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Harrison Yount

Boerne, Texas
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2017 2:16 pm    
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Hey y'all!

Harrison Yount here. Since I started playing PS I've been using a Peavey Session 400 and replaced the factory speaker with an Eminence EPS 15C last year. I've loved this amp and the tone that I've been able to find with it for a long time, but sadly it has been showing it's age and it's wear and tear from being on the road with me lately. I did some research and decided to try the Nashville 112. I've only had the amp out of the box for maybe 20 minutes and I'm already having some issues.

1.) I was well aware that switching from a 15" speaker to a 12" alone would drastically change my tone, but after reading reviews it didn't sound like this amp would be inferior to a 15". Unfortunately, it really is lacking in the low end department for me and doesn't quite pack the punch I was looking for. This is just a personal preference, but I wanted to include this in my first impressions.

2.) I'm getting a pretty bad rattle from what I believe is the reverb tank whenever I hit notes in the lower register as well as when I hit notes in the upper register. Have any of you experienced this type of problem?

3.) The tone is decent on the amp, but gets very shrill when I play up in Hughey land. I've read great things about the tone of this amp in reviews, but I wouldn't play anything past the 15th or maybe the 17th fret on this amp based on my experience so far.

4.) Lastly, when I plugged in my guitar I plugged it into the High Gain and got nothing. I'm thinking the High Gain is just defective on this particular amp because I've backlined with this amp on some of the late night shows I've played on and had no issues using the High Gain before. Has anyone else had this problem?

Maybe I'm just too used to my regular tone in my Session, but so far I'm pretty disappointed with this amp. I'd like to make it work though especially if this is just a bad egg or something. Peavey has been great to me over the past couple of years and I've always played on television with a Peavey if one was available so I'm not looking to venture into another brand unless I really run out of options. What do y'all think?


Harrison Yount
Harrison Yount - Cody Johnson
Mullen G2 SD-10
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Georg Sørtun

Mandal, Agder, Norway
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2017 3:22 pm     Re: Peavey Nashville 112 users
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William Yount wrote:
1.) I was well aware that switching from a 15" speaker to a 12" alone would drastically change my tone, but after reading reviews it didn't sound like this amp would be inferior to a 15". Unfortunately, it really is lacking in the low end department for me and doesn't quite pack the punch I was looking for. This is just a personal preference, but I wanted to include this in my first impressions.
The NV112 has a built-in highpass filter at the input of the eq sections, that is dampening those lows quite significantly.
As I neither like the input nor the eq sections, and plug from buffered VP directly into the power-amp, I get the lows I want out of it.
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John Swain

Winchester, Va
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2017 6:44 am    
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If it's brand new the speaker is going to need a few weeks of play to break-in. Check the settings others are using, although it will never sound like a 400.IMHO
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2017 7:00 am    
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I gave up on my Nash 112 after a few months of wrestling with the tone. The Nash 400 blows it away! Even just for practicing it sounded sterile and a bit low on bass response. YMMV!
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2017 8:25 am    
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I had a NV112 and had no problems with the C6th low end. It has the Peavey Parametric EQ that the Session 400 does not have. If the EQ is not set properly it can sound like crap. I've used mine on the road and in local clubs and shows. I never had a problem with volume level in a venue that it wasn't miked. I tried several different speakers with mine, including the Eminence EPS-15C 15" speaker (in a separate cabinet) and concluded for the NV112 the stock speaker was best (along with the OPA2134 op amp upgrade on the preamp board).

I've had many Peavey's, Session 500, Session 400 LTD,
Nashville 400 (with factory installed tone mod), NV1000 and 112. All, except the Session 400 LTD, I ran the EQ about the same in all of them. The preamp in the NV112 is exactly the same as the NV1000 and they are basically the same as the NV400 (with the later tone mod). The power amp sections and speakers are the only difference.

My Peavey settings were
Low +9 to +12
Mid 800Hz and Minus 2
High and Presence 0 to +1

I only switched because of weight. I now have a separate amp and neodymium magnet speaker.
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Mathew Peluso


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2017 5:38 pm    
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I swapped out the stock speaker in my Nashville 112 for an Eminence TT-12. No more shrill highs. It's incredibly focused. It honestly sounds like a different amp. There's plenty of low end for my purposes but I don't play C6th.
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Warren Tavernia


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2017 7:56 pm     peaveynashvilleamp isues
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I find that if you use the same settings as the 400 only turn the bass up all the way to compinsate for the smaller cabnet that it hellps. my friend has one and I set the same as the nashville 1000 only using full bass it seemed to work out much better. there is also a guy on the forum that built a new cabnet and put a 15 in it along with the amp chassey. looks nice and sounded prety good to
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2017 5:08 am    
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I absolutely love the Nashville 112.

