Starting on Lap Steel. Finger Problems.

Lap steels, resonators, multi-neck consoles and acoustic steel guitars

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Ted Duncan
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Post by Ted Duncan »

Yet another update.

The finger splints arrived 3 days ago and yesterday I had my first appointment with the Rheumatologist.

1. The Rheumatologist took more blood tests to kind of "fine tune" what was learned in the previous blood tests. He told me that while out of the "normal range", the initial tests weren't very far out of spec. Also, he told me that his examination didn't indicate any swelling, pain or inflammation of the joints. I asked him if this was a good or hopeful sign that my fingers could be fixed, he said he would rather wait for the blood tests to come back before offering any opinion. My impression is that I do NOT have any type of arthritis. I take this as a good thing ... but will wait for the tests. I have another appointment in 2 weeks.

2. As I said, the finger splints arrived 3 days ago.

First, let me say that I found the splints doing my own research on the internet. I have not discussed the use of these finger splints with any Doctor.

As I was looking around, it occurred to me that the two joints of the finger, the one in the middle and the one at the finger tip, are more-or-less just hinges ... and what is going on with mine is that they are going past or over center where they lock, kinda of like the sear and hammer of a revolver. What's more, my fingers can extend (i.e. "straighten") quite a bit, perhaps to 165 +/- degrees before they lock, which gives me a bit of room to work with. Using a couple wire ties and some (you guessed it) duct tape, I made up a little test jig before I ordered anything. A couple of tests showed that these just might work.

Please note that these splints do NOT address the CAUSE of what my fingers are doing. The cause will be found in the tendons that make the fingers straighten or to bend.

I read a bunch of product reviews before ordering ... and I learned that the primary problem people had with these things was getting the correct size. So I ordered bigger and smaller than my measurements indicated. This turned out to be a good thing because, for me, the splints ran much bigger than the measurements indicated. I returned those I couldn't use.

This product is made form some type of thermo-plastic which makes them somewhat adjustable by heat. I have no experience with this stuff so I did keep about 4 of them to mess around with.

Out of the bags I found the ones that fit the "best", but I had to adjust them, build up them up a bit at the top and bottom until they would stop the extension of my fingers at a point just before the joints lock up ... or where the "hammer and sear" engage. The material I used to build them up is an adhesive backed felt type of cloth. I like the idea of building up or adjusting the fit this way as opposed to heating the splint and making what could be a permanent adjustment, or one not easily reversed.



Today is my second day wearing them. I find them to be comfortable and I plan to wear them 24/7 until a more permanent solution comes along. After the adjustments these splints absolutely stop the middle joint of 3 of 4 fingers from locking up. The joint of my little finger requires more padding up then is practical. If I added padding until the little finger didn't lock up, I wouldn't be able to put the splint on or take it off.

During all of this I DID find something that the Orthopedist missed. The knuckle of the ring finger is also damaged to the point that it locks up when I flex that joint. I found this after I put the splint on and stopped the middle joint of the ring finger from locking up. I haven't been able to come up with a way to deal with this joint, but I will keep looking.

So ... what does all of this mean?

Well ... I got a good thumb and index finger and a middle finger I think I can work with. The knuckle on the ring finger just doesn't work. I really don't need the little finger for anything and I can keep it out of the way ... or maybe just cut it off on the band saw if I have to. :D

Soanyoldway I gave my old Guild 6 string a try ... and well, I can't do any Travis Picking ... the ring finger just don't work and the middle finger isn't quite right. But I think if I'm a REAL good boy, I eat all my vegetables, and a practice a bit ... I might be able to do a little thumb and 2 finger picking. Maybe a little something with a plectrum and my middle finger.

After the Guild I took a deep breath and gave the lap steel a go. Like I said, the middle finger isn't 100% right so it's a little messy right now. But I think what I got is good enough to give learning to play it a try.

So that's where I'm at. I CAN play. It's going to take a little work, but I'm pretty sure I can make this work.

Hell, if I were a quitter, I never would have got a pretty gal to have anything to do with me ... and that cheap Chinese junk Lap Steel STILL wouldn't play right. 8)
Last edited by Ted Duncan on 21 Oct 2023 7:21 am, edited 11 times in total.
Ted Duncan
Posts: 98
Joined: 20 Sep 2022 4:51 pm
Location: Georgia, USA

Post by Ted Duncan »

So, if you know someone in a similar finger situation, or if you happen to find yourownseff in a similar finger situation, you just might want to know where I got these here finger splint things.

In a word, Amazon.

The ones I bought are Dr. Clarke's Original Wishbone Finger Splints. They cost about $14 for 3 and the ride was free. ... HH1CV&th=1

I did find another brand. I didn't see any difference other than the price ... but I could be wrong. These would be 3-Point Products Oval-8 Finger Splint. These cost near $20 for 3 and the ride was free. ... M8TBS&th=1

3-Point Products put a LOT of information about these finger splints on YouTube.

Remember, NO DOCTOR told me anything at all about these splints. As as matter of fact, I just might catch a butt kicking (attempt! :x ) from a Doctor if he sees me wearing them.

But ... I HAVE to play guitar, and if this helps me, then that's just another butt kicking attempt that I'm gonna have to deal with.

As always, YMMV! And don't take any wooden ... pizza.
Ted Duncan
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Location: Georgia, USA

Post by Ted Duncan »

It's been a couple days. The finger splints are working out pretty good on the index and middle fingers. Because the knuckle on the ring finger is locking up in addition to the middle joint, I'm not having as much success. The pinky or little finger is just plain shot.

Wearing the splints, I have been doing simple thumb (alternating bass) and 2 finger rolls on both the 6 string and the lap steel to loosen things and build skills back up ... and I try to throw in the ring finger where I can. I am making pretty good T - I - M alternating bass progress and I am using the I and M fingers to play the first 3 strings on both instruments.

I put together a video to show what all this "locking up" is all about. Not a real good job with the left hand working the camera.
Ted Duncan
Posts: 98
Joined: 20 Sep 2022 4:51 pm
Location: Georgia, USA

Post by Ted Duncan »

November 3 update:

I went back to the Rheumatologist to get the results of the blood tests taken back on October 20. All of the "fine tuning" blood tests came back normal. At the very least this means that I don't have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Now I go back to the Orthopedist. I suspect I'm in for a round of CAT scans or MRIs.
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