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Say what?

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 9:38 am
by Brad Malone
Thank goodness he posted the results of what he found.<<

Hey Fred, These results are meaningless unless a name is linked to them. If CONSUMER REPORTS report about a car that has a lot of defects and does not name the car I'm sure people would ask them what car they are talking about. All I'm saying is that if one is not prepared to state things clearly then do not create doubts.

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 9:40 am
by b0b
Fred Shannon wrote:As you've said before it's a free forum and free, as I understand it is, just that.
Actually, it's not free. Some people have been taking a free ride on it, though. :\
I would wager if the original configuration of the guitar was changed in any way, I would think the original Factory Warranty would go in the dumper.
If I were a manufacturer, I would not honor a warranty on a guitar that has been completely disassembled by a non-authorized party. Changing around the pull rods and bell cranks is one thing - that's normal use. Removing the neck, keyhead, cross-rods and/or changer is another thing entirely. I would expect that to void any manufacturer's warranty.

I also imagine/expect that Tommy Young warranties his own work. Any problems with a MAX-TONE MOD guitar should be directed to Tommy. I'm not saying that the mod has problems - by all reports it is great. I'm just saying that Tommy's own warranty should handle any problems that would arise after his mod voids the original manufacturer's warranty.

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 9:44 am
by Fred Shannon
Brad you and I will just have to agree to disagree.

b0b I would think your assumptions would certainly be logical and I wonder if TY takes on that responsibility. How 'bout it Tommy?


b0b I try to do my part. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 9:44 am
by b0b
Lastly, I'm sure that Paul Redmond warranties his chop job 100%, and that the manufacturer will no longer support that chopped guitar.

Posted: 4 Mar 2009 8:47 pm
by Tommy Young
FRED;; I do warranty my work, with the exception of negligence or abuse in any way ....... I do not warranty anything that I do not modify or change .....

Thats like buying a fan belt for your car and the fuel pump be under that warranty,,, that doesn't happen ...both are connected to the motor but in different fashions --------------- therefore if I Worked on the left knee left that warranty doesn't cover the right knee right

Many thanks for asking

Posted: 5 Mar 2009 3:31 am
by Paul Redmond
I will not divulge the name of the manufacturer under any circumstances. When I posted that info, I was merely pointing out that there was an issue with THAT particular guitar that its present owner just couldn't live with any longer, hence it was sent to me for a chop job and a keyless tuner...the owner had a Kline guitar at one time and just simply never got over the ease of keyless. He saw the post re: my BMI keyless "chop job" and liked what he saw. It's as simple as that.
The builder of this particular guitar has been in the business for a long time and I'm surprised to have found the negative issues that I discovered on this's just not characteristic of his product. Quite frankly, it's the opposite. I've known the builder for 29 years...if I had a beef with him, I'd call him on the phone and discuss it. NOT air his shortcomings on the Forum. I think this is an isolated case and most certainly not the norm given his credibility over the years.
I'm doing several keyless conversions right now on several brands of guitars. If their owners choose to post the results of my efforts here, so be it.
FWIW I DO realize that "chopping up" any guitar voids a warranty and so do the owners. However, I have always guaranteed my work 100% for the past 34 years that I've had my own business. That iron-clad policy will NEVER change. If it ain't right, it ain't goin' out the door!!! I established that policy while building injection molds for a living and have continued it into steel guitar work in my days of semi-retirement.

RE. Tommy's Mod.

Posted: 5 Mar 2009 6:36 am
by Leander Willie
Howdy to all , I was at the Gulfport show, but I didn't get to stay for the whole show, but I did hear some good pickers and the one that really stood out was Jim Parker, , and after he came off stage ,I made a point to go and talk to Jim, and he introduc ed me to Tommy young. I told him in my opinion that his sound was the best I'd heard so far. Jim was using a Boss dd3 and I have bought one of those and I am pleased with it, So Tommy, God bless you and Jim and all the pickers and every one and I'm picking a 1980 MSA D10 classic that I love. Thanks Leander Willie.

