What is the deal with Peaveys?

Steel guitar amplifiers, effects, etc.

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Kenny Foy
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Post by Kenny Foy »

Love the sound of a twin, loved the sound of the 400, and in love with the 1000. Just can't beat it.
Dyke Corson
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Post by Dyke Corson »

Thanks for the plug Mike! I am not the only steeler working at Corson Music, Jerry "Muttonhead" Erickson is there Tues. thru Sat., and Bob Watson is there part time also. These guys give lessons too! I have been selling/playing Peavey gear since 1972 - I've seen a lot of companies come and go and change ownership, but Peavey remains at the top of my list! Image
Mike Brown
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Post by Mike Brown »

Dyke, I'm looking forward to the day when I can finally meet someone who has the nickname, "Muttonhead"!
Dyke Corson
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Post by Dyke Corson »

Get ready Mike, cause Im sending him down to Meridian for "Peavey School" for the first round in April! Better bring your Emmons to the Jam again!
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

I played steel since 1989 (about 14 years) and never used anything but Peavey,in Europe or US.Never,not a once I had a single little problem with those amps.New or used,LTD 400,Nashville 400,Session 500 or Nashville 1000 ,they are all great working road amps.You would think I`m endorsed by Peavey,huh,who would endorse me please.FedEx maybe?? Image
Bobbe Seymour
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Post by Bobbe Seymour »

Why Peavey? 59 pounds, 300 watts, clear tone, not much money, great service, small for the power, and the list goes on and on.
Six string guys need distortion, penatrating sound etc.
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

Bobbe,I`ll be picking up a new 1000 from you pretty soon,I have a JOB now so I can get the best.I think it will sound sweet with that `74 p/p and my new Hilton.
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

question for you Bobbe,can you get me a nice flight case for NV 1000?How much would it be?Thanks bud.
Bobbe Seymour
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Post by Bobbe Seymour »

Yes,we can gettum' and the price is three million Rupies! (plus or minus a quid)

I. Gunna Rippemov III
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

Ok,I`ll take it,as long as they are under 5 million Rupies (new Hendersonville Rupies that is).

Bo B. Trytorippemeov II<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 23 February 2003 at 01:18 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

I take it that you people dont care for Fender amps.

No Comment Image

Try playing a PV with a Stringmaster steel.

Seems to me that Fender tweed amps of the 50's are untouchable in todays market.

Peavey in years to come?? Value,? performance?

Enough said. ImageWith all due respect to Hartley and Mike,,Peavey has the "bark" but they dont have the "bite".<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 25 February 2003 at 06:39 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Craig A Davidson
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Post by Craig A Davidson »

Jody, I love Fender amps, but the one I have is too darn undependable. If you e-mail me I'll expound on what it does and the no satisfaction warranty.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

I cannot account for the present day Fender
company. It is a "new ballgame",,reliable service and customer satisfaction was high
on the list the years I spent with Fender.

I have no clue as to what exists at Fender but to all the dealers I speak with Fender is
by far the choice of proffesional musicians every where.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 March 2003 at 12:52 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Craig A Davidson
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Post by Craig A Davidson »

Jody, I too had older Fenders and never had any trouble. I just can't see dragging a back-up amp everytime I take my Twin out. If I'm going to do that I might just as well take only the back-up. It works. I like my steel thru my Twin, but only when it works.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

If those of you have a problem with Fender,Write to William Schultz CEO and knowing Bill as I do he will go out of his way to see that your complaints a comments are addressed.

Mike Brown is a prime example of the fact that Peavey does care about its customers

I'm not out to put anyone down. I'm just a Fender guy and I dont BITE the hand that fed me all those years. If it says Fender I'm behind it 100%. PERIOD.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 March 2003 at 12:58 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Bob Watson
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Post by Bob Watson »

Dyke Corson turned me on to Peavey amps way back in the early seventies. The only amps I have ever owned have been a couple of black faced Fender Super Reverbs and a variety of Peaveys. I like the old Peavey Session 400's or LTD's for steel,although I have been playing a guitar gig lately that the steel player owns a Nashville 1000 and it sounds great! I love the sound of the old Fenders for guitar gigs that I play R&B and R&R, but lately I have favored my Peavey Classic 30 because it weighs less and has channel switching. I really do like the sound of the Classic 30 as much as I do my 1965 black faced Super Reverb. I also use a Peavey Speacial 150, and I wouldn't go to any gig without having it as a backup amp, it sounds great for guitar and steel. I am sure if you really had to have the tube sound for steel that there is a Peavey tube amp out there that will give you what you are looking for. I have visited the factory and I can honestly say that the people there care about every musician's needs that use their gear, not just the musicians that they endorse. I would like to officially thank Dyke for introducing me to Peavey amps. They have served me well through-out my career.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bob Watson on 26 February 2003 at 02:31 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

So I take it that you like Peavey amps Image
Dyke Corson
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Post by Dyke Corson »

Bob you are welcome! Your gigging with Peavey amps in Nashville and here in Champaign-Urbana has always been a great reference for me to give local customers, it has turned a lot of people on to Peavey amps, So I say thank you!

