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Author Topic:  DIY customizing to slightly lengthen a tone bar?
David Sheads


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2020 4:07 pm    
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I have some 3.25" and 3.5" tone bars, but the 3.25 feels too short and the 3.5 feels too long. I can go into more detail, but that's not the heart of my question

What I'm interested in trying is to add some kind of plastic/rubber-like polymer like "Sugru" to add just a little rounded knob on the butt end (almost shaped like the nose) so that it is almost 3.5" long, but not square on the butt end.

Does anyone have experience doing something similar that they can share? Any other ideas on how to accomplish the same thing with some other material?

I imagine I'll need to drill or rough up the butt area to get it to actually stick. I have a cheap ernie ball tone bar that I got for free some time back that I can use to experiment on.

Any suggestions appreciated! I know that BJS bars makes a 3 3/8" bar. If anyone has one of those in 7/8" width and would like to trade for a 3 1/2" long 15/16" width BJS bar, I'd be interested in trading!
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Johnie King

Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2020 4:23 pm    
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David Sheads


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2020 4:26 pm    
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That's the idea of what I'm trying to do, Johnie! Maybe about half that extra length, though. Can you share what you used to make it?
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