Why Was It Closed ?

Musical topics not directly related to steel guitar

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Craig A Davidson
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Why Was It Closed ?

Post by Craig A Davidson »

I would like to say that Mr. Winters has a good point in his now closed post. If an artist has the talent they shouldn't have to resort to nudity or other tricks to sell their product. As far as Lennon goes, lets just say the man was always out in left field a little. I was a big fan but couldn't see the point in the nude album cover. For the life of me I can't see why the post was closed. Is there a reason I missed?

1985 Emmons push-pull,Evans SE200

Herb Steiner
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Post by Herb Steiner »

In the past, when b0b has closed a topic, he provided some rationale as to the reasons for closure. Whether or not one agrees with those reasons, at least reasons were posted.

This topic is neither inflammatory (that I can see), a personal attack on a fellow forumite, or out of the general thread of the section (since it's about "music").

IMHO, "think I better close this" doesn't explain the criteria used for your closing this thread, and seems quite capricious and arbitrary.

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Eric West
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Post by Eric West »

Who knows...

EJL<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Eric West on 23 July 2003 at 08:00 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Janice Brooks
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Post by Janice Brooks »

I felt it was close to relegus and offensive issues.

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
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David Doggett
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Post by David Doggett »

I apologize if I took a wrong turn and caused the topic to be closed. I was suffering from lack of sleep...and I think Earnest Bovine has been a bad influence on me. You guys get back on-topic and keep going. I've had a nap now and will try to be good. Image
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Eric West
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Post by Eric West »

I need to plug in and play a few waltzes. Maybe the Blue Skirt one I used to do all the time, though it's a bit frantic.

That'll stop me from gettin relegus...


See what 16 hours of paving will do?


Tom Mortensen
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Earnest Bovine
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Post by Earnest Bovine »

who, me? off topic ??

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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

<SMALL> If an artist has the talent they shouldn't have to resort to nudity or other tricks to sell their product.</SMALL>
We live in a culture that is obsessed with appearance and image. There is also a blizzard of mediocre product that sounds the same or worse than the mediocre product that you've already heard over and over and over again, so the people doing the marketing have decided to sell you the image or "look" and it's been very financially rewarding for them and their clients.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

I have never bought a CD strictly for the cover art, nude or not, but the cover art serves to get your attention in the huge mass of CD's out there.
Since the CD format is so much smaller than LP's were, it is more difficult to get any one cover to stand out.

Secondly the abhorance of nudity is mostly an american phenomenon. In Europe where naked people are in almost every pharmacy window as an ad for something, and the equivelent of Victorias Secret photos are on street signs the size of refrigerators all over town, these nudes covers wouldn't raise an eyelid one centimeter.
Of course they WOULD likely cause many tourist americans to swerve into oncoming traffic...

If the artist has a "belle form" and the lack of embarasment to pose nude, I could care less.
It's a tempest in a teacup from this vantage point.
God makes us all without clothes, we got used to them mostly because its cold in many places, and later because some feel it is too much of a temptation...

The change of coutry music to some form of rock on the other hand IS a tragedy, because it is a loss of the original art form in the public eye. That bothers me a lot more than any nude cover art.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 24 July 2003 at 06:36 AM.]</p></FONT>
Smiley Roberts
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Post by Smiley Roberts »

Whatever happened to "Spell-Checker"?? Image

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~
©¿© It don't mean a thang,
mm if it ain't got that twang.

Rich Paton
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Post by Rich Paton »

I once started a thread regarding an ~artist
whom I was unfamiliar with, and after the thread
became a runaway train of very derogatory replies, I asked b0b to close it. There were more interesting subjects to discuss.
IMHO, the "nude lp jacket" was done about the time the hippie mentality hit its low point. You would have to have been into Top-40 radio then to get the full effect of its pervasiveness.
A fair audio example was probably "Signs", by the Five Man Electrical Band, which chronicled a lack of respect for such things as authority, rules, "establishment" society, and even worse, private property rights.
Incidentally(?), this was also the same time period when music on the radio (pop) began its fall "On the long decline".
Pat Burns
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Post by Pat Burns »

<SMALL>Whatever happened to "Spell-Checker"??</SMALL>
..Bobbe broke it..

