Zane King's E 6/9 Tuning Introduction

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Zane King
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Zane King's E 6/9 Tuning Introduction

Post by Zane King »

Here is a simple introduction to my tuning. Some folks find it unusual. I can tell you there are more and more pickers are adapting to my tuning or at least a close form of it. See what ya think:
Zane King
Sam Conomo
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Post by Sam Conomo »

hi zane,
thanks for posting that link,i am interested in looking in to this tuning,do you use this tuning on a short 10 string uni version????
thanks for your time .
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graham rodger
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Post by graham rodger »

Came across your videos on youtube bout 3 weeks ago,love how you challenge the norm.Those big open harp chords are great.To the beginner they could be fantastic as long as they have a musical background with another instrument and are starting pedal steel with an ear.Actually scratch that as everything is in tune in a running order.
To a beginner who is starting from scratch,and wants to play all the standards,well he needs tablature,video etc,unless he has an ear.
To me a joy as I have not yet mastered the banjo roll stuff properly.You have speed,the banjo roll stuff helps get speed,standard tuning etc,not sure I could have that speed with your tuning.
You are accomplished on keys and have good theory therefore no problem,your ear does the rest.
Love the challenge of the norm tho..
to completely re setup the instrument is fun bit takes along time,AND the knowledge of how to do it.
Time out on this one for me.Boy you play good tho!!!!!!
Standard tuning ish from 12 till 4?I play uni 12 so am kinda interested,but would lack speed on top 4.
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Zane King
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Post by Zane King »

Sam - I am going to respond to your email. Thanks so much for reaching out.

Graham - thanks for your comments. I definitely challenge the "norm". That has a lot to do with my mentor Zane Beck. At least he gets the credit for placing that idea in my head. :) I clearly understand that my tuning and my entire approach to the steel guitar is not for everyone. I am just being myself and presenting what works for me. I'm pleased that others are indeed beginning to follow some of my ideas. That is humbling for sure. Thanks again for your post on my thread. I sincerely appreciate every comment. All the best, ZK.
Zane King
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David Munson
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Very interest in your tuning as an option to my UNI 12

Post by David Munson »

I am looking forward to reviewing your charts and thank you for send them to me today. I started playing at 52 years old with an E9 and quickly migrated to Uni-12 and have felt a little lost for the past few years when my pal and mentor "Don Curtis" died. I convinced Don to convert to Uni-12 before he died and would have loved to discuss your tuning with him. I have been always looking for a tuning that made more sense to me and I love your top 4 string theory.

How many other Uni-12 players have been able to convert over?

Any videos to explain the differences and string sizes for your tuning?

Thanks in advance.
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Zane King
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Post by Zane King »

I'm hearing of a good number of players who adopting my 12 string tuning or some version of it.
Zane King
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David Munson
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OK I have the bug. how should I start over ?

Post by David Munson »

OK I have a wonderful Excel Uni-12 and have decided that if I am going to get better I have to go back a few steps.

As Don Curtis and I discussed many times (yes drinking Heineken's) How did it get here and why isn't it better?

Just so everyone knows, I was the one who convinced him to move on to a Uni-12 and give up the double 10) Yes he fought back saying "Because" and he had to relearn all of the licks but he never regretted it because it made him better. he spent a month looking at a new Excel (mine) and decided he needed to grow.

You have 4 top strings that make sense to me and some pedals and knee's that also have convinced me.

Should I start with just start by changing the top 4 strings to get use to them or just give in and redo the whole nine yards (with your pedals and knees) and re-start the learning process over?

I think that might be the best idea and something to look forward to.

How about others who have seen the light? Tell me about your experiences converting to the logical side.

David Munson
St. Louis
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