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Author Topic:  Warning! Misleading Advert on Reverb!!
Douglas Schuch

Valencia, Philippines
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2019 11:23 pm    
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I found this ad the other day for an MSA "The Universal" on Reverb. I have a friend looking for one of those, so thought I'd found one for him - but examining the pictures, it's clear it IS NOT a "The Universal" - a model that MSA made, obviously, as a single neck 12 string with a Universal tuning. I am pretty confident this is a double 12 MSA that has had one neck removed. I am pretty sure one of the defining factors is a triple-raise changer, so that all the pulls required by a Universal tuning can be put on it. But if you look at the pics for the ad, you can see in one pic, looking through the guitar towards the changer end, there are holes for the tuning nuts for the neck that has been removed. And it looks like there are only 4 holes - 2 up, 2 down (MSA used holes for each tuning nut on some models, if I recall correctly).

In short, don't buy it expecting it to be the model MSA sold under that name. And if you are still interested, ask for more pics and details (like is the changer only 2/2?).

Edited to ad link to advert:
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2019 12:40 am    
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First off, "The Universal" was a lacquer body guitar. Every one I have EVER seen.. Lacquer body with aluminum changer frame. This is a D12 thats been ""upgraded"". bob
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