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Smiley, my speel checker is dyslexick,
and only works 37 hours a week averaged over the month. French rules!
Tony LaCroix
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Post by Tony LaCroix »

The only thing I like more than discussions about music and nudity are ones about offensiveness and censorship. Man, I love this forum...

My two Canadian cents:

Music without sex is like cooking without heat. You can put whatever you want in the pot, but the flavor will never really come together.


Musicians and censorship go together about as well as Dick Cheney and the Macarena.

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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

He that controls the "MOUSE" has ultimate power over all things....at least on a website...

makes no difference to me one way or the other..

I can see where b0b wouold say that nuduty and Steel guitars really have nothing in common..

unless of course you play steel guitar

Paul Graupp
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Post by Paul Graupp »

<SMALL>..Bobbe broke it..</SMALL>
I thought he lost it.......

Regards, Paul Image Image Image
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David Doggett
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Post by David Doggett »

Rich, you mean when the hippie mentality reached it's "high" point. Sometimes I think I almost remember that.
Larry Miller
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Post by Larry Miller »

Is that a knee lever,...or are you just happy to see me?
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

A bunch of us maintenance guys were gathered around one of the TV's in the cafeteria at work, slobbering and drooling over what we thought was a red-hot Victoria's Secret commercial. Of course, I was the one who said, "Hey boys, look at that!!"
Bunch of mostly nekkid wimmen, running around in their drawers. Little bikinis, thongs, string-whatevers---you get the idea.
The commercial was for some kind of bladder control devices, that didn't show under any kind of underwear.
The moral, if there is one, is this--GETTIN' NEKKID NEVER HURT THE SALE OF ANYTHING!
Now, I don't wanna look at some guy's butt in a video, or anywhere else for that matter.
NOT EVEN BUDDY'S! But obviously, some marketing genius that makes a lot more money than most of us(except Paul Franklin and Steve Stallings)decided this would be a good selling point. And here we are, talking about it--does that prove anything? Even if nobody here buys the record, we now KNOW about it, and might possibly keep an eye out for it next time we watch CMT. Course, I know nobody here watches CMT, listens to that crap, buys it, buys any of the products advertised on CMT....CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??
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Mike Perlowin
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Post by Mike Perlowin »

I think John and Yoko were trying to make some sort of statement with their nude LP cover, although what that satatement might have been eludes me.

Has anybody heard that record? (Two Virgins.) At the time it was released I was working at an underground radio station, and we couldn't wait to put it on the air, then as soon as we did, we couldn't wait to get it off.

At the time we all thought it was just meaningless noise. Perhaps if we listened to it today we might hear something that eluded us back then, but the general concensus among the staff was that it was pure garbage.
Donny Hinson
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Post by Donny Hinson »

Twenty years from now, looking back on today's ladies of country music will be delightful trip down mammary lane. Image
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Eric West
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Post by Eric West »

Steve, I HEAR YOU.

You said it all.

Now if I could just figure out what it is...

Reminds me of how a bishop or cardinal once said. "I know pornography when I see it".

This whole "sex hating" thing reminds me of a cartoon I saw in Playboy Magazine some thirty years ago.

THere were these two incredibly fat people sitting on a porch dropping chicken bones in a bucket, so fat they obviously couldn't get up. Next door was a Col Sanders KFC.

One says to the other:

" Ya know, somtimes Maud, I wish to hell they'd never moved next door.."

I saw the video on question.

I was revulsed.

At the beginning, just after the beginning, in the middle, almost to the end, and especially at the end.

I might sell my steel, cancel all my gigs, and sit in my basement looking at my banjo collection, and harrass people on the internet...

So are they hiring in your maintenance dept?


Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Nah, Eric, they're laying off. I'm thinking about moving to Oregon, playing steel full-time. In the buff.
Does it rain a LOT up there?
Anne Marie O Keeffe
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Post by Anne Marie O Keeffe »

I've just read the closed thread.......can't see anything in it that was offensive, actually I reckon it was shaping up to be quite a lively and humourous thread. Ah well, it's not for me to decide so I'll just go get dressed! Image
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