Posted: 6 Mar 2009 11:52 am
by Bobbe Seymour
I rest my case! :lol: (must be the magic bullet theroy) :whoa:

Posted: 6 Mar 2009 3:40 pm
by Tommy Young
Leander many thanks for dropping by and getting to meet you at the great DSSGA SHOW in Gulfport MS. glad you like the TONE that MR. Parker had on his guitar, enjoyed meeting and talking with you hope to do some work for you soon my friend//

Mr. Seymour glad you are checking on this thread [[ if you liked what you herd {{as you said you did ]]you played it 3 times, you should hear it now,,, with much better growl as you call it,,, next time I come thru Nashville I'll be looking for you to check it out,, as it isn't a [[ silver bullet }} that comes in a can..I don't know any magicians to get that magic bullet theory from,, you can send me your magicians address when you get a chance. :lol:

Leander Willie is #18

Posted: 6 Mar 2009 6:06 pm
by Brad Malone
Leander Willie, you are number 18 to give a positive testimonial about TY's Steel Guitar Max Tone Mod, you are the 2nd guy from the State of Louisiana..thanks for replying to this thread.

Posted: 7 Mar 2009 7:22 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Tommy, when and where did I say I liked what I heard? I know what you are doing and I first saw a player in Nashville do this about 25 years ago, (Wayne Cox, also from LA. originally)then Bud Carter and John Fabian tried it for a little while.

Come to think of it, I did hear Herby play your Mullen in a show in Mississippi a couple of years ago. I sure liked my P-P Emmons better, but everyone has there own opinions. You have yours, I have mine and others have theirs. I respect your opinion, now please respect mine.

Bobbe Seymour

Posted: 9 Mar 2009 8:17 pm
by Tommy Young
BOBBE,,I brought my BROWN SUNBURST guitar by your shop my self along with several others that came with me, there were others that were there that we both knew,,, is where you played my MAX-TONE MODDED GUITAR in fact you played the guitar 3 times before we left your place of business,,, of course that was before your surgery and before you herd the black guitar in MS.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 6:44 am
by Bobbe Seymour
I guess your memory is better than mine, I'm getting old it seems. :(

Your buddy,

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 7:38 am
by b0b
I've forgotten much more than I can remember. I can still hear Jimmy Day in my head, though. Now that was tone!

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 6:57 am
by Tommy Young
OH well we all forget things sometimes they say we all got a little CRS desease as we get older..

BOB I have forgotten a lot that I don't want to remember myself. :D

BOBBE S. next time I'm up in Nashville I'll try to remember to stop by and let you play it again, hopefully you'll bring out that p/p so I can hear the difference in them side by side.

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 8:18 am
by Fred Shannon
Tommy Young wrote:FRED;; I do warranty my work, with the exception of negligence or abuse in any way ....... I do not warranty anything that I do not modify or change .....

Thats like buying a fan belt for your car and the fuel pump be under that warranty,,, that doesn't happen ...both are connected to the motor but in different fashions --------------- therefore if I Worked on the left knee left that warranty doesn't cover the right knee right

Many thanks for asking
Tommy, I understand what you're saying but if I have an automobile under full warranty and the fan belt or fuel pump fail I take the car to the dealer and he fixes everything that's wrong. However, if a dealer or manufacturer cancels the warranty because someone other than they perform the work, not to mention a "modification", because it was not done by them it means the entire manufcturer or dealer warranty went in the dumper. Now if you modify LKR or any other single unit of the guitar, and you only warranty that part that you work on, what happens to the owner if some other item fails on the "non-warrantied" part of the guitar. Up the well known creek without a life preserver, right? That's the reason for my question. That's pretty darn scarey for someone who spends 4 or 5 grand for a guitar, don't you agree?


Posted: 11 Mar 2009 9:39 am
by Glenn Suchan
Fred I understand what you've said. And I can understand why Tommy will not warranty any aspect of a guitar which hasn't been modified by his expertise. What this all comes down to is: The owner of the guitar owes it to themselves to check with the manufacturer before any modifications are done. If work done by anyone other than the builder (including the owner) voids any warranties in place, the owner can make an informed choice and proceed in his or her best interests.

Keep on pickin'!

