Cor`s Problem

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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

How about it Cor? do you have a response for
D.Marrs Image
Tommy Cass
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Post by Tommy Cass »

A word about John Davis... One of the finest, honest, sincere human beings, I have ever dealt with. (Hard to find these days!) Thanks John, for your concerne over Cors' misfortune. It was a great jesture. Tom
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

I will have to say,JOHN that was good for you to try and help a person like you did!!
You had no idea other than what coor's said!!
Well,now that this has came to light,MABE he

Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

ooh yes John i have it and at first it suprised me so much after maybe three years hearing that he never received the checks i send out to him, and that hurts me so much

also i didn't understand why i never hear it before and after so long

trust me guys i'm a very honest person and i
speak for myself always pay my bill's
so i'm very suprised about this
aswell to here int in the public ( but it doesn't matter to me i got no secrets) aswell to get an email from Duanne this morning.

but anyway i solve this with Duanne you can be sure about that.

other way i don't know what you've been thinking here but this has nothing to do with my problem against emmons
lets that being said!!!!

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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

and yes Duane marrs is a very nice and good person and i don;t wanna doing business like this way not to him not to anybody.

but for sure i didn't know it at all.

Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

Duane Marrs
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Post by Duane Marrs »

Mr.Muizer has made contact and agreed to return the changers, and I appreciate that. I did tell him before going to the forum we could do it privately. But, when receiving the "undeliverable" email it hit me wrong. We are a small company and a hit like this hurts everyone we try so hard to help. We ship countless parts daily to our steel friends, quickly and at a modest price, considering the scarceness and uniqueness of them. Thanks for the help.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I think we should all send Cor some cheese and crackers to go with his "whine"! Image
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

A couple of things...
1. Faris, when you say it's your last post, please stop, OK?
2. Eric, thanks for your wonderful, although COMPLETELY irrelevant, info regarding H-D bearings. I guess some things just need to be heard, and somebody has to tell them.
3. Duane, thanks for balancing the equation a bit. If Emmons' dirty laundry is being aired here(if there is any), then Cor deserves the same treatment. Business is business.
4. Finally, to everyone who's crying for Ron jr. or Rebecca to post here---Cor says he's gone to the A.G. of North Carolina. Doesn't it stand to reason the Lashleys have their own legal representation as well?
We can't try this case here on the Forum, and I'm sure the Lashleys have more important things to do than argue here. Remember, they're building push-pulls again, in addition to the LaGrandes.
I know a lot of you guys know Ron and Rebecca personally. I don't. But of those of you who DO know the Lashleys, is there NO ONE who'll say something positive about them, or their company??? nd if not, why all the fuss about what good guitars Emmons are? The Carter is a fine guitar, made better by John Fabian's attitude. I have talked via email with Jerry Fessenden, and the same applies. Good people make good guitars BETTER!!
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


Everybody should have his or her say on the forum.Maybe it is be it.Not every one of us know's the Lashley's personaly.But i can tell you that if my name would be dragged thru mud like theirs has been i sure would have answered.That the Push Pull guitars are being rebuild is great news.However that has Nothing to do with this post.


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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

Hey Tommy,
Thanks for the kind words, Nice to hear from you again, get a couple of gigs lined up and I will come over early next year would be good!!!Love to Carol
JD. Image
Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

so guy's talk to Duane 5 minutes ago and we solved the problem
probally my checks are lost in the mail or something like that ( it wouldn't be the first time for me).
so i go here on my side check it out and Duane on his side

and i let everybody know that Duane is a good friend of mine.

on the other way i like to say now to you guy's here there only can bla bla bla......!!!!!!

i would see your faces when you've got the same trouble as i have now with the lashley's

will see if you've have the same big mouth.!!!!!! when you lose a lot of money.

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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

ooh and John nothing wrong with you,
you've done a great job but i don't want it

especially from the forumites out here

i want my own dam money back that's it!!!!!

like i said before

cor<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 23 September 2004 at 08:31 AM.]</p></FONT>
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

Cor I suggest you calm down! go and make a cup of tea or something!
There are a lot of good people on this forum and a few who change like the wind.
I have been very fortunate that every one here I have dealt with has been honest and sincere.
When I first viewed this topic I got the imppression that there was massive support for your case and anger at the injustice of it. If I was right, there may be another ten bucks on the matt in the morning,Who knows?
Those of you that dissagree with me,Fine! don`t send anything, just carry on wringing your hands, sounding off and saying how aweful it is and how something should be done! ------ and do nothing!!!!!!!!!
I still think this forum is a very great power for justice if we pull together and use it ........ but if the loss of ten bucks would ruin your week....¬!"£$ Image
Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

john your absolutely right but i don't like these few that only can blablabla.... and think that i'm lying here when it wasn't completely true i would never air it here on the forum.

but for these few i would see there faces if they be involved in the same situation as i am now.
and ofcourse i didn't expected it from a company like emmons is al over the years but it's true absolutely true.

cor<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 23 September 2004 at 09:12 AM.]</p></FONT>
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

Cor you may give the Emmons Co a fatel blow,
Who knows? but as I said before it does`ent mean you would be one that gets paid out!! over here you have to form an oderly queue behind the Revenue ,Banks etc.
Your friends here on the forum may be your only answer?????
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Post by HowardR »

and the consolation prize is.....(banjo roll).....A 1 year's subscription to "Pedal Steel ** Magazine"....... Image
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

My next guitar is DEFINITELY going to be an Emmons!!! Image
Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

hope for you , you will lost your money too!!!!!!!!

if you have nothing important to say stay from this topic i don't trust you either.
Charles Curtis
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Post by Charles Curtis »

I know the Lashleys and I personally like them a lot. They went out of their way to help me and volunteered, I might add. I love my Emmons guitar, I think it is great. In the not to distant future I'm going to make an appointment, when Ron can fit me in, to go down and have a couple more changes added to this wonderful instrument. Would I, personally, buy another Emmons psg? Absolutely. I could just ship the guitar but I like the visit.
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

WELL,IT EVENING NOW I'M BACK!!some guy got on
my case bout staying off,name steven gabby or
something like that!!!Yes,i have ordered a
new emmons also.WOW,can't wait to get it!!
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »

Thanks Farris for letting me have the "MARLEN"


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Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

HEY RON, can't win nothing on ebay, so i just
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I just talked to Ron and he's giving me a real good deal on Cor's! Image Image NOT!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Erv Niehaus on 23 September 2004 at 12:01 PM.]</p></FONT>
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »


I agree with you Farris 100% Whats that got to do with this topic??

Erv ,If Cor`s guitar has suddenly appeared and your buying it! Does that mean Cor will be getting his money back?? Image