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Byron Walcher


Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2007 10:42 pm    
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I think that my Goodrich H10k has somehow lost some of it's output. I am not an electronics guy. Can someone explain how to measure the gain produced by the pedal? I have a digital mutimeter. Any help would be much appreciated.
74 Black Emmmons 8x8 Wood Necks, Georgeboard, '80 OMI Dobro, '64 Fender Pro Amp , "76 Vibrosonic Reverb
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2007 2:19 am    
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I had one of those at one time. Have you changed the battery?
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Byron Walcher


Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2007 6:37 am    
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Thanks Jack, yes I've replaced the battery, it works fine and sounds as before, just does not produce as much volume gain, my question is, how do I measure that?
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2007 10:49 am    
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You would need an audio signal generator and an O'Scope to really measure it. The signal generator to generate a low level (Instrument level) signal for the input to the unit, a scope to compare the input level and output level.

But, I don't know what the actual output level is. I don't think there are any published specs on it. Even to the point if it outputs what is input (e.g. if you put a 40 mv signal in do you get 40mv max out?).

If it is a 1:1 (at max volume) you could connect your guitar directly to the amp input and see what the volume level is and then connect it through the Volume Pedal at max volume and compare what you hear. If it's pretty close then the volume pedal is most likely working correctly. If there is a major difference in volume level then obviously there is something wrong - the volume pedal or a bad guitar cord.
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Byron Walcher


Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2007 12:59 pm    
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Thanks again Jack, I talked to Mr. Goodrich this morning and he said that there is a way to check it with a multi meter but that they don't test them that way, they use the test you describe. He suggested, like you, the A-B type test, which I have done. Seems somehow that the string had slipped on the shaft and it wasn't getting full travel. I had checked this but it turns out you can't really be sure without taking the string off. Anyway the problem is fixed. Again,
Many Thanks,
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