Jody, I have many times heard Hartley Peavey say his Hero was Leo Fender. Hartley runs his company by the Golden Rule, I know of no other musical instrument company that has been owned by the same guy since day 1. I know if I write Hartley about a problem I will get a personal reply. I've got some cool old Fender amps too, but I like my Vegas 400s for steel the best. Image
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Bob Watson
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Post by Bob Watson »

Jody, I would have to say that Peavey makes the only amps that I like as much as old pre CBS Fenders. I'm sure that if I hit the lotto I could find one of those "botique" amps that would sound great, but who can afford a couple thousand bucks for an amp. I did remember that my very first amp was an old Silvertone with reverb and a 12 inch speaker. I would love to have that amp again. One of the reasons that I like Peavey is that it's the only company that seems to have the heart and soul that the pre CBS Fender company had.
BTW, thanks for sharing all of your knowledge of Fender history with us.
Bobbe Seymour
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Post by Bobbe Seymour »

Jody, my favorite Fender amp was the little "Prinston Reverb". I used this amp in the studios in Nashville for several years, and would love another one in good condition today. I used to pay $178.00 for them through Fender artist relations here in Nashville. The Peavey is the deal today , The new Peavy Nashville 112 may fill the bill that we have all been waiting for. We will have several in soon and are taking orders now for them.
Fender? A wonderful piece of yesteryear that I'll never forget, but lifting a 95 Pound Twin Reverb amp with JBL's for 75 watts? Naw, I can forget about that. I like the 59 pound Nashville 1000 with 300 watts.
I like the tone better on the Peavey also.
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Im still a FENDER fan at heart..I raised a family being a Fender rep.I made my musical
career playing Fender guitars and amps.
I worked for two of the best people in the music business..Leo Fender & Don Randall.

I cannot change my stripes at this point in time,If PV had an amp that suited me,I would play one,I have the utmost respect for Hartley Peavey. But I have all this "tweed underwear" and I cant see it go to waste.
Remember this,,there is NO SOUND LIKE A FENDER SOUND Image to this former Fender salesman's ears and I can still carry those Fender Twins with JBL's as well as those MusicMan 212HD 150 with EV speakers. They may be heavy but they have something no other amp I have heard has,and They are worth their weight in GOLD.


As for Hartley being a Leo Fender fan,,Yes I agree,Leo told me Hartley was one of the very few who congratulated Leo on his return to the music business, when MusicMan opened its doors.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 27 February 2003 at 07:18 PM.]</p></FONT>
Steve Hinson
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Post by Steve Hinson »

Anybody use both?I've been using Peaveys live for twenty-five years and Fenders in the studio for about ten years now...there have been a lot of great records cut with both!And don't forget-for the last few years many,many hits have been recorded with Mosvalve power and a Boogie preamp...which to me is kind of a hybrid of both Peavey and Fender...
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Are you telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you?? Image

OK prove it. Image

I give up..this is a tough bunch here. I'll take my Fenders else where,the heck with you guys. Go play your Peaveys and Boogies and Marshalls and you'll be sorry and then ya'll will call me.
Dan Tyack
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Post by Dan Tyack »

The main reason why Peavey has been so successful in the steel world is Mike Brown and the company behind him. The Peavey company has provided great service, has listened to the steel community, has provided good sounding products at a good price.

Now I personally prefer tube amps. I used Peavey products for years, but I just prefer the sound of tube equipment (one of my amps is a Peavey classic 30).

It's a personal thing, most steel players seem to like the sound of SS amps these days.

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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

I, too, love the warmth of tube amps - When I started playing in '59, Fender amps were the best; they sounded great and they looked great, too!

I defected to Musicman in the '70s - I think they were better-made than the current Fenders of the day.

Peavey, with that SS circuitry, took some getting used to for me, but I ultimately couldn't ignore their availability, affordability and reliabibilty any longer. The weight issue influenced me, too.

Dan, in response to your remark, I feel that the sound of steel guitars on today's recordings is closer to the 'thinner' characteristics associated with SS amps - maybe another reason for Peavey's success.

A footnote to the 'weight issue' - I have my NV1000 set up at the theatre where I'm currently working, and a 'set change' for the next show dictates that my gear will have to be moved several feet above the stage. The sound-man just asked if I had a smaller amp than the 1000, but hastily qualified it by saying, "...and not one of those tube-amps, either - I don't want to have to lift that!" He'd assumed, from my age, that 'tubes' would be my preference.... Image

Roger Rettig
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Roger Rettig on 02 March 2003 at 10:07 AM.]</p></FONT>
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