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Huey Moore


woodworth la.usa 71485
Post  Posted 12 May 2002 12:36 pm    
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Sorry I didnt include any info. I have a Compaq Presario 5000 series 1.0ghz processor 120mb of ram 40.0gb ultra DMAhard dr.
And operating system is windows 2000ME.Thanks as you can tell I am computer I dont know anything about comp.


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Mark Ardito

Chicago, IL, USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2002 6:15 pm    
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I would recommend opening Internet Explorer and going to the Tools menu and then scroll down to Windows Update. There are many Patches and Fixes released every week. I have found Windows 98 to have the most issues with shutting down, but I do have one computer at home with WindowsME and I hate it. Tons of problems with crashing. Most of the Microsoft patches and fixes will take care of this stuff, but not always. They are a good starting point and requires very little trouble shooting skill. Just download the "Critical Updates" and see if that resolves these shut down issues.

If the problems still happens, then try some Hardware troubleshooting.

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 13 May 2002 4:28 pm    
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Windows 2000 and Windows ME are two entirely different operating systems. There's no such thing as Windows 2000ME.
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Huey Moore


woodworth la.usa 71485
Post  Posted 13 May 2002 6:12 pm    
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See I told you I was computer illiterate I have ME is shutting down and the cursor freezing the same problem?The cursor would freeze and I would have to shut the computer and restart.
needless to say I have had to have a new modem and the computer was not 3 wks old,then had to send it to Compaq and they kept it for a month and had to replace the mother board called them on cursor problem and they told me it sounded like a software problem and it was just 90 days old then, and the warranty had expired the day before on software,and it would be a charge to me if they researched the problem and no set fee.I didnt hear anything bad about a compaq computer until I started having problems and now I hear it from several people and one of the people bought their second one and has had problems with the second.They wont have but one chance with me.


[This message was edited by Huey Moore on 13 May 2002 at 07:22 PM.]

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Mark Ardito

Chicago, IL, USA
Post  Posted 13 May 2002 7:29 pm    
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I still recommend downloading the "critical updates" from Microsoft and see if that helps the shut down issue.

Can you remember a specific time when it started? Can you remember if there was any new software installed around that time? That might be a good starting point for troubleshooting.

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