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Author Topic:  Scale lengths ---tunes
Mike Dexter


Derbyshire, England
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2007 7:15 am    
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If one plays the same tune on a different scale length lap steel does that tend to alter the sound of the tune somewhat?
Do certain tunes sound better (or worse) on certain scale lengths?---due to the tension of the strings?
Does this also go for playing the same tune on lap steel and playing the same on Resonator guitar?-----could be a complex question !
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Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2007 7:36 am    
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Well, I just so far can't get the hang of triple stops on longer scale guitars. So that means that some tunes can sound very different on long scales than they do on short. I play a Weissenborne rather than a reso for my acoustic. But the added sustain and depth of tone on the electric does make it sound very different even when, as I prefer, I succeed in getting a more or less acoustic tone out of it.
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