Stereo Amp Patch

Steel guitar amplifiers, effects, etc.

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SJ Russell
Posts: 59
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Stereo Amp Patch

Post by SJ Russell »

I need some Info on how to patch a amp to create stereo like sound. I own a Evans and Session 500. I am playing trough my Evans. I use a Morley stereo volume pedal and I want to patch my 500 so to have my session for all effects and my Evans for a dry amp. Thanks for the Info.
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Dave Van Allen
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Post by Dave Van Allen »

Sometimes it's easier to visualize setups like you describe if you draw a diagram... think about the direction of the signal chain(s) and draw it- even as a simple box and line diagram.

The first solution that comes to mind is to:

patch directly from the guitar to the stereo pedal.

Next patch one output of the stereo pedal into your FX, take an output from that to the 500. (If your fx are in a stereo unit you may lose one side of things like choruses and phase shifters or ping pong delays.)

next take a cord from the second output of the stereo volume pedal straight to the evans

that is the simple solution to what you asked- two seperate outputs each to a different amp,

I am unfamiliar with different Peavey amp features-I dunno if the 500 has an FX loop. that might even make it easier- a cord to each amp from the volume pedal, then patch the fx in the loop on the 500

depends on what kind of fx unit(s) you have too...

please elaborate a little?<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 16 March 2001 at 12:41 PM.]</p></FONT>
John Paul Jones
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Post by John Paul Jones »

A setup I like when using a Session 500 is to use the built-in bi-amp capabilities of the 500.

Set your Evans amp on top (my preference) of the 500. Plug one cord from your instrument (foot pedal, effects, etc.) into the 500. Run another cord from the 500 'high out' on the extreme right to the input of the Evans.
You'll have to play around with the 'crossover' control to get the best sound.

This to me has always been preferable to the 'stereo' set-up commonly used.

You might experiment with putting your effects between the 'high out' of the 500 and the input of the Evans.

I don't know why more Session 500 users don't take advantage of this fantastic capability of this amp.

BTW, I went to see a friend while in the Dallas area for the steel convention. He plays through 2 amps, one of which is a Session 500. I mentioned this set-up to him and he said he wasn't aware that you could do this. Maybe a lot of Session 500 users don't know.

John Paul Jones

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richard burton
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Post by richard burton »

Do you get any earth hum linking two amps up this way?
SJ Russell
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Post by SJ Russell »

Sorry about taking so long to get back. I use an RV 2,an Ibanez flanger,Dim.C,and a Boss Turbo Overdrive dist. I fried my Session 500 and am forced to use an Evans. Signal from steel goes to effects in then signal out stomp boxes to main input on amp. Volume pedal is on effects loop. I do get a bearable 60 cycle hum. When I get my 500 fixed I want to be able to run stereo. My Session is an 80 pound amp and I use both effect loops and signal direct from steel to amp. Hope that is detailed enough to get some ideas what I am wanting. Again,Thanks.
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