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Dennis Atkins

St. Paul, Minnesota
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2002 5:48 pm    
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I am living in Colorado Springs area now, and had the opportunity to see Chad Udeen play last night, along with the singing of Andy Griggs.

I have known Chad for around 6 or so years, since I began the Minnesota Steel Guitar Association, and he and his dad Al Udeen, played on my first show.

I have nothing against Andy Griggs, but he is not country, no matter what he may pretend to say, and Chad's steel playing is sometimes low in the mix, and hard to hear.

Needless to say, when you can hear Chad on the solo bits that he has, he is on par with almost anyone in the business. He knows his steel and can handle anything thrown his way.

I talked to Chad last night, and told him that the only reason that I came was because of him. Not simply because he is a friend, but I admire his playing and will always go and watch him play, no matter whom he is with.

The club, Cowboys, in Colorado Springs, has closed circuit TV going when the performer is on stage, however, the camera person, or director, needs to know the music and the instruments that are playing at any given point, and not just focus on the main performer. I noticed from time to time in the show, that when Chad had a solo bit in the song, the camera was no where near him, unless Andy Griggs was standing right next to him. A couple of times the camera guy got it right, but that might have been just pure luck.

Also, the bass player, who was standing behind Chad, was given a solo, and when the camera was on him, it was usually a wide shot, showing almost the entire band, and never a closeup of the bass player.

I don't mean to be a rant against camera people, but if you go to all the trouble of doing a closed circuit telecast, be sure you know what you are doing, and don't cheat the audience, or even the performers, from being shown in their best light.

Needless to say, I am here to praise the great playing of Chad Udeen, and just throwing in my two cents worth of complaining about the lack of true country music. Chad even told me that he would love to play more traditional songs, but that is not Andy's style.

Look for good things to happen to this young man, who is helping keep the steel guitar out in front of the younger crown.

Keep up the good work Chad, and Al I will see you or talk to you in a couple of weeks, when I get back to Minnesota for a vacation.


MSA S-10 Sidekick
Gorilla Amp with Digitech RP100 Processor

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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2002 7:20 am    
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I too went to see who was playing steel with AG and while they were setting up Chad and the lead player ripped out a nice version of a Marty Stewart tune. Needless to say I was impressed and thought to myself; boy I'm going to hear some steel guitar tonight.


Like you said, I could hear him from time to time but he wasn't in the core mix. I almost wanted to go ask the sound man if he didn't like the steel but then decided, that was already obvious so I went home instead.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen it. I'd be rich for sure !!

Regards, Paul
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Theresa Galbraith


Goodlettsville,Tn. USA
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2002 8:05 am    
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When I saw Andy and Chad on the Opry awhile back I heard Chad fine.
Maybe the soundman had a bad night...
Anyway, I enjoy Andy's music and it's great he has Chad to complement him!
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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2002 8:41 am    
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On the Opry they use the Opry soundmen. I believe the original complaints were pointed at Andy Griggs' soundman.
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Derek Duplessie


La Jolla CA USA
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2002 12:47 pm    
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Chad is an incredible player and has an
incredible tone!I wish i could hear him more
often!! -Derek
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