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Donna Dodd

Acworth, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2004 4:42 pm    
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So many of you comment on your mothers frequently in various posts. I think it’d be a great honor to say a few words regarding ways she may have influenced/supported you in your music careers. Happy Mothers Day to all the Forum moms!!
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John Cadeau


Surrey,B.C. Canada
Post  Posted 9 May 2004 4:58 pm    
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My Mom was one of my biggest heros, the other was my Dad. Both of them were always very supportive of me, and my brothers and sisters. By the way I have 5 brothers, and 6 sisters and none of us are in jail, so my folks must have done something right. Although I've lost both my parents, every Mothers day, and every Fathers day I think about them, and cherish the memories of growing up with the most wonderful parents anyone could have. Then there is my beautiful wife, and mother of my children. She got her eggs benedict for breakfast this morning,real hollandaise sauce(not boil in a bag stuff). "Mothers are wonderful."
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Ernest Cawby

Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 9 May 2004 5:49 pm    
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My mom supported mymusic she carried my Harmony flat top to the front poarch and said now practice till you get better, all joking aside she did support me and heldped.
Awhile back I was going thru some things after mon died (97), dad left behind, in them was a letter dad had qwritten to me when I played on the La. Hayride in 1950, that he never mailed, he supported me in that letter along with mom. John juat mailed to me a copy of Percious Memories he just recorded, what timing from a friend.

Now My wife Nan is now my best supporter, she tells me when I get it wrong, I hear from her a lot. When some come and tell me I play smooth she says tonight you messed up. Keeps me humble.

Happy Mothers day

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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 9 May 2004 7:08 pm    
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double post.

Donna You must be a GREAT MOM

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 09 May 2004 at 08:39 PM.]

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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 9 May 2004 7:37 pm    
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Hi Donna
Happy Mothers Day.

My mom was my biggest fan besides my dad. Unbeknown to me, my mom wrote to CBS TV back in 1954 to arrange an audition for me to try out for the Arthur Godfrey Talent Scout TV show. In order to apply for an audition the
contestant had to have had some professional expierience.

My mom wrote to CBS and sent
a resume of my playing back then. I was far from being a soloist as I was working with my dad's western band at a New York Nite Club

When I learned that my mom did this I was upset and told my mom that I didnt have the right stuff and that I wouldn't want to do that show.

My dad told me aside...dont worry..there are so many people writing for talent that they know, you may not hear from them,but whatever
you do,dont hurt your moms feelings..just go along with it.

A few weeks later my mom was contacted by CBS for me to audition for the Godfrey Talent
Scout Show and I shuddered with fear of going on the audition.

I was so happy when a lady pianist accompanied me for the audition.When I finished the audition my mom said well how did you do? I said great..I played lousy

She said what did you do? I said nothing I told you that I wasnt ready for a show like that..all I am is a side man.

A few weeks later my mom said to me..I dont think you played bad enough, you are scheduled to appear on the CBS Network Coast to Coast TV show on February 7th 1955.

My next wish was that I would be cancelled.
But my wish didnt some true, I did appear on that show as scheduled and my mom was my talent scout.

I sweat bullets waiting to be called to go on
my hands were perspiring my picks were loose
I couldnt hold onto my bar,and when the show
co-ordinator and Godfreys Girl Friday said..GO your on...from that moment I never know what happened. I was in a daze of bright lights and people in the audience at the Ed Sullivan Theatre...

Thanks for bringing back the memories for me.
I have the off air acetate that was recorded
that night and when I hear my mom speaking to Arthur Godfrey it brings back many memories to me and an emotional feeling.

Thank You Donna and have a Happy Mothers Day.

Mothers day is every day.



There are few people who remember this. Bob Maickle President of the Pedal Steel Guitar Association was one of them. The others are all gone or were watching I Love Lucy edited for spelling.

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 10 May 2004 at 07:01 AM.]

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Joan Cox


Eustace, TX USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 5:24 am    
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I have no doubt my Mom is my biggest fan. She has supported me ever since I showed an interest in playing steel when I was 17 years old. She and my Dad helped get me my first guitar in 1976, and has always felt like I was the best there was. And she also gave me a new guitar back in 1997. And it doesn't help to tell her "Mom, there's other people that play a lot better than me". I guess all Moms are that way. I'm always so happy to know that she comes to see us when we play. It was a real thrill for me last year when I played at Scotty's convention to help my Mom up the stage and sit in a chair on the side when I played. That really meant something to her ( I don't think she expected that), and it meant more to me to look over and see her there. I miss her..I wasn't able to go see her at Christmas time because Johnny's Mom was sick so we couldn't leave TN to go back to Missouri. So I haven't seen her since September last year.But we talk almost daily on the phone. With us in Texas now, it's not as easy to run back to Missouri on a weekend. But we talk alot, and hopefully, she'll be at the Tulsa show to see me. But yes, I think she's probably my biggest, it's tie between her and Johnny, I think.
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Dustin Rigsby

Parts Unknown, Ohio
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 6:42 am    
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I can remember when my mom was my ONLY fan!!
She has put up with it since I started playing music at age 12. She put up with loud music and my equipment cluttering up just about every inch of thier modest 800 sq.ft. ranch home. The only thing she ever complained about was that she worried when I was out til 4 a.m. playing in places that she wouldn't even go to during the daylight hours. Thanks Mom.

D.S. Rigsby
Carter Starter and various six string toys
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Rick Schmidt

Prescott AZ, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 12:29 pm    
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Besides being a wonderful loving mother, my Mom is ten times the musician than I could ever think of being! This is no exageration.
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Donna Dodd

Acworth, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 13 May 2004 4:27 pm    
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Great to hear people brag on their moms, isn't it? I know Joan Cox's mother - and yes, she IS a fan of Joan's to say the least! A few years ago, I remember talking about how good Tommy's Zum sounded when he played. She piped in with something like, "Nobody plays a Zum like Joan!"

She's a very sweet lady!
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