar. Well done, b0b.
May you rest in peace.

Sincere condolences to his family.

Scott Truax
Leesburg, Florida
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MIchael Bean
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Post by MIchael Bean »

Sincere condolences to your family. Many, many thanks to b0b for furthering my pedal steel knowledge. It was indeed a gift to all of us here.
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Alvin Blaine
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Post by Alvin Blaine »

Rest in Peace Bob!
Bob Taillefer
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Post by Bob Taillefer »

Debra and I are deeply saddened by Bob’s passing. The Steel Guitar Forum has given a voice to little known players like myself. His support was immeasurable.
Rest In Peace kind soul
Bob Taillefer
Stephen Abruzzo
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Post by Stephen Abruzzo »

Prayers for Bob and his family.

Thanks to him for the SGF and the invaluable educational tool it is for the community.
Four Pettingills and a Clinesmith Aluminum. Fender Blues Junior. Quilter Mini-101.
Eamonn ORegan
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RIP Bob Lee

Post by Eamonn ORegan »

Sincere condolences from Ireland to the late Bob's family and friends. He leaves a legacy enjoyed by many thousands of steelers all over the world. May his soul rest in peace.

Eamonn O'Regan, Galway, Ireland
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J. S. Smith
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Post by J. S. Smith »

My family wants to extend our condolences.
The Steel Guitar Forum is a wonderful legacy that Mr Lee has given. Personally, it has set me up with 3 great steels, innumerable accessories, and knowledge that
I would never have found without it.
On a lighter note - Our household has a saying that I got from the Forum long ago. Whenever we think a subject or a situation is resolved or in need of resolution. We say, “Close er up, b0b.”
Thank you
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Roy Carroll
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Post by Roy Carroll »

I never would have thought! Condolences to all the Family. b0b was a family member to us here on the forum as well. I am in total shock. He helped this community so very much. Rest in Peace.
Just north of the Weird place, south of Georgetown
Bruce Bouton
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Post by Bruce Bouton »

I remember when I got my first dial up AOL connection. I couldn't wait to get on the Steel Guitar Forum.
Since then it has been an incredible resource and wonderful place to conect thanks to Bobby Lee.
Thank you Bobby for all that youv'e done.

My heart reaches out to his family and to the steel guitar family. This is a great loss.

RIP Bobby Lee !
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Webb Kline
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Post by Webb Kline »

Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous!
For praise from the upright is beautiful.
2 Praise the Lord with the harp;
Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings.
3 Sing to Him a new song;
Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

Go rest high, my friend. You created one of the most endearing communities on Earth, that transcended all religion, politics, race, and nationality, where we could all fellowship sans the noise of the world, all in one spirit, as lovers of this amazing instrument--a piece of Heaven on Earth.

Thank you for all of your selfless work on our behalf.
Webb Kline--Yes, it's my real name and no, I don't own a Webb amp or a Kline guitar.
Derby D10 8+5, Beard MA-6 Reso, MSA 10-5 5+5 Tour Pro, whenever it gets here. Way too many toys to mention besides these.
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John Larson
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Post by John Larson »

As someone who really dislikes social media, what Bob created here is amazing. A complete repository of knowledge and a platform for the exchange of information between all levels of players. A place that stays on topic and doesn't devolve into the never-ending quarreling endemic to internet discourse.

Rest In Peace Bob.

"Suddenly you were gone, from all the lives you left your mark upon."
- Afterimage, Rush
Last edited by John Larson on 17 Mar 2023 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous; praise is meet for the upright. Give praise to the Lord with the harp, chant unto Him with the ten-stringed psaltery. Sing unto Him a new song, chant well unto Him with jubilation. For the word of the Lord is true, and all His works are in faithfulness. The Lord loveth mercy and judgement; the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.
- Psalm 33:1-5
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Dennis Montgomery
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Post by Dennis Montgomery »

I don't know what to say... soon as I saw b0b's picture in the upper right corner this morning I knew what it meant without even reading the caption and the first thing I said was, "oh no, not b0b". Without the steel guitar forum and many, many private messages where b0b graciously took the time to help out this three time pedal steel failure ('93, '96, '06) there's no way I could have finally gotten over the hump and become the pedal steel player I am today.

Thanks b0b for all your help and I hope your family can take solace in the fact that you literally made the world a much better place for musicians and those who love music everywhere.

Hear my latest album, "Celestial" featuring a combination of Mullen SD12 and Synthesizers: ... Ww493qAouK

Hear my album, "Armistice" featuring Fender 400 on every song: ... 7lPEtsplyW

Hear my Pedal Steel Only playlist featuring Mullen G2 SD12 on covers like Candyman, Wild Horses, Across the Universe & more... ... NrvnJObliA
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Jonathan Scherer
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Post by Jonathan Scherer »

Rest In Peace, bOb,
Your love of steel guitar and bringing so many of us together that love steel is an incredible accomplishment and service.
1948 National Dynamic, 1953 Oahu Tonemaster,cheap Aiersi Weissenborn, Hambro custom square neck reso, Carvin X-60A, Fender Acoustasonic 30
and 10, Roland Cube Street
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Marco Schouten
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Post by Marco Schouten »

My condolances to B0b's family. B0b made one big family out of us, it's beyond words what he has meant for us.
JCH SD-10 with BL XR-16 pickup, Sho-Bud Volume Pedal, Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables, Quilter Steelaire combo
Dick Chapple Sr
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Bob Lee

Post by Dick Chapple Sr »

Indeed I must echo what Marco Schouten just wrote.
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Barry Yasika
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Post by Barry Yasika »

Thoughts and prayers for both Bob and his loved ones.
rick andrews
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Post by rick andrews »

This is sad news. We are all indebted to Mr Lee. Sending strength and peace to bOb's family.
Bruce Meyer
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Post by Bruce Meyer »

I can't really say any more or better than all the other posts before me. I think I joined in 1997 and it has been an important part of my musical life ever since. There are few people that have had an impact for good on so many as B0b has. Please keep this Forum going in his memory.
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