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Posted: 21 Jan 2000 9:27 am
by Mylos Sonka
Keith, you can download a useful free version of Cool Edit from

If you have a mic or line in on your sound card, you can just hit the record button. HINT: wave files are HUGE, so just record a few seconds or you'll be waiting forever for your CPU to process what you record-- and gobbling up all you hard drive space in the process. If you have a zip or orb disk for storage you can save to disc later if you wish. Three-inch floppies won't hold dick, so forget using them.

BTW, if you record a fast lick from a CD into Cool Edit, you can slow it down to any speed without changing the pitch. This feature is easy to use and makes dissecting fast licks 500% easier.

Hope this helps. Email me separately if you wish.


Posted: 21 Jan 2000 9:31 am
by Keith Hilton
Wow!!!!! Thanks Mylos. I will e-mail you later.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 21 January 2000 at 09:31 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Jan 2000 5:59 pm
by Joe Savage
Steve, I'll be there on Monday. Thanks,Bro.

Posted: 22 Jan 2000 3:33 am
by Jack Stoner
I've used Matchbox type devices for years. The first one being a Lil Izzy. The matchbox helped the sound on my old 71 Emmons PP and my Franklin with the old Lawrence 705 pickups. But I find the newer Lawrence 710 pickups don't need a matchbox type device and the sound is about the same (maybe a little better without the matchbox device). However, I use a MatchBro which has a matchbox type buffer amp in it. I've thought about putting a bypass switch in it but have never got around to it (mine is the original model - not the current production model that does have the bypass).

Posted: 22 Jan 2000 12:03 pm
by Earnest Bovine
I had the opposite experience with the Lawrence 710 pickups (712 in my case). I found that they needed a buffer amp more than any other pickup did.

Posted: 22 Jan 2000 12:13 pm
by Keith Hilton
Earnest, I'm still laughing about the time you said you used elephant dung on your strings! Maybe that is why those pickups need a pre-amp. Earnest has probably got the best sense of humor of anyone on the FORUM!


Posted: 22 Jan 2000 12:23 pm
by John Russell
I've never tried the Matchbox but having read these posts for several years it seems like a costly experiment that is likely to be a disappointment.

One piece of gear I can recommend is the Boss GE-7 graphic EQ. It's a stomp box, mine runs off AC power supply as do my other effects. This EQ improves the sound of any setup I've tried. It's outlasted two steel guitars and about 4 or 5 amps. It boosts the signal too and really allows you to fine tune the tone. Fattens up the bottom too (for all you guys who like fat bottoms!) and seems to help the sound of even great sounding amps.


Posted: 22 Jan 2000 4:31 pm
by Tom Mortensen
I like the MatchBox buffering devices. For me it helps keep my tone in a smaller pocket. For large bands or recording I like taking up a smaller space sonically. Seems like the buffer helps without having to go to my Eq's.
I haven't tried the Sustain/pre-amp boxes.

Posted: 25 Jan 2000 10:49 am
by Cairo Zoots
So Keith- When will ur new pre-amp be out? And will it have the E.D. setting on it?

Posted: 25 Jan 2000 2:25 pm
by ken collins
I don't know that my match-box gives me anymore sustain, I don't need the tone control or an extra volume control, doesn't change the tone of the guitar, but it sure keeps the tone the same thru out the travel of the volume pedal like it is supposed to do instead of becoming bassy at the wide open. Wouldn't play out without it. Ken Collins


Posted: 25 Jan 2000 6:02 pm
by Keith Hilton
Cairo, I have no new pre-amps. I have my hands full right now trying to get aluminum pedal castings. A fire burnt up my molds and castings at a foundry. I hope to finally get castings soon, as I am way behind on orders.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 25 January 2000 at 06:03 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 6:11 am
by Andy Alford
The Match Box really helps with my Fender Ultimate Chorus. It makes the tone better even though its not a tube amp.

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 7:50 am
by Don Benoit
I use the Match Box because I found that it smoothed out the level of the sounds on different frets and strings. It is especially noticeable when playing the 10th string at different frets. Using a 710 pickup, I noticed that without the matchbox that at some frets, the 10th string was boomy, louder and muddier.


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Posted: 20 Oct 2002 12:12 pm
by Lee Baucum
Is this an incredible forum, or what?

The posts for this topic died out in January of 2000 and picked up again in October of 2002.

Lee, from South Texas
Down On The Rio Grande

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 2:30 pm
by George Kimery
I have tried Lil Izzy's, Matchboxes, have a Matchbro. They all give my guitar an edge that I can't get without them. Currently, I am using the Lil Izzy and it seems to make my guitar sound like it has new strings on it all them time, for the lack of a better description. I have fiddled with tone knobs (without it hooked up) but have never been able to get that same sound, which I like. I think sometimes the change in sound is subtle to begin with. You stick a matchbox on, don't hear a difference, then take it off. However, if you leave it on for a month or so, then take it off, it sounds like the bottom just fell out of your tone. Now you can hear it! Sounds silly, but it happened to me. Maybe I just cleaned the wax out of my ears at the end of a month. I hear other guitars at the jams and just want to run up there and plug in my Izzy. I guess it is what your ears get tuned to. They would probably hate it.

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 3:04 pm
by autry andress
I have used the Lil Izzy, Match Boxes & Match Bro, & The Z-Mate over the years.
The Z-Mate was my latest toy until I got A Hilton Pedal, & didn't need the Z-Mate any more. I think I liked The Z-Mate signal conditioner the best. The only toys I have now is a DD-3 & that's it.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by autry andress on 20 October 2002 at 04:05 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by autry andress on 20 October 2002 at 04:07 PM.]</p></FONT>