
Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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George Brown
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Post by George Brown »

What has Happened to the MASGA Association ???? We Haven't had a Show, in a Very Long Time.... Has It been Shut Down ????? GB
Johnny Howington
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Post by Johnny Howington »

We have lost so many members the past few years and I don't really know who is in charge of it anymore! Maybe someone will come along and try to put us one together soon !!
Emmons LeGrande III guitars, Telonics Amp and Pedals, Stereo Steel Rack Systems, Steelers Choice Seats, Live Steel Strings, Jaguar Strings
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Elias Quirino
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Post by Elias Quirino »

Hello All,

I was doing some research about the MASGA show and found the following link below. As a fellow North Carolinian I would also like to attend. Looks like I found this information just in time as the show is scheduled for Thursday April 29th 2021. Hope this helps. Thanks, Eli
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Allen Howington
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Event acknowledgement, registration, information

Post by Allen Howington »

If there is an MASGA event scheduled for April 29th, 2021 in Denton N.C. someone in charge needs to acknowledge the legitimacy of the event. The link provided provides no means to register (due to an error code) this is a very nice looking site but useless for registration...HELP!!!!
Hopefully there is an event scheduled for all of use steel guitar lovers but there seems to be absolutely no means of advertisement to let anyone know about the event. So how do we find a means of registration..........

Allen Howington
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Allen Howington
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Post by Allen Howington »

I guess no answer is the answer to all my questions......
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Elias Quirino
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Post by Elias Quirino »

Hello All,

I followed the MASGA link/website that I had posted and it was completely changed from one day to the next. Odd...
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Allen Howington
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Jam "flop"

Post by Allen Howington »

Thanks Elias, looks like Eddie would offer some explanation for the "obvious" mis-leading posting. Strange that it was using current dates also......
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Elias Quirino
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Post by Elias Quirino »

Hey Allen

The positive thing I take away from all this is that there are definitely folks out there that would like for this NC PSG show to take place. For me that is encouraging. Thanks to all who responded and posted information. :) Eli
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Allen Howington
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Post by Allen Howington »

Elias, I like your positive attitude, now let's see if the "BALL" starts rolling.........
Eddie Drye
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MASGA Dissolved

Post by Eddie Drye »

Hello everyone,

I had no need to watch this site but feel the need to respond to some comments I saw concerning MASGA. I am not a steel guitar player. My forte is software development, project management and marketing. Ellerson Chandler who was a relative, was to help me learn the ropes the day I was voted in as President and he passed away hours later that same day. I scheduled a couple shows and I quickly found out some things.

- How does one run an organization when the Treasurer does not want to handle the money?
- How does one build up a budget for a headliner when everyone seemed to want a headliner at every show?
- No one seemed to want to have locals for shows and build up a budget for a headliner.
- That last show I put my own money in to cover costs.

I know how to run businesses but there has to be a consensus on profitability and ownership of roles. A little help would have been nice too. Jimmy Hudson was the only one that consistently asked how he could help. I have a busy life while most of the folks in the organization were retired. It lost it's luster for me so I dissolved MASGA with NC as a non-profit which I had registered because I found out the organization was never formerly registered with the state.

As for the website I moved it to my web WORKS folder where I showcased past websites. The website automatically changed the year on the content. Sorry if some folks found the site again and were confused but if everyone noticed it was not hanging off of but my personal portfolio site.

Anyway, Hope everyone is well.

Eddie Drye
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