Tv opry Mar 30

Musical topics not directly related to steel guitar

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Janice Brooks
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Tv opry Mar 30

Post by Janice Brooks »

John Conlee
Mark Wills
Jack Greene
Tracy Byrd
The Whites

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
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Post by Janice Brooks »


Janice "Busgal" Brooks
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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

John Conlee is good, always has been and still is. He was in the class behind me in Mortuary college so I'm sure I inspired him is some way or another. Mark Wills and Tracy Byrd were both great. I like Tracy Byrd's style and his singing. At least he seems sincere. Why in the hell were we subjected again to Hal "I still can't sing" Ketchup. The only thing that goofball contributes to the Opry is flushed out through the sewers each time he thinks to push the little handle on the tank. I was not impressed with Jim Lauderdale's songs especially the first one "Don't Make Me Come All Over There". Real catchy tune! He can sing but he certainly can't play a guitar. Hell, he can't even fake it good. Well Theresa, I went easy on them this week because there was more good than bad. By the way, Tommy was honking tonight!
Jerry Bruner
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Post by Jerry Bruner »

SORRY.. but I thought Conlee's version of Amazing Grace was the worst I've ever heard to date. Too Slow.. and his phrasing was awful.

TWO enthusiastic thumbs down.
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Post by Loren Nelson »

Jerry, I have to agree with you. John's phrasing is annoying and he talks more notes than he sings! What's with that?!!! I liked him in the 80's especially 'Miss Emily's Picture'. Phil Baugh & Buddy Emmons made that song wonderous! (that's like wonderful, only better!) I thought Jack Greene was going to be on tonight. I'd rather have a root-canal than hear Tracy Byrd sing. The End. Goodbye. I'm dropping the internet tomorrow. Less time online = more time on Steel!

Deana Clark
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Post by Deana Clark »

Too bad- I always enjoy what you post.
Usually agree with it.
Theresa Galbraith
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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

I loved Tracy Bird. He's an awesome singer and shows real professionalism Image
Mark Wills sang great and both are nice to look at also Image
John Conley sings like he's got something stuck in his throat. Jim Lauderdale wrote "Don't make me come over there" George Strait took it to #1
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Theresa Galbraith on 31 March 2002 at 07:29 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Well, I finally bit the bullet and got a sattelite dish (our cable company does not carry CMT unless you get their Digital cable) so I could watch. Unfortunately, I thought this show was mediocre at best. Loved Tommy White and Jimmy Capps. I was dissapointed that Jack Greene was not on as he is one of my favorites.

Conlee really did butcher Amazing Grace.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

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Post by Bobby Bowman »

I didn't get in from a gig till almost 5am this morning. I woke up just in time to catch Johns' version of Amazing Grace this morning. I'll give 'em credit,,,it was his own interpretation, no copy cat here and I felt he came across to his true feelings. Maybe not the best I've ever heard, but none the less, a stellar performance,,,plus, the band was really laying it down with what I thought were beautiful and exceptional chord voiceings.
"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

I shudder to think that Theresa and I agree on two of her four points made. Maybe I should go back to being closed minded! Image I still feel that Conlee has some class left in him even if he did butcher Amazing Grace. Hey, I've heard it sang alot worse over the past 32 years! As for Lauderdale's song, I don't care who took it to #1, I didn't like it. I had a girlfriend many years ago that used to sing the title to it when we would go parking and I didn't pay any attention to it then so why should I now! Image
Loren Nelson
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Post by Loren Nelson »

I don't celebrate 'Easter', but I would like to wish everyone....


Theresa Galbraith
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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

I'm sure Jim cares George took it to #1. Image
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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

For once I have to say you are right, Theresa!!! Image
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Post by Dave Robbins »

It sometimes takes someone like George to take "crap" to #1. Unfortunately, it happens too often!

By the way, if you really want to tell "who" can sing and who can't, come stand behind the monitor board at the Opry stage and hear what I hear, when I do that. You get a real different perspective about your favorite singer, who can sing and who can't.
Sometimes you just have to get past what they "look" like.

