Question for Carter players.

Steel guitar amplifiers, effects, etc.

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Ken Thompson
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Question for Carter players.

Post by Ken Thompson »

I am using a Carter S-10 with a Lawrence 710 pickup directly through a Nashville 1000 or Nashville 112 with a Goodrich pot pedal. I find it to be a little too hot, week in the bass and mids and shrill in the high notes. I am considering a new pickup, possibly a George L 10-1. Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions? I change the amp settings everytime I play and of course the room always makes a difference. I have recently read about the Black Box and am considering that as well. However, I want to address the pickup issue first. Thanks.

Lincoln Goertzen
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Post by Lincoln Goertzen »

I would definitely recommend the George L's E-66 pickup. It has a great, well-balanced, smooth sound, at least to my ears.

Just my opinion. Have you tried listening to the pickup samples on Carter's website?

Sincerely, Lincoln Goertzen
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Scott Swartz
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Post by Scott Swartz »

Have you experimented with with string to pickup distance? I find the 710 works best with about 3/16" clearance.

I played a borrowed Carter S10 with the TPP pickup for a short time, it is definitely a darker pickup than a 710. I thought the TPP worked well on the Carter which seems to have a fairly bright acoustic tone.
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Jon Light
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Post by Jon Light »

You gotta understand that the day after I talk about my favorite pickup I'm suddenly likely to be in the market for something else--restless wind and all. I had a TPPP in my 12 sring Carter and I really liked it but it was too microphonic. I tried a 912 and it was ok but not super. But I had a gig in a miserably wired bar and even with the humbucking properties of the 912 I had some bad noise problems. Got some great advice here that the GeorgeL pickups were superior in hum cancelling properties so I got an E66. It did the noise job great but I really didn't care for the pickup--Lincoln; no argument...just a 'your mileage may vary" thing. I found the high end to be too spiky. I keep it just in case I need the bar-room neon fighting abilities but my #1 pickup and long running fave is the Lawrence XR-16. And if you search the forum you will see that I'm not alone by a long shot.
Bill cole
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Post by Bill cole »

The Lawrence XLR-16 is one of the best pickups Bill Has ever made but before you strat changing pickups try moving it down some 3/16 is the place to start and go up from there you will hit the sweet spot and don't forget you got all them little knobies on the front of that amp. they are there for a reason I have not figured the reason out yet but I will some day for now mine works great with all the knobbies turned full to the right as far as they will go. loud but good
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John Fabian
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Post by John Fabian »


We do not recommend the Lawrence 710 or 910 series pickups for Carter Steel Guitars. In our opinion, neither of these 2 pickups sound good on a Carter. <FONT SIZE=-2>(They may sound good on other brands btw.)</FONT>

Standard for a Carter S-10 is the George L's 10-1.

Also recommended is the Bill Lawrence XR-16 and Wallace True Tone.

John Fabian
Carter Steel Guitars

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Bob Lawrence
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Post by Bob Lawrence »

About 2.5 years ago I ordered a Carter S10/DB with a Lawrence 710 pickup. I did not like it at all(pickup). So, I ordered a Bill Lawrence XR-16. It was much better. Around the same time I purchased a TrueTone for my Emmons D10 PP(E9th). I liked it so much that I ordered one for the Carter. Today I have TrueTones on all of my guitars: Emmons D10 PP(E9th), Franklin D10 (Both) and Carter S10.(E9th) Image

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Ken Thompson
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Post by Ken Thompson »

Thanks to all of you for your response. I chose the 710 based on the sound files at the Carter website. Unfortunatly, my style, touch and whatever mojo don't lend itself to a warm full sound that I desire. Please excuse my ignorance and advise me where I could find the Wallace TT pickup.
John, I appreciate your reply. I should have spoken with you when I ordered the guitar instead of just sending in the order with that pickup listed. I really like the sound of the 10-1 but I may get one of the two that you rommended. Could you please give me whatever thoughts you have between the two that you mentioned. Again, thanks to all of you.
Tracy Sheehan
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Post by Tracy Sheehan »

