I think my Milkman is possessed

Steel guitar amplifiers, effects, etc.

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Nick Waugh
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I think my Milkman is possessed

Post by Nick Waugh »

I bought my Milkman about 5 years ago. I have always found it to be quite noisier than I would like, but the it is the best sounding amp I have come across, so I put up with the noise. However, it has got much noisier lately. I have taken it to 2 of the best valve amp specialists in my area. One replaced the output valves and cleaned it up. unfortunately the noise persists.

My question is, have any of the Milkman owners on this forum encountered this issue? Please click on the link below to watch the short video I have uploaded so that you can hear the noise. Please note that I have nothing plugged into the amp instrument wise. And the reverb knobs are both on 0. Any advice very welcome.

Carl Gallagher
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Post by Carl Gallagher »

Does the noise stop when the volume is completely off? You can narrow things down by pulling the tubes one by one starting with V1 which is the preamp tube closest the input jack. With the amp on and the noise present, pull V1. If the noise stops the problem is in the circuit for V1. If the noise continues, pull the second preamp tube and so on til you get to the phase inverter. If after pulling the PI if the noise is still there it is coming from the the power section. If the noise stops at one of the preamp stages, my first check would be the plate resistors for that tube.
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Mike Holder
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Post by Mike Holder »

Send that video to Milkman amps, I wouldn’t think they want this situation reflected on their product.
I thought Nashville was the roughest, but I know I’ve said the same about them all.
I received my education, drivin through the Nation listenin to Paul!.. ( Franklin that is! )
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