The heart of LinnStrument is a multi-touch surface that senses the pressure, left/right movement and forward/backward movement of each finger, continuously and polyphonically. Typically, pressure controls note loudness, left-right movement controls pitch and forward-backward movement controls timbre. We call this 3D Note Expression. With this level of subtle control, you'll find little use for envelope generators or LFOs because your finger movements do a better job of controlling a note's envelope, vibrato, pitch slides, tremolo, bends and other musical gestures, just like on acoustic instruments. And speaking of pitch slides, you can perform continuous pitch slides across multiple note squares, all the way across the surface.
slide avant-gardist, experimentalist, echo surfer
two 1970-ish Fender 400, Fouke Industrial Rail, Allen Melbert 6, Rondo SX -- everything one way or the other through Guitar Rig/Logic/Apple/synthesizers/iPAD. ...sometimes out to a Tech 21 Trademark 60 1x12
recording as