Melody, to be or not to be...

About Steel Guitarists and their Music

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Scott Clancy
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Post by Scott Clancy »

I will never and have never confused the difference between freedom of expression through the form of some kind of art, and making money through some form of commercial art. One thing is for sure , total ignorance to solid facts, need I remeind Steve,
For the umpteenth time, I am not a commercial artist, nor a professional Musician,
And diliberatly avoid being so, but as a platonic deseased mind would have it the facts as mention must be ignored in order to stir up an argument,
The facts, no clergy, council, congressman, political third Reightk has encorporated “Rules” to Art. Including music, only self appointed bogus authorities try to comunise and control the way others think. Witch I quickly reject and rebut to the end of time.
Typical “Non-sequitures used on some of the above posts , totally deverting the only “point”
Are; I have made good money selling art? I have made good money selling lessons, steel work bla bla bla, “
OK need we be reminded If it “sells” it is not neccassarilly “Good”.
The Plato desease rides again, I was paid for my work there fore I am good?
There fore I am an authority?. WRONG !!!1
Punk rap sells, Satanic heavy edge with a bunch of perverted intimate topics sell big big bucks , OHHHHH !!!! NO !!!1 That means they must be GREAT artists.
So much for “I am making money henceforth I am better then the one who follows no rules and is content with his own playing.
An other non-sequture, You have to learn the basics before you play and take lessons
And in those teachers there are rules? What a joke, Buddy Emmons new no rules, he dared add a pedal to the instrument, he dared develop a technique of playing due to the lack of teachers and available knowledge of the instrument, he had to invent, [oh no? is that breaking rules? Maybe not], Heck he didn’t like the tuning at the time and decided to change it, what nerve !!!! If buddy played by the rules he would be somewhere else in or memories other then he is now, and my guitar probably would have all those nice added extra pedals and tones that have developed. THE BASICS ARE JUST BASICS, THERE ARE NO RULES TO BASICS, THEY JUST EXIST AS “suggestions and scientific facts” , knowledge that can help you “Play what you want when you want” and hey if it happens to sell? Fine but that doesn’t mean you play better, it just means someone is interested in paying you to play “your free will and disire”.
Look at the garbage that is comeing out of Nashville today, OHHHH Sorry it must be good art because it’s selling? Well some of you will sure rebut that statement and I hope you do. You wonder where all the GOOD country music has gone? It has gone to the minds of the “Rules to Art” types of people, now we have a bunch of noisy notes and bangs and xxx and risgay sound effects and trash being bottle as country music but hey they play by the rules. THANK goodness I know better. To rap this little episode up I did mention Neo-Tech in some of my statements about “People robbing the free will thinking of individuals”. They wre right on with those terms , unfortunately I can’t be an “advocate member of them”. Because even they make the deadly mistake of appointing themselves as an authority when it comes to the subject of god, WITCH I DON’T BUY AT ALL.

"Money distroys or Food and Music keep it an art and play from your heart". Sierra Session D10 Keyless , Too many amps to list.
Reggie Duncan
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Post by Reggie Duncan »

I'm scared!
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Johan Jansen
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Post by Johan Jansen »

As I noticed before in another thread, life has hardened on the forum....
Scott, you are right when you mean that art must not be led by commercial thoughts or by the idea of judgement from listeners. Just do it your way, and if another likes it, it ok. If another hates it, it's their problem too. This is how I read what you try to tell us.If this is the fact, I agree with you.
regards, Johan
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Bob Hoffnar
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Post by Bob Hoffnar »

Will "Zonpower" make it so I can play faster ?

thanks, Bob
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Terry Miller
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Post by Terry Miller »

Scot,I would like to Know who these unhappy steel players are that just do it for the money? I'm sure that the guys doing the sessions are not always happy with what they have to play, but I don't think they are selling themselves out. They are pros, they get the job done. In the process we get to hear what steel we can. If they didn't do what the producer wanted they wouldn't work. Where would we be then. Terry
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Johan Jansen
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Post by Johan Jansen »

I like art, but I also like the art: "playing a part that suits a producer, artist and audience, and get the work by that" This is another thing, I really dig, next to what we told here before. Image
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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

And all this time I thought this was the Steel Guitar Forum ...

