How many of us are overweight.

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Fred Jack
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Post by Fred Jack »

Mike P.
I'm not sure what kind of knife you're talking bout but I lost 15 lbs just last week due to "the knife". I got circumcised.(ha-ha) regards, fred
p.s. file this under B.S.
David Cobb
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Post by David Cobb »

I've added about 34 lbs and 6 inches to my waistline in the last 28 years. The last time I tried to haul _ss, I had to make two trips.
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Scott Howard
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Post by Scott Howard »

Count me in on this one.I could stand to lose at least 40 or 50.But probably won't.
Mel Culbreath
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Post by Mel Culbreath »

I want to lose 25 pounds this year. I am recuperating from a stomach virus where food didn't interest me for 3-4 days. Now's the time to get control.


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Ray Montee
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Post by Ray Montee »

Glad to hear I'm not alone. I'm vertically challenged (5'- 6.5") and widely the tune of 260 lbs. Can't seem to get rid of it no matter what I do.
And Fred Jack.........I went thro' that same operation some years back, but it wasn't all bad, I ended up with a custom attache' case. Now don't laugh. With a little attention, it transforms itself into a 3-suiter suit case.
Doc said had there been just a little more material to work with, he could've made me a pair of custom cowboy boots with my name embossed on them. WHew!
Fat's not all bad; at least we can lose it.
Now UGLY........that's mostly forever.
Steve Benzian
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Post by Steve Benzian »

Some interesting statistics:

Obesity affects 20% of Americans-44 million.

Obesity and diabetes are epidemic in US

Obesity is defined as a body-mass ratio of 30 or higher (someone who is 5 ft 8 and weighs 200 lbs)

Missippi is the state with the highest rate of obesity-Colorado is the lowest.

Researchers believe the real rates are even higher because the rates were calculated by telephone surveys and people tend to undestimate their weight when asked.
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Gary Lee Gimble
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Post by Gary Lee Gimble »

More cushion, more pushing! Furthermore, as long as I can witness a porcelain gracing, I guess my weight is within acceptable limits.
Gary LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gary Lee Gimble on 01 January 2003 at 11:55 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Post by Allen »

At 5'7" and 194lbs, I am aiming for 160 this year. I don't smoke, drink moderatly, but I sure like good food! My technique for weight loss will be the "PushAway" diet. PushAway from the damn table when full and don't go back.
Happy New Year!!

Allen Harry
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John Cadeau
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Post by John Cadeau »

I am guilty too, but I'm doing something about it. I used to run about 10 to 15 miles a week, after i quit smoking, until I injured my knee. I stopped running and promptly went up to 205 lbs. I can't run on the roads anymore because of my knee, so last July my wife and I bought a treadmill. I use it every other day, not too strenuous a workout but I've lost 20lbs. I'm now down to a sleek (well almost sleek) 185. And I feel great.
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George Keoki Lake
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Post by George Keoki Lake »

A few years ago I dropped 50 pounds fast! The leather carrying handle on my Fender Custom triple neck case broke. Fastest 50 pound weight drop I have ever experienced.
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Ricky Davis
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Post by Ricky Davis »

I'm not.
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Jim Smith
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Post by Jim Smith »

I got rid of 130 pounds of dead weight when my first wife left! Image
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

160 Lbs and 5 ft 10 same as I was since 54.

Waist 32 suit size 39 regular cause Im a regular guy.

"Eat Your Hearts Out" drink Slim Fast and work out. edited I gained five pounds and off
it comes..
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 January 2003 at 01:51 PM.]</p></FONT>
joe long
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Post by joe long »

Never had a problem with high blood pressure but my family did have a history of heart disease. Over weight, yes, but on only 30 pounds. Eating habits and lack of excerise were bad. Not anyone. It only takes one trip to the operating table and 5 bypasses later to convince me that old habits have to change. Workouts 2-3 times a week. Eating the proper foods and here in San Antonio that can be very difficult with our excellent Mexican food and BBQ. We can try to lose weight but without the excerise and proper diet its a losing battle.

Donny Hinson
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Post by Donny Hinson »

I thought it was everybody...'cept Buddy, Stu, and Jeff! Image
Bob Carlson
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Post by Bob Carlson »

I'm about like Jody. 155 to 160 pounds. I've been working out since I was 44 and still do. I'll be 71 March 3rd.

