2021 Texas Steel Guitar Jamboree

Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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Bob Watson
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Post by Bob Watson »

Praying for Albert to have a speedy recovery.
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Rick Campbell
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Post by Rick Campbell »

Jeremy Drawbaugh wrote:Prayers for Albert and Debbie!!!! I too am on the frontlines and have seen what this virus is capable of!!!!!! As much as it hurts to miss everybody in Texas this year let’s all get healthy and have the biggest show ever in 2022!!! I have enjoyed playing the Thursday night talent show the last few years thanks to Charles Tilley!!!!!
And thanks to my adopted Godfather lol...Bill Ferguson, had a cancellation on the main show due to the virus and Albert told Bill to fix it. Bill called me and woke me up early on Saturday morning and told me I was on the show and I jumped up out of bed and got ready!!! Made this Bama boys weekend!!!
Thanks to those who are able to provide updates, continuing to pray for ALL who are effected by this virus!!!

Bill made an excellent choice. I remember hearing you in Atlanta several years ago and your playing and tone was very impressive.

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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

Albert is in my prayers along with several other of my good friends recovering from COVID
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Ross Shafer
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Post by Ross Shafer »

Heal Quick Albert!
Rose Sinclair
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Post by Rose Sinclair »

Steve, thanks for posting Jana's note to keep us updated on Albert. Relieved to hear Albert is responding positively to the treatments. Come on, Albert!! Hang in there, Debbie. Love you guys.
Earl Briggs
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Texas steel guitar association Albert

Post by Earl Briggs »

Albert you are in our prayers to get well and have a speedy recovery,I had this back in November,took me nearly a month to get over it,again prayers for a speedy recovery
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Stephen Cowell
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Post by Stephen Cowell »

News about Albert from the TSGA:

Dear Friends,
I wanted to give you an update on Albert. Several of you have asked how he was doing. Thank you so much for your concern and prayers! He is still in the hospital. Over the last week he has received Rendiscivir and 2 rounds of an Antibodies Plasma cocktail, plus other medications that have proven beneficial when fighting Covid-19. The ongoing concern is that his oxygen numbers continue to be low, even on oxygen. When he moves around, his numbers drop even more. Fortunately, he has NOT had to be on a ventilator. They are working on setting up oxygen at their home, so hopefully he will be well enough to return home soon.

I will keep you updated with Albert's progress. At this point, Debbie asks that you just keep them in your prayers!

Have a good day. Stay safe and well!

Vangie Fich, TSGA Staff
New FB Page: Lap Steel Licks And Stuff: https://www.facebook.com/groups/195394851800329
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Ron Whitworth
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Post by Ron Whitworth »

Thanks much for the update.
I know a lot of folks are really concerned for Albert & Debbie.
We will keep them in our prayers.
Thanks Again
"Tone is in the hands. Unless your wife will let you buy a new amp. Then it's definitely in that amp."

We need to turn the TWANG up a little

It's not what you play through, it's what you play through it.

They say that tone is all in the fingers...I say it is all in your head :)

Some of the best pieces of life are the little pieces all added up..Ron

the value of friendship. Old friends shine like diamonds, you can always call them and - most important - you can't buy them.
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Jim R. Harrison
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Post by Jim R. Harrison »

Thank you Vangie for this update on Albert and thank you Stephen for posting this information. My continued prayers for Albert and Debbie!! Wishing the very best for Albert in his recovery. Sincerely, Jim Harrison
Skip Edwards
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Post by Skip Edwards »

Vangie! Thanks for the updates.
Hang in there, Albert... we need you around here...
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Mickey Adams
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Post by Mickey Adams »

Prayers from down Bandera way...:
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
Anderson, Buscarino, Fender, Roman Guitars, Sarno Octal, Revelation Preamps, BJS BARS, Lots of Blackface Fenders!
Dennis Wireman
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Albert & Debbie

Post by Dennis Wireman »

prayers for Albert & Debbie , family and all caregivers for
Charlie Thompson
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Post by Charlie Thompson »

Prayers for Albert and Debbie
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Andrew Goulet
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Post by Andrew Goulet »

Sending good vibrations from Massachusetts to Albert and Debbie.
Marlen S12 and a ZT Club
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Stephen Cowell
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Post by Stephen Cowell »

There is now a separate thread on updates... I'm updating here for completeness. Check the thread below for future updates from the TSGA and Debbie.

Dear Friends,
Here is an update from Debbie...

Dear Friends,
Albert is home and continues working towards restoring his health after being diagnosed with pneumonia and COVID 19. He was not doing very well until they decided to give him the antibody plasma and Remdisivir. I do believe the doctors and nurses were on top of what was going on. God bless them for all that they do!! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your thoughts and prayers. His oxygen levels are better and, thankfully, he's not had to use much oxygen since returning home. The hospital situation was rough not being able to see him and hear what was really going on. He's struggling to regain his strength...this virus takes it out of you!! Please be very careful!!

We consider all of you to be our family and hate that our annual reunion in March had to be moved to 2022...we are praying we will all be on the other side of this mess. Praying for everyone's health and looking forward to seeing you all very soon!! Thanks for your continued prayers!

God bless y'all!!
Debbie Talley

New FB Page: Lap Steel Licks And Stuff: https://www.facebook.com/groups/195394851800329
Jim McGinnis
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Post by Jim McGinnis »

Thanks for the update Debbie. Much love from your Oklahoma family.
Jim McGinnis
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Michael Hillman
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So glad to hear Albert is healing!

Post by Michael Hillman »

Prayers and best wishes for continued healing from this miserable virus! Michael and Sheryl Hillman
Two Spector 5 string basses, Martin D-18, Taylor 812CE, 1944 Epiphone Zenith, a killer Luttrell 6 string resophonic, 1932 Model 56 Dobro, Beard Model E, Martin Soprano Uke, 10 string 1953 Alkire Eharp, Peavey Nashville 112, Fender Bassman, Fender 75 watt Rumble, and a Fender 100 watt Rumble.
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David Hodan
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Don't forget to cancel

Post by David Hodan »

If you had a Hotel reservation at the Sheraton for the show don't forget to cancel it. You have until 72 hours before your arrival date. If your reservation was made at the group TSGA rate you'll need to call.


See you next March!
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Jim R. Harrison
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Post by Jim R. Harrison »

Thank you, David for the reminder!! I had cancelled earlier already but had no evidence of doing so. I spoke to a very nice gentleman on the phone a few minutes ago; he re-confimed that I had cancelled my reservation AND sent me an email confirming this. Hope to see you and my many steel guitar friends next year. Thanks again!
I also want to send my best wishes to Debbie and Albert as Albert continues to recover from his bout with pneumonia and COVID-19!! Sincerely, Jim Harrison
Charlie Thompson
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Post by Charlie Thompson »

I am sorry just catching up. Praying for Albert and Debbie and hoping for an update. Since this year was canceled and I opted out last year, I really miss this event and hope we are able to gather in 2022 along with Albert and Debbie.
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