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Ken Lang

Simi Valley, Ca
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2000 10:00 pm    
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There have been a few references to the MP3 site here on the forum and how that may be a way for some musicians to get exposed, or re-exposed for someone like Waylon or Hag. At this point I have no particular opinion, but perhaps a question.

It is surely a place to put forth whatever musicial expression one has, but having gone there a few times, that may be the very problem. While there have been a few good cuts or songs, there is a plethora of just plain bad $hit. It seems anybody who can muster what it takes to get on, does, and much of what I've heard is beyond terrible. E for effort but F for content. Thank Heaven for the rating system they do have.

While I do feel MP3 has a place for everyone, and rightly so, is that where WE want to be? Should there be a place where the standards are just a little higher? Check that. A lot higher? Would it be possible to have a site where the music, no matter what venue, is of good quality?

I guess that was an opinion after all, but I'd be interested in what the forum folks think of MP3 and where that kind of thing should progress from here.
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John Steele (deceased)


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2000 10:06 pm    
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I watched a lengthy and informative show on the subject of the electronic proliferation of music last night. If there was one common theme of all the comments made, it was:
I'm not sure....

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