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Author Topic:  Peavey nashville 400 amplifier
Michael Flannery


Washington, USA
Post  Posted 2 Apr 2022 7:18 am    
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Seeking help with a peavey nashville 400 amp i purchaced this amp about 1 year ago from craigs list for 100.00 dollars when i went to pick it up he had it on and was playing his guitzr through it it sounded fine so i purchaced it got it home and did not use it for about 6 months got it out and as soon as it turned it oon there was this horrendiously loud pop i thoughe it blew up and turned it off it was still plugged in and as soon as my hearing returned i could hear a somewhat muffled pop comming from it about every 5 min or so as long as it was plugged in but as soon as i unplugger it no more pops i researched this and found out thet this amp is known for poping when turning it on so i turned down the main volume and turned if back on so far so good turned the volune back up and it worked just fine used it for about an hour then turned it off and about 5 min later the muffled pop returned every 5 min untill i unplugged it i have since found out that peavey uses a triac in the power section of this amp to help save the on off switch from arcing is it possible that this triac could be the problem leaking and kund of charging the caps in the wower section and trying to turn on but not have continus power to turn on fully si it pops like it does when turning it on normally thanks for any help that can be offered mike new to the world of steel guitar
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 Apr 2022 3:10 pm    
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Every connection needs to be cleaned and tightened... I suggest you take it to a tech unless you have experience with this.

Also, this era PV's pop on powerup, not worth chasing this problem IMO.

Sometimes you can get through a gig by running short cords from loop out to loop in... there are two loops on your amp if I recall... one for effects and one for the volume pedal. The jack connections ('normalling') get dirty and this causes problems... they can be cleaned or replaced, but the short cord solution works... there are folks running N400's with cords in both positions for years.

I went through my N400 with a contact burnisher and Caig DeOxit/ProGold... I also tightened all the Molex connectors inside and cleaned/golded them as well. Not a peep since... except it does pop on powerup of course.
Too much junk to list... always getting more.
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