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Author Topic:  Speaker of The House
Jody Carver

Post  Posted 6 Sep 2002 9:39 am    
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This past week,I have watched posts on here &
in the "Feedback" section. I sat amazed at what I read,,,I couldnt leave my computer for fear of missing something,

I even went to the extent of giving my dogs
Kaopectate,,so that I wouldnt have to walk them,I didnt want to miss this exciting exchange between those of you who posted.

I even gave up watching the New York Mets,,Im not a Yankee fan and the Mets are horrible this year,,,,,but the FORUM was a happening place.

I beleive most of you are a not hearing this fellow,,obviously he is "not being heard".Its
not really his fault.

I have a suggestion,,I have 2 Celestion 12" speakers for SALE in BUY & Sell,,now if this
fellow were to buy one of the speakers (good deal) he would be heard loud and clear,,

If he were to look for the epitome of being
heard he could buy 2 speakers,,they are great
speakers,,they have "punch" they have that...
"Raw distortion" sound when getting excited and being overdriven,,,,not only could he be the..SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE,,,,but if he were to buy (2)two,,,he would be the SPEAKERS OF

I couldnt resist this,,,no offense,,,just my sense of humor,,,,,,,that thread made me wanna "SHOUT..SHOUT...SHOUT...dum de dum SHOUT,,SHOUT SHOUT....I have to run,,,The KAOPECTATE is wearing off and the dogs are looking at me,,you know that certain look of
"despair" DO Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling..

ITS HIGH NOON...and awaaayyyy we go.
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Bob Carlson


Surprise AZ.
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2002 10:03 am    
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Jody, he did for a fact get a lot of attention though. And he must have needed it real bad to put Lloyd in such a bad position and degrade all the other steel players who are all ten's in my ears.

I also think Lloyd is great, I have his and Tommys Video, but I sure wouldn't say he was a better all around player than the rest. He sure can make that steel sound country though.

But them wife's and girlfriends that are elevens are really great. eleven is a ten that don't get head aches.


[This message was edited by Bob Carlson on 06 September 2002 at 11:13 AM.]

[This message was edited by Bob Carlson on 06 September 2002 at 11:15 AM.]

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2002 10:28 am    
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Moved to "Feedback and Testing" - as this SPEAKER will probably cause a lot of FEEDBACK!

               Bobby Lee
-System Administrator
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