However, I do not like it up on a stand.

I use mine on the floor, with the front raised about 2".

Then these settings.

Pre 5
Bass 0 - 2
Mid All the way Counter Clockwise (off)
Shift Straight Up
High Straight Up
Pres Straight Up
Reverb 4
Post All the way on

The bass response will knock my socks off.

From the 2014 ISGC (excuse the playing)
But this is my tone, me, volume pedal and Nashville 112.

Also this one with Cowboy Eddie Long and I. Eddie used one of my Nashville 112's up on a stand.
AUTHORIZED PEAVEY, George L's, Goodrich dealer. I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables and Peavey Nashville-Session 112 or 115.
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Steve Hinson


Hendersonville Tn USA
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2017 7:26 pm    
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Got three 1-12's and love 'em!

Plenty of bass to be had from them if you sit 'em on the floor.


Brand X
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2017 5:51 am     Nashville 112
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The Nashville 112 has been a winner for Peavey "out of the gate"! When this model was first released, I had my doubts about the low end response. I thought that we would be seeing many speakers being blown due to lack of low end response and power, but that hasn't happened. We may have had maybe one or two speakers that were returned under warranty but that is out of the thousands of the Nashville 112's that have been shipped so far. They have a great track record to this point. Great little amp!

Thanks for your support of Peavey products.

Mike Brown
Peavey USA
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Harrison Yount

Boerne, Texas
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2017 10:07 am    
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Thank y'all for your responses! I toyed around with the amp a bit, but still prefer my Session 400 so I'm going to continue with that while I continue my search. I've heard tons of players play out of the Nashville 112 and they sounded great! I'm sure the problem is not the amp, but just myself being too picky about my tone. I would still recommend the 112 to a friend. Definitely loved the headphone jack for silent practicing as well as the weight and power that this little amp came with. Mike thanks for reaching out and trying to help!

-Harrison Yount
Harrison Yount - Cody Johnson
Mullen G2 SD-10
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2017 2:03 am    
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well , I am a user of the N112 , but I was late to the party. I've only owned it for maybe 2 years at best, maybe a tad less.

Previous amps have been, Twin Reverbs, Nashville 400's, HR Deluxes , HR Devilles , Nashville 1000's etc..lots of comparisons.

The #1 issue for me when I finally acquired one was the stock speaker. I could not find a pleasing tone for me to save my life. I yanked the speaker which should be labeled " The MID RANGE KING " and installed one of my Fender Gold Label Eminence speakers, which I use in every amp.

Night and day. IF an amp is overburdened with MID range , as was the case with the stock speaker, for me, we can never punch our way out of the bag.

Settings wise the mid's are not killin' me . I only use the treble knob, the presence knob is set to zero . The Fender Gold Label Emmi's lean bright with a very workable mid range pattern. It's now a totally different amp.
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

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Greg Lambert


Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2017 11:27 am    
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I changed the speaker of my 112 to a 12" BW. It sounds marvelous. It handles C6th great and has great tone all over the fret board. Not real sure if it has to do with speaker alone as much as it does with my playing style.
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George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2017 2:12 pm    
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I agree with Greg on this one. I don't want to discourage anyone from buying a Nashville 112. But the amp was exactly as Greg described it. Bobbie Seymour told me, for what i wanted to do with it, i wouldn't be happy with it when i bought it from him. He was right.....
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Lyle Dent

Little Rock ,Arkansas
Post  Posted 11 Oct 2017 2:46 pm     Nashville
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I bought a 112 about 12 years ago, put a Ken Fox mod in it and have used it for small rooms and jams since. The blue marvel speaker handles the highs and lows of my 12 string well and I run a TubeFex in front of it. I don't know about the new ones but Peavy got it right when they built this one! I think Sarah Jory still uses one.
Rittenberry Prestige SD-12,Mullen G2 SD-12 ,Mullen PRP S-12 BMI S-12 V8 octal, BJS Bars, LiveSteelStrings,Steelers Choice Seat.
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robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2017 7:40 am    
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I'll just say this: if my NV 112 disappeared tomorrow - I would be purchasing another one immediately.
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Ken Metcalf

San Antonio Texas USA
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2017 3:03 pm    
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NV 112 speaker needs to be broken in.
Plug a cd player into it and turn it up loud for a couple days or two 8 hour sessions at least.
I do it when I leave the house.
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