If I'm on a trip and miss that walking and working out for a week, I can't hardly bend over.

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Bill Ford
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Post by Bill Ford »

The wife went on a lowfat diet,high bp.....I lost 20#,wife went on low sugar intake......I lost 15#....205# down to 170#
back to 177,gotta start back walkin.Holiday cookin ain't good for you either!!
I'm not overweight,I'm too short!!!


Bill Ford
Steel tryin
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Post by Steel tryin »

Try this. Areobic Steel Guitar Session.
You must exercise each day before you can
TOUCH your Steel. No exercise No Steel Guitar. SIMPLE.
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Nathan Delacretaz
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Post by Nathan Delacretaz »

Been dern skinny all my life - which wiped out the possibility of being a football star early on... So it was on to music as a social and creative outlet. Sounds like picking up steel last year will be a way to put on those extra pounds I've been looking for all these years!
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Steve Feldman
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Post by Steve Feldman »

QUESTION: How many of the overweight folks are that way because they 'let themselves go' vs. being naturally overweight all their lives?

Just curious as to the hows and whys...
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Steve Stallings
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Post by Steve Stallings »

Here is a link to a Body Mass Calculator:

At 66 inches tall, I never weighed over 150 lbs until seven years ago when I quit smoking. I got up to 217 before beginning a low fat diet with lots of walking. I dropped back down to 165 over six months but then started eating and not excercising. As of last monday 12/30, I had edged up to 230 lbs with a dangerously high BMI of 37.5. I resolved to do something about it and began a diet that day.
I practice family medicine and give diet advice out all the time. I now realize that I have been giving folks a recipe for failure for years and years. I bought into the low fat craze and told my patients that it was the way to go. I told them Atkins was a quack...

Boy was I wrong. I really had to stop and re-evalute when virtually all of my cardiology patients were put on sugar busters or atkins by their cardiologists. There is now very good data that more than substantiates his approach. Obesity is all about hyperinsulinism folks. Carbs stimulate insulin release which is why low fat diets just don't work long term. This is also the reason we are experiencing an epidemic of obesity and diabetes.
I am only four days into this diet and have dropped 8 lbs. Danged near amazing. This is not water loss... I'm drinking enough water to float Shammu!
I don't give medical advice on the internet because of liability issues, but I will tell you that if you are obese and/or diabetic, you really need to research this. Do a web search on "Atkins Diet". There is a wealth of info available. People who tell you that his and other low carb diets are harmful or based on "fad science" are just plain uninformed. Sit down and read the Atkins book. I paid $7.19 at the book store.

Good luck to all of you!

oh... my goal is 150lbs.

God Bless,
Steve Stallings

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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

Hey Gene, i'm lean and not too mean Image140lbs
any of you read "Sugar Blues" ?
White Sugar, and White Flour are the staples for a lot of Folks.
too refined for the Human Body.
add a soft drink to a meal and it turns a stomach into an Alembic.
Raw and Whole Foods is where it's at.
Remember: you are what you eat ?
well the Cannibals here say:
"you are who you eat !"
don't get me wrong i eat meat but the jolly green giant is a close friend of mine.
oh yeah Xcercise, like runnin' after the Bus when my Baby got on and left is good for me too

Steel what?

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 02 January 2003 at 09:24 AM.]</p></FONT>
John Knight
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Post by John Knight »

Thanks Mike, I have put in a lot of time talking to Doctors, internet research and then talking to people who have gone through this type of surgery. I battle the worse of two evils. Surgery to loose weight or staying heavy and the long term problems that it causes.

D 10 Thomas with 8&6, '61'D-10 Sho-Bud 8&3
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Rick Collins
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Post by Rick Collins »

There are three ways to loose weight:

1. Disease.
2. Surgery.
3. Take in fewer calories than you burn.

Obviously #3 is the the best.

If you eat four bacon-cheeseburgers, two large orders of fries, and a large chocolate shake at a single sitting, you may not get the fire kindled. Image

Learn to say: No! McThank You!" Image

Chris Forbes
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Post by Chris Forbes »

I would have been fine if I hadn't quit smoking and packed on an extra 20 pounds in a year. I guess my momma was right when she said quitters never win!!!!
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