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Jim Eaton
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Post by Jim Eaton »

I'm not sure here, but alot of the posts in this thread seem to have wandered a good way's from the "Melody of the topic".
JE:-)><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Eaton on 02 April 2002 at 02:21 PM.]</p></FONT>
Steven Knapper
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Post by Steven Knapper »

Scott, leave me and my name out of any futher discussion you have on this subject.
John Steele
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Post by John Steele »

Not long ago I played a large show where I was issued a pass to hang around my neck which stated I was an "Artist".
I was too embarrassed to wear it. To each their own.
I don't consider myself an artist when I'm gigging. I consider myself an employee.
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Earnest Bovine
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Post by Earnest Bovine »

From the Time Magazine glossary of popular musical terminology:

Artist: Any performer, regardless of ability.
Jeff A. Smith
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Post by Jeff A. Smith »


Please don't be offended, but upon visiting the Neo-Tech web site, I discovered something that might interest you. Good ideas are good ideas, regardless of where they come from. If you've found things in Neo-Tech that have helped you on your way, great, but F.Y.I:

I am struck by the number of terms and concepts that have been borrowed from "Objectivism," the philosophy of Ayn Rand. This is so evident, that I wouldn't be suprised if those that continue to teach the official Objectivist philosophy would threaten legal action if they came across that site. I'm not sure of the legal status of Ayn Rand's legacy, so I don't know what basis actually exists for legal action, but you understand my point. Of course, there is a lot of stuff that has been grafted on top of the "Randian" core.

Have you ever read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand? It's considered a classic of modern fiction, and lays out a lot of the basic ideas that you know in the form of "Neo-Tech," minus the more far-out sounding stuff. Perhaps the basic idea is that each individual is an end unto him/herself, and thus, all collectivist and altruistic systems are evil, unless they are consciously entered into in a way that is in harmony with one's own self-interest.

"The Fountainhead," another book by Ayn Rand, deals with the struggle and triumph of a gifted architect trying to stay true to his pure artistic vision against many adversaries and set-backs. I wouldn't want to make a "rule," Image or offer someone a prescription, but if I could recommend one book to every artist, that would be the one. It's like a Bible for the artist trying to come to terms with the world. I think you would really like it. Many of the ideas you might already be familiar with.

Jeff S.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jeff A. Smith on 02 April 2002 at 03:31 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 02 April 2002 at 04:34 PM.]</p></FONT>
Donny Hinson
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Post by Donny Hinson »

I just glanced at the website, and they sure take a lotta words to say so little. I especially honed on their concept of "guilt-free prosperity". Hmmmmm...I think them Enron execs musta been "Neo-whatchamacallits", too. Image
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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

Websters say's "ART"

"The use of skill and imagination in the production of things of beauty"

There it's final, it has to beautiful...

But wait..then Websters say's " Beauty"

"Quality that gives pleasure to the senses"

But who's senses ? The artist or the one recieving the art?? It doesn't say..

I take back the part about being final....

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Terry Wendt
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Post by Terry Wendt »

As a newfound member of this BBpost service, I find this thread very enthusiastic! I am glad I called you on the telephone Scotty, because I have the insight into "your mind of things..." in a way. Image It is also very interesting to see all the folks "having fellowship" about philosophy and music/art (and I really don't think music&art are interchangable terms) together in the same conversation. I think everyone can benefit from reading the "common sides" to this post, ...if the "personal side" can be overlooked. You see, (my opinion) we all have opinions, and they were probably being formulated long before this thread or the steel guitar, or even music became involved. If you can use something, or you can benefit from something someone said up here, use it! Image ...and if you can't, "don't eat it," don't complain about it, leave it up here for someone that "can." Image
As a newcomer to the steel guitar I find it amazing how some younger players (and older players too Image didn't want to leave anyone out here) can "close out" ideas if they don't "jive" with "their own understanding" of how things are (in their "perception of things") or how they think they are supposed to be. He he he, I could site many examples (in my opinion Image ) of "leaders, who changed worlds of ideas/thought" who didn't "come up through 'conventional' beliefs and understandings" before they "peaked" with their idea. I also could probably take the other side of it pretty fast and site similar examples of those that "had the foundational understanding first... then expounded upon it" to make similar contributions. The most interesting part of this to me is that we are all still here "on the edge of our keyboards" waiting to read the next post! I like that comaraderie among "souls" especially when they are mostly all players. Life is full of the unexpected... let's keep enjoying it... "whatever we can..." and when it comes to melody, let's step even deeper into "harmony" and leave room for those who wish to "play a fifth, or seventh, or the diminished" so that they too can "flourish" in life. But, then again, this is just "one guys opinion" who "has a steel." Image



and appearing regularly...
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

If any of you have had the good fortune of hearing a steel guitar played with a melody
line that is spiced with original playing in and out of the melody without sacrificing the
melody. Then it would be your ears that would hear the talent of Gene Jones,,,,who for his own reasons highly underates himself.