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 9:53 am
by Don Brown, Sr.
The point could be:

"How would a person ask his rep, if it was ok for a Mod to be done, if they didn't have a clue on what it is that Tommy does!" :wink: :)

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 9:54 am
by Fred Shannon
Glenn, I agree with you 100%. It is the owner's total responsibility. I just wanted some clarification as to what Tommy meant in the quoted entry. I have an old student who is probably going to buy a new steel in Dallas and he asked me about TY's mod. He's a lurker and not a member of the forum but he's read a lot about this modification. I only asked TY the question for clarification of his previous post.

Not to stir any pots. Some folks want to know. It's really not like some builders are going to overlook a "modification" of their equipment warranty wise.

Edited to add: I really can't imagine someone who would buy a new steel and then want it modified and that is what I told Carl, my old student. But I guess folks want all the bells and whistles they can put on one. I see no problem at all if the axe is older and completely out of warranty, but there are some guarantees now that go "lifetime". I think there will come a day when TY will have to reveal to the builders what his mod is or some of them will not continue the factory warranty after he completes the modification on the guitars. Just my opinion and thoughts and they ain't worth too much now adays. :lol: :lol:


Posted: 11 Mar 2009 10:00 am
by Glenn Suchan
The point could be:

"How would a person ask his rep, if it was ok for a Mod to be done, if they didn't have a clue on what it is that Tommy does!"
Don, if you're asking me, my approach would be to ask the manufacturer what are the limits of what can be done on the guitar before a warranty is voided. Of course string replacement is acceptable, as well as tuning adjustments to the changer. But, copedant changes may not be. And more certainly, disassembly of any components or component groups.

Keep on pickin'!

Looking for #19

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 10:48 am
by Brad Malone
This thread has now run over 3 months and we have 18 people who have given positive testimonials about TY's Steel guitar Mod. If anybody has had this mod done please reply to this thread so you can be counted. No one has written and given a negative testimonial so that alone speaks very well about the work TY is doing. Everybody on our list is singing praises about the Wonderful Steel Guitar.."MAX TONE MOD".

modified or customize

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 11:03 am
by Brad Malone
I really can't imagine someone who would buy a new steel and then want it modified.<<

Hey Fred, I have to agree with you on the above statement but on the other hand some people do that to cars and the modification may actually add to the value. I'm not an expert but if a modification actually makes a Steel play and sound better, some people may even pay more for the modified version than the original. So far many people are raving about TY's mod. So far this thread has not had one negative testimonial about TY's mod and the thread is over three months old.

Posted: 12 Mar 2009 4:34 am
by Don Brown, Sr.
Brad, you might consider removing one of the 18 on the list. I recommend you read this one again, from Leander Willie:
Howdy to all , I was at the Gulfport show, but I didn't get to stay for the whole show, but I did hear some good pickers and the one that really stood out was Jim Parker, , and after he came off stage ,I made a point to go and talk to Jim, and he introduc ed me to Tommy young. I told him in my opinion that his sound was the best I'd heard so far. Jim was using a Boss dd3 and I have bought one of those and I am pleased with it, So Tommy, God bless you and Jim and all the pickers and every one and I'm picking a 1980 MSA D10 classic that I love. Thanks Leander Willie.

I think this simply says, that after talking with Tommy, he bought himself a dd3. A dd3, I'd say, has nothing whatsoever, to do with any MOD..

Pardon me if I'm wrong on how I read this. But you read it and I think you added it as another happy person (meaning for the MOD) when he never said anything about getting a MOD done on his guitar at all. Just wantin to keep the count straight. :D


Posted: 12 Mar 2009 6:20 am
by Bobbe Seymour
Blessed are those with cardboard ears, for the world of music is theirs, and who so ever shall believeith in this shall enjoy playing with no pain forever and ever, so help you Lloyd. (Green that is) :D

Posted: 12 Mar 2009 7:28 am
by Don Brown, Sr.
Glenn, No, I wasn't asking the question. I was simply stating, that it would be pretty hard (actually impossible) for anyone to ask any rep, about anything, without first and foremost, knowing what work was involved.

You can bet if I were paying for any service, I'm going to know "exactly" what work was, or was not, done. It's also a person's right to know.

Bobbe, glad to see your sense of humor hasn't changed a bit...