I have often wondered if it is the style one likes.I realize the human ear is very fickle.I played a msa D10 on the road with SS pickups.When i retired and moved back to Texas i had Bud Carter put a George Ls e66 on the out side neck.As i have always favored the C6th tuning and worked with so many bands that didn't play country so liked the more bass tone.Sold the msa and got a SD 10 Carter that has the e66 pickup.Also had sold my ltd.400.A few months back i wasn't watching what i was doing and bought a Bandit 112 instead of the n112 just for local use.On the clear channel side i like the tone.Have never played thru a N112 so don't know what they sound like.Maybe i should call Bud or John and see if they take trade ins on yes,when Bud put the GL in my msa i took the ltd 400 and had him set it for the country sound as most of the bands here play country,but i still like the deeper old c6th sound and even with the Bandit i can get a decent tone out of the Carter with the E66 pickups.So as i posted soon after i got the Carter,i was amazed at the great tone.Tracy<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tracy Sheehan on 13 August 2004 at 11:09 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Ken Thompson
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Post by Ken Thompson »

Hi Tracy,
We played at the Shanghai International Music Festival in China last May. They were supposed to furnish all the back line according to our specs. Of course they did not have a steel amp as I had requested. Heck, they said I was the only stell player in the whole country. They acutally did a 15 minute segment on their CMT just on the steel. Anyway, after the 4th day of 7 days of playing, and much begging, they provided me with a Bandit 112. It actually worked really well and I was very glad to have it. I had been using a Fender with no reverb. I was about to shoot myself.
Randy Carson
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Post by Randy Carson »

The Wallace true tone PERIOD.
and also you need a double frame are
you may fight that battle forevever
as i have had both.
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Bob Lawrence
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Post by Bob Lawrence »


Try the link below:

John Wiesner
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Post by John Wiesner »

Hello Ken, I also have a Carter and have tried some George L and Wallace true tone. I find that the recomendations of John Fabian to be spot on as far as a good choice, The true prize winner for me is the wallace trutone wound to about 18.5k, this pickup has a fantastic full sound great lows and can really sing. The George L is also a great sound on any neck. The pole piece pu.will have a bit more hum that is not a problem in most cases, If you want the best of both worlds have one of each, they are easy to change and mount in the same hole pattern. The amp. also is a major player in the sound. my favorite has become the Peavey NV-400 , Regards,John
John Lazarus
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Post by John Lazarus »

Ken, Crank the pickup way down on the strings first. It is a whole different animal when in the right position. A mouse should be able to limbo under the strings and pickup!
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Tim Harr
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Post by Tim Harr »

I use BL 705 PU in my Carter D-10. They sound great IMHO. I used to like the sound of the Emmons single coils until I heard myself using he BL 705s.

They are my first pick... now if you can find a couple that's another story. Image

Glad to see you playing a Carter!!

Tim Harr - Carter D-10 8p & 9k w/ BL-705s; Webb 6-14E Amplfier

Tracy Sheehan
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Post by Tracy Sheehan »

Hi Ken.Glad you got an amp.Back when i worked tours in Germany i
used a fender twin with two 12 inch Jbl speakers that were furnished.Good grief,i coulden't carry the amp cover up a filght of stairs now.LOL.I have also worked in Great Falls and most towns in Mt.
Do you know Al Gobbs there?
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Ken Thompson
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Post by Ken Thompson »

Tracy, tell me more. What club in Great Falls and with who? I don't believe I know the gentlman you mentioned but I am terrible with names. I might recognize him if you give me a little more information on him as well.

Regarding the pickup, my checks in the mail (ever heard that before?) to Jerry Wallace. Can't wait to get his pickup. Thanks to all of you that added comments and advice.
Jody Cameron
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Post by Jody Cameron »

Wallace True-Tones sound great on my Carter D-10. jc
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Tommy Detamore
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Post by Tommy Detamore »

I like the XR-16's in my Carter. They are only humbuckers that have ever done it for me. For single coils, True Tones are the ones to get. My $.02....
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Replaced E66 with truetone, replaced truetone with G/L 10/1. Although I no longer own the guitar, the G/L got me much closer to the tone I was looking for.
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