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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

We're thankful for those Legends, but we need new blood! Image I watch for both. Theresa
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Joe Miraglia
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Post by Joe Miraglia »

Here I go again--did enough practicing for now so I think I will post. Just like every thing else--some can sing and some can't. As far as new talent goes, George sang "Whose Going to Fill Their Shoes"--someone has to. Concerning some our legendary singers I can name some that I didn't think could sing at all. Porter Waggoner recorded "Satified Mind" over forty years ago--big hit for him. A young girl named Jeanne Sheppard recorded the same song and I think she did a better job. I bet she could still sing it--you know Porter could not. Jeanne is one of my favorite female vocalists and can still sing a good song. I know Jeanne keeps time with her hand behind her back--Dave, is that for your benefit Image ? I would give anything to be able to back that lady! Joe
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Post by Loren Nelson »

You know, back before MTV, VH-1, and CMT people were forced to hear with their EARS! I miss those days. Why must people hear with their eyes!

Dave, maybe the reason we don't enjoy Modern Country Music much is becouse we're over-due to see an optometrist!

My eyes were bothering me last week so I went to an optimist. He said, "Don't worry, everything will be allright."

Theresa Galbraith
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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

The topic was who was on March 30th. I enjoyed what I saw! Theresa
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Post by Dave Robbins »

Yeah, but did you enjoy what you "heard!"

I appreciate beauty as well as the next person, but "good music" is about "hearing" not "seeing". If it is about "seeing" try listening to CMT or MTV or whatever "without" the sound. If you enjoy it without the sound, then it isn't the "music" you're interested in!

You don't have to "see" music to apreciate it, but you sure have to "hear it! If that wasn't so, then there would be any need of radio's, CD's, or "recording studio's!"

Maybe we can just go back to the days before "talkies" in the movie theaters where you could "watch" it without sound. Hmmmmm...I could probably sit long enough to "watch" Shania and Faith! to Dave, earth to Dave... uh, let's see now, where were we?...What were we talking about?...hmmm..."listening to George or "watching" Shania?....Hmmm?

See what I mean? What are we selling today? Sex or "music?" Do you buy an album (CD) because of what's on the cover or inside?

I have a demo from a session of a great looking little gal. She couldn't hit her rear end with a song book, but she sure made a great album cover! In her case, I'd rather look at her than listen to her. I sneak a peak at her every once in awhile, but when I want to hear some good music I have plenty of others I"d rather listen to.

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Post by Dave Robbins »


I have been backing Jean Shepard for close to ten years now. The "hand gesture behind her back" is just something she has always done. I guess it is just a way of keeping time, like patting your leg or foot.
Of course, if you "screw-up" while on stage with her, she can come up with a quick "hand" gesture to comfirm you current statis with her at the time. Sitting at her back, that is not one gesture I want to see!

She's a great lady with a "great" musical history behind her. By the way, her favorite steel player is "Ralph Mooney!"

Theresa Galbraith
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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

I always thought Jean didn't think her band knew her material! LOL.. I buy because I hear first. I'm a daughter of music, most people don't look at music as I do.
TV puts a face on the Artist and thats good for consumers to see what they want to buy, wish it wasn't that way at times. But, Thank Goodness the Opry, CMT, and MTV does that for music lovers! Theresa<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Theresa Galbraith on 01 April 2002 at 03:58 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Joe Miraglia
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Post by Joe Miraglia »

One of the first records I ever purchased was a 45 mini-album featuring Jean Shepard and Ferlin Huskey back in 1955. When I looked at the jacket cover--I was 16--I saw a cute girl with a cowboy hat which helped me to buy the record album. Ferlin didn't look too bad either(my wife said). Talk about traditional country--it had "A Dear John Letter" and "Two Whoops and a Holler" which sounded like she was starting the women's movement and moving in on Kitty Wells. The steel player used a lot of double string octive playing. I wonder who did do the steel work on her albums. Joe
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Post by erik »

I do not have cable so i don't get to see the Opry. But anyways, i am much more concerned with how a person sounds then looks... at least as music is concerned. Image And i might add, it's not how well they sound but how convinced i am that the lyrics mean something to them... or more like a combination of the two.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by erik on 01 April 2002 at 06:28 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

<SMALL>most people don't look at music as I do.</SMALL>
Thank God!
<SMALL>I'm a daughter of music</SMALL>
I guess that's better than being a son of a .......!
<SMALL>I always thought Jean didn't think her band knew her material</SMALL>
See what kind of trouble you get into when you try to think?
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