I have been lucky to expierience Gene's tasty
playing with the melody and adding some very
nice fills and turn arounds. My opinion of his playing is that he is "second to none".

If Gene had pursued his career as a steel player as a musician,,,he would be recognized
as one of the greats of his time along with
players such as Noel Boggs,,,Leon,,Speedy..Herb Remington etc.

His decision not to pursue his talent as his
livelyhood has denied all of of us to fully
appreciate his expertise at the instrument he
plays so very well.

His laid back style as a human being adds to the fine person that he is,,,he in my opinion
is the best of both worlds. I cant say that for too many. Some people "got it" some "dont got it"....He's Got it all. Image
Im a fan of Gene Jones,,,,both as a human being as well as one of my favorite all time
steel players. He came from the school that
is not heard of today. He sure has the......
"Right Stuff". Image He is second to none period
. PS Oh I almost forgot,,,Have a Good Night"
Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 02 April 2002 at 05:33 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Rick Aiello
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Post by Rick Aiello »

<SMALL>Art will never and has never had rules</SMALL>
Sometimes I will use blue paint for #3 even though the legend calls for green. Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 02 April 2002 at 06:02 PM.]</p></FONT>
Reggie Duncan
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Post by Reggie Duncan »

*<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Reggie Duncan on 02 April 2002 at 08:40 PM.]</p></FONT>
Reggie Duncan
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Post by Reggie Duncan »

I personally believe anyone who states they can easily out-do God has put themselves in grave danger. Is this what you are saying?Man has always wanted to be the supreme being, and has never accepted that they are not and that there is some higher power. This whole structure is a lie from Lucifer.
I know this isn't about steel guitar, but I didn't start it.
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Terry Wendt
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Post by Terry Wendt »

The way it reads on my screen Reggie is
<SMALL>...unfortunately I can’t be an “advocate member of them”. Because even they make the deadly mistake of appointing themselves as an authority when it comes to the subject of god,...</SMALL>
I think Scotty means something quite contrary to what may be being read into it. I haven't gone to any NEO-N-Whateveritis... but, I have spoken with Scotty. He has a whole lot more on the ball here than most Image are giving him credit for... I think. Image (obviously this is only another [my] opinion.) There is plenty of room for everyone's opinion... right? Image

Image2pT Image


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Reggie Duncan
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Post by Reggie Duncan »

They obviously have a hold on him.
Scott Clancy
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Post by Scott Clancy »

For one , this thred is about the freedom to decide whether to play or not to play melody, and the distinct difference between being a free spirited artist [myself] listening to no external authorities and the commercial [getting paid to play] proffessional muician. [not me. ].
Focusing on the facts, I stated early in the thread I preffer to play the melody the first half and wiz out around the melody during the last half. It's a preffrence of mine not law. The mere fact that some mention "I should do this and I should do that" flagged a fake power drunk bogus authority flag and set me off into the "Individual freedom to think" defense witch I will do at any cost, even my news furom membership, I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and defend my self again Mystic minds that creat reality rather then percieve it for what it is. Yes I am an objective and my spiritual beleives are far
from anyone's in here but those beleifs don't belong here in a "steel pickers" news forum. So I will pass at mystic notions as another non-sequiture. When I mention the words soul, and spirit, and emotions I am talking about the vioces that come from my heart and consious mind and am not indicating and third party Ghost's and gobblins telling me how to play. It's simply my inner self making music decisions and not allowing other steel players or music "gods" to interupt my freedom to play from my heart with bogus rules and authority.
Look at the beggining of this thread and stick to the threads topic, "The freedom to play or not to play the melody" .
That is the focus.
In a commercial band as a proffessional musician you may not have the freedom to choose, but as a free spirited artist using a steel giutar to express my emotions you bet I have the freedom to choose, NO RULES with the later of the two.

"Money distroys or Food and Music keep it an art and play from your heart". Sierra Session D10 Keyless , Too many amps to list.
Scott Clancy
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Post by Scott Clancy »

"As I noticed before in another thread, life has hardened on the forum....
Scott, you are right when you mean that art must not be led by commercial thoughts or by the idea of judgement from listeners."-snippet to save--end of quote from John Hanson,
Yes That is what I ment.
Scott Clancy
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Post by Scott Clancy »

"Reggie Duncan"
No even they do not hold, me, some of there stuff goes to far into the "fake authority" cr$#pp, especially their spiritual issues, but the concious awarness of "fake authority" from power drunk clowns is dead on, and the elimination of their power to controll me has acually made me "Enjoy" playing the steel giutar again, after 5 years of hibernation. The only thing that has a hold of me is "ME".
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