Clubs, concerts and festivals pay me and my bands to entertain an audience. And we do that job with passion and professionalism. I am not paid to entertain somebody's personal agenda to use our stage as a platform for their erroneous notions of talent. That's a job for security.
Unless it's open mic or something of that nature, the band should be able to do their job without the hassle of an audience member's desire to be on the stage for no particular rational reason. In fact, I think it's an insult to the audience at large to subject them to a bad performance. They pay to see a professional act. American Idol is to blame for the wave of people we see lately who think singing is easy, and the music business in general is easy. It's annoying to spend years cultivating a career in music only to have jokers wanting to invade your workspace. It may be rude to laugh at someone, but it's more rude to assume that you can somehow add to the show with your self-proclaimed hidden talent.
Do people jump up in the middle of a play and want to act? Do bad artists show up at galleries wanting their paintings hung on the walls? I stopped being polite to these kinds of people a long time ago. Everyone should stick to what they do best. Everone's good at something. I suck at almost everything besides music. That's why I let someone else fix my car, do my taxes, sew my clothes, fix my electronics, etc.
When an audience member walked on stage one time at a Who concert, he got Pete's SG on his head. There's a barrier there that should be respected. I don't want strangers on stage tripping over cables and leaning into my expensive equipment. I'm sure the guy at the club there on Broadway was given permission to get up (probably after bugging the band for an hour), but he should have known better unless he could deliver something worthwhile to the audience.
*See my post below for the hindsight view of this overblown post.
<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Chris LeDrew on 12 June 2006 at 03:27 PM.]</p></FONT>