Assorted Finger Picks and Thumb Picks SOLD

Amplifiers, effects, recording equipment, seats, racks, parts, or anything else.
Joe Piette
Posts: 66
Joined: 22 May 2006 12:01 am
Location: California, USA

Assorted Finger Picks and Thumb Picks SOLD

Post by Joe Piette »

JF, National, Dunlop, and more. $95 shipped to CONUS

Last edited by Joe Piette on 2 Oct 2023 7:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
Pete McAvity
Posts: 420
Joined: 1 Jun 2013 6:46 pm
Location: St. Louis, Missouri USA

Post by Pete McAvity »

I’ll take ‘em, Joe. Sending PM.
Excel Superb D10, Kline U12, Sarno Black Box, Goodrich L120, Boss DD5, Baby Bloomer, 1965 Super Reverb chopped to a head, feeding a mystery PA cab w/ a K130.

They say "thats how it goes". I say "that ain't the way it stays!"