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John Steele (deceased)


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 3 May 2002 7:29 am    
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I would like to ask a serious question, and hope it won't descend into a whining match about the current state of country music; that might be difficult or impossible, but here goes anyway:
Where are all the country musicians ? Why are all the "country" bands filled with rock musicians ?
As I look over my upcoming gigs this month, I'm looking forward to working with some of these excellent musicians; they are friends, good players, and enjoyable to be around... but I have to admit, their knowledge of country music is pretty limited.
I realize that new country music has lots of outside influences, and is sometimes closer to rock than country... I also realize it's harder for a rocker to get a gig these days. That's no mystery. It's not so much the presence of the rockers that baffles me, but the absense of country players.
I'd love to meet some lead player whose dream is to play like Brent Mason or Steve Piticco, but it ain't happening. Hendrix? Sure, no problem
Maybe I just live in the wrong place.
When I do meet someone with a healthy interest in traditional country, it seems they're more kitchen pickers than bandstand players. Don't misread me, I'm not saying traditional players suck. Just that the good trad players seem few and far between these days. I love nothing better than playing with someone who has a good basis of historical knowledge of the genre they play.
I just can't figure it out. Is it because new country is "audience music" and not "musician's music" ?
What are your thoughts on this ?

Hoping I haven't just shot myself in the foot....
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 3 May 2002 7:47 am    
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John ,no, you didn't shoot yourself in the foot. I have been thinking about this myself the last year or so. I think the most realistic response is that the newer or younger players have really had no influence to County pickin' or very little to say the least. It's the same where I am in Charlotte, there are some Country picker's but I think the majority are rockin' out. BUT !!! And this is a loud BUT !! Go on down to lower broadway ( Nashville) and the country pickers are there for sure..they play Country first and then add whatever it is they need to keep playin'. Those guys ( and gals) still have the influence of the great players who are still active in the area. The local ( not Nashville) players are going to play what they are expected to play in the neighborhood..Thats why there is so many of them always looking for a gig..In the local music stores every now and again I pick up the Tele's and check them out and play a few of my typical tele licks, usually someone says hey thats cool, but can you play any Clapton ? The thing is I can, and I do..and that always puzzles some of the rockers as they find it hard to believe an old guy like me ( 53 ) can actually play Clapton licks, then I have to remind them that I am younger than EC !!! It's like there's been a time warp or something. Some of my daughters friends ( High School) think music started around 85 or 86 , or so it seems ! I am considered a major and total goober for even listening to Country music let alone playing it. I guess at the end of the day I am of the opinion that the new country rockers are probably very good for country music as they are attracting a different group of folks and maybe players who maybe , just maybe will step back in time and see what was happening 20 or 30 years ago.

[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 03 May 2002 at 09:22 AM.]

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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 3 May 2002 8:35 am    
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Hey Tony--you ever encounter a Tele picker in your area named Jeff Wikle?
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