For openers:
11 Emmons push/pulls
2 Emmons Legrande II
2 Rains
2 Williams
1 Zum
1 Fulawka
4 Sho~Buds
So much for the pedal models.
Now for the non/pedal consoles:
1 quad Fender Stringmaster
1 T-8 Stringmaster
1 D-8 Stringmaster
1 single Stringmaster
3 Fender Customs; single, double and triple
2 Gibson Console Grandes, sunburst & natural
1 Richenbacher D-8
1 Excel, Jerry Byrd D-8
1 Fulawka 8 string
So much for console models.
Now for lap steels:
1 1937 Gibson 150, 7 string
1 Rickenbacher post war bakelite
1 Jerry Byrd 8 string fry pan (authentic)
1 Gibson Century
1 Oahu
1 Harmony
1 Supro
1 Dickerson
1 Marrs Cat-Can
Oh, sorry, I forgot my resonators:
1 8 string Dobro
1 Regal metal tri-cone model 3 (wild rose)
1 Regal, black lightning model
2 or 3 other Regals, different models
And now for the regular guitars, basses, ukes, mandolin, autoharp, banjo. No, I think I'll drop these on you later!
<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Erv Niehaus on 11 November 2006 at 08:36 AM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Erv Niehaus on 11 November 2006 at 08:39 AM.]</p></FONT>