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Author Topic:  Converting tab to music notation - Can you help?
Sherman Willden

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2006 5:50 am    
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Regarding the song *She Thinks I Still Care* in Winnie Winston’s *Pedal Steel Guitar* book. In an effort to teach myself to read music notation I decided to reengineer *She Thinks I Still Care* from steel guitar tablature to music notation. This is what I think I know about the first two measures.

Key = B
Time = 4/4

The first measure starts with a three beat rest followed by four eighth notes. The notes are a glissando of F# B E to G# B E to F# B E to G# B E.

The second measure is a half beat followed by three eighth notes. The half beat is F# B D# and the eighth notes are C above E followed by a glissando of A# to G#.

If any of this is incorrect please let me know.

Thank you;

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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2006 5:08 pm    
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Hello Sherman,

kudos for taking on the task of learning to read music. It will be worth the effort.

I don't have the little floppy record handy, so I can't speak to the rhythmic values you are citing, although they should always add up to 8 eighth notes (or four quarter notes, two half notes, etc.) per bar, which your reading does not do.

As for the pitches, you got almost everything right(!) In the second bar, where you mention a C over an E, I think you mean C# (1st string, 7th fret) followed by a B (4th string 7th fret).

I'll try to find the record and listen to the rhythm.

Keep on pluggin'!


Dan Beller-McKenna
Durham, NH
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