Bob Carlucci
From: Candor, New York, USA
Posted 11 Aug 2006 3:08 am
[my fingers are crossed!]... Anyway, I have been thinking about all the lamenting I see on this forum concerning our inability to get good pots... .. I am not so sure of trhat anymore.. I installed one of the PEC 500K pots in my EB pedal and it is wonderful.. SOOO much better than the 250K Clarostat the pedal came with...
I used to use AB pots years back just like everyone else but remember plenty of headaches with them too.. some were good some bad.. just like today I guess if we remove the rose colored glasses...
Anyway, b0b has these pots,[unless they are sold out] they work GREAT, they are cheap, and are readily available... I recently spoke to the the sales manager of PEC and he said we could always get them for a $400 order.. which is not bad at all considering we have about 6,000 members here, and a lot of us use pot pedals... Mine works so nicely, the taper is just like a good AB IMHO... I just hope it lasts.... anyway ,right now I am REAL happy with it and I am glad pot pedals have not yet gone the way of the dodo... bob