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Terry Edwards

Florida... livin' on spongecake...
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2005 12:38 pm    
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(Talent + Education + Experience)* ATTITUDE

Note that "Attitude" is a multiplying factor. You can have a varying degrees of talent and education with some experience but if you have the right attitude (the multiplying factor) you will succeed.

Talent (skills) may be more difficult to improve although practice will certainly help you to maximize it. Some are born with more physical dexterity and mental aptitude than others.

Education is something we all can improve on. The SGF is a wealth of knowledge and links to much more. Just takes some initiative.

Experience comes with time spent practicing and playing on the bandstand. It will eventually happen.

Attitude is everything. If you have a positive attitude, passion, respect for others, interpersonal skills, and a genuine desire and love for music you will ultimately succeed.

A director level manager in a major corporation taught me this concept many years ago. I think it applies to musicians as well. Any thoughts or comments?

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Gene H. Brown


Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2005 4:14 pm    
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And don't forget, Knowing the right people, having some money behind you and being in the right place at the right time sure helps.

If You Keep Pickin That Thing, It'll Never Heal!

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Jim Walker

Headland, AL
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2005 5:53 pm    
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I've often asked road players and artists alike, How did you get this job? Most would agree with all the above. My best friend Steven Preston landed a "gig" with Loiuse Mandrell back in the late 70's and said that he had just enough talent but more importantly he was in the right place at the right time.

In my case, I know the right folks, I have some talent, positive upbeat personality, professional eqipment, and willingness to learn, but I'm always a day late and a dollar short!

Line 6 Amps

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2005 3:59 pm    
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I think jim's right, the importance of timing can't be overlooked. Being in the right place at the right time, and being heard when you're in that "zone of confidence" really helps. The "attitude" part? Well, let's just say some artists didn't really make it big until they dropped the "nice guy" attitude, and developed a "don't give a damn" (outlaw) attitude. (We all know who they were.)

Just being different (and loving it) often leads to success. You have to be really passionate in what you do. Howard Stearn will never get an award for having respect for others, or for having a positive attitude, but it is his attitude (though it may be distasteful to many), that put him where he's at today.

If I had to sum up what I thought was important for being sucessful, it would be attitude, doing something really different, and single-mindedness in reaching your goal. In other words, how bad do you want it?

Sadly, there is often a grain of truth in the old saw..."Nice guys finish last."

[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 26 November 2005 at 04:00 PM.]

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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2005 6:56 pm    
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SUCCESS = (Talent + Education + Experience)* ATTITUDE
Terry, why not use your own formula? You might succeed.
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Terry Edwards

Florida... livin' on spongecake...
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2005 8:13 pm    
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I have, Rick...

...with my day job. I chose a career in flight simulation and I think I have been fairly successful.

Music has been a serious hobby for me and may turn into a retirement career !

Some points were made that successful people were in the right place at the right time. This may be true for stars that achieve fame and fortune, however, I submit that you don't have to achieve that kind of fame to be successful.

If your goal is to play steel guitar in a gospel band at your church every Sunday, and you achieve your goal, you are successful!

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Charles Davidson


Phenix City Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2005 12:26 pm    
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Sing off key,dress like a degenerate if your male,a hooker if female,learn to triwl a mikestand,get a marshall stack,Les paul,and attempt to play heavy metal,make an x-rated vidio,incorporate RAP in your[mu-sick.] You WILL suceed as a country music mega star today.Just make sure if you have any talent at all,dont show it or you WILL be doomed!!!!That's the road to success in todays country mu-sick. Dale Watson proves this theory[He's TOOOO country for country.
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