Upon Reaching the Statistical End of Your Life?

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Chris LeDrew
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Post by Chris LeDrew »

Frank Estes wrote:For unbelievers, you have The Great White Throne Judgment to look forward to: Rev. 20:11-15.
You state this as if it were an indisputable fact. It's odd how non-Christians can supposedly go to a place that they don't believe in. It is your opinion based on your belief of the bible that those who don't worship God while on this earth will be judged upon death. This means nothing to those who don't believe.

Why is there a need to judge those who don't believe what you believe? I didn't think that intolerance was in line with the morals of Christianity.
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Bill L. Wilson
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Post by Bill L. Wilson »

Think about all of the inventions, problems solved, great ideas, and things man has been involved in through out time. The Bible says, "mans wisdom is foolishness to God". And why wouldn't it be? Man can create a lot of things, but not a universe. I would compare it to a 3yr old kid trying to tell me how to take my Emmons LeGrande apart and fix it. Have a great Resurrection weekend!
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

As Christians, we are the only group who serves a risen Savior. All the other belief systems can go to a grave and find the remains of the one they are putting their faith in.
He is risen!
He is risen, indeed!

BTW: I'm not Catholic but I have to commend the new Pope for his act of humility in washing and kissing the feet of those inmates in prison. A fine example of Christian love.
Gene Jones
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Post by Gene Jones »

Since posting the question of what happens to us at the end of our life, I have been thankful and inspired to read so many diverse and thoughtful comments. The fact that b0b has allowed this topic to continue is a testament to the mutual respect and consideration that SGF members have for each other.

The comments in general seem to have at least one common thread, and that is that wherever we are on the question we do not depend upon "proof". Proof is absent, so most of us use faith to reinforce our beliefs.

Faith by definition is believing in things unseen, so, whether we believe in an afterlife, or whether we believe that everything ends at our last heartbeat, it all depends uon our faith.

We will only know which opinion is true when our heart stops and life as we know it ends. If there is an afterlife we will know it.... but if there is nothing, we will only cease to exist.
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Niels Andrews
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Post by Niels Andrews »

I am glad you started this thread as it has given many the opportunity to share their beliefs. There should be no anger or malice toward someone for what they believe. After all there are still people who believe in TAB, and we support them in their belief. :lol: :lol: :lol: Have a Great Easter! He has Risen!
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Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

"If there is an afterlife we will know it.... but if there is nothing, we will only cease to exist."

Actually there is another alternative which is what reincarnation is all about.

The Buddhist believe that when we die, we are reborn (maybe as a human again, maybe as something else), and the process repeats itself indefinitely until you reach enlightenment and free yourself from returning. That is why it is called Nirvana which means a blowing out like a candle.

The way the Buddhists look at it, we are a slave of our passions, which bind us to be reborn over and over again only to get sick, grow old and die and every day having to get up, feed yourself, clothe yourself, shelter yourself, over and over again.

And it doesn't end when the world ends because the Buddhist believe that universe explodes, expands, and then shrinks only to explode again, through eternity. So there is no rest, this process of being reborn continues with no rest. And they see that as a living hell.

By quieting our passions, following a middle way, we can eventually free ourselves of the passions that bind us here on earth and we can finally extinguish the flame, never to return again.

Sort of like the movie Groundhog Day. :)
Buddy Jennison
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Post by Buddy Jennison »

How old is "old"? I'll be 84 next month with another big "jam" and another big party. But I do have to put the blame on two things for living this long, 'CHEAP BOOZE AND FAST WOMEN!!!!! "Little" Buddy.
"Little" Buddy
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Tony Davis
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Post by Tony Davis »

Little Buddy II
You have forgotten to send my invite for the last few years to your Party...please dont forget this year....I will play the Linoleum...or even the Barrel Organ {I can play anything by Handle}
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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

Smiley once told me he was great at playing the Nose.(Man he's got a good size one to play) He's said he can either pick it or blow it in the same song.. :lol: PS as to this topics point..Smiley told me he has already paid for his "Hole" his FINAL resting place..So he knows where he is going when it all ends..As for me I'm not taking any chances.. ;-)
Lincoln Goertzen
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Post by Lincoln Goertzen »

First off, I am a Christian, and I will not, under any circumstances, force anything on anyone. I will happily discuss my point of view, but it is not my job to convince anyone that he/she needs a Saviour. My job is to make the Gospel attractive, so that people want what I have, which is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Just a couple of points I've seen brought up, but no one commented on:

-Jew, Mormons, Muslims, (insert religion/belief system here), and Christians believe such different things that they couldn't all possibly be right. Just to pick one, since Muslims are commanded to kill unbelievers, and Christians are taught to love their enemies, those two instructions wouldn't really have come from the same teacher, would they? This, to me, is the answer to "all roads lead to Heaven."

-In looking around at Nature, I have to believe that God exists, and that He made the world. In seeing laws and order around us, and seeing that by our conscience we are imprinted with a code of ethics that gives us a sense of right and wrong, I have to believe that God made the rules. It just makes sense to me, His world, His rules. I couldn't possibly "disqualify anyone" or "accept anyone" into Heaven. I'm abiding by Someone Else's rules.

-If the Creator of the world made the rules, He is the Judge. If He is also God, He is the Perfect Judge. If a human judge were to look at a murderer, and say, "Because you helped all those little old ladies cross the street, and only killed one person, I'm going to let you go free", he would be an unrighteous judge. Abraham said it best, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" This, to me, answers the question of whether or not my good deeds will outweigh my bad deeds. I'm just not willing to take that chance, because in truth, I don't think I have helped enough little old ladies cross the street. :wink:

-For the near death experiences that describe only a delightful sense of peace and light, my only caution is that the Bible warns that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. So for me, personally, this "proof" doesn't hold a lot of water. If you don't believe the Bible, then my "proof" will not hold any water for you.

To those who do not believe in any God at all, I trust I've respected you and your opinions, and I deeply appreciate being given the space to share mine.

To those who do believe only in God's existence, I would remind you that the demons also believe in God's existence, and they are not going to Heaven because of that. Their belief scares them to death.

To those who are struggling to believe, I would invite you to pray similarly to the man whose son Jesus healed of demon possession: "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief." A flickering flame He will not snuff out.

To those who share the same Jesus I do, thank you for strengthening my own faith this day. Have a Happy Easter, everyone!
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Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

"since Muslims are commanded to kill unbelievers"

I've known many Muslims, and have friends that are Muslims, and I don't think any of them would agree with your statement or your characterization of Muslim teaching and belief.
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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

oH oH, :roll:
Allen Peterson
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Post by Allen Peterson »


From the wording of your sentence, you have lumped Mormons in the non-Christian group. The official name of the Mormon Church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." They are Christians and consider Christ to be their Savior, just like all other Christians on the planet.

Allen Peterson
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Niels Andrews
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Post by Niels Andrews »

One of the greatest lessons Jesus offered was that of acceptance. Please my brothers and sisters in Christ, accept that lesson and honor everyone's belief. As Buddha said "It is not my job to keep the Oxen upon the path." Have a great day, "He has Risen".
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Mike Perlowin
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Post by Mike Perlowin »

Bill McCloskey wrote:"since Muslims are commanded to kill unbelievers"

I've known many Muslims, and have friends that are Muslims, and I don't think any of them would agree with your statement or your characterization of Muslim teaching and belief.
I too know several Muslims including one of my closest friends, and I have to agree.

Those who preach and practice terrorism have no more to do to the true spirit of Islam than the KKK (which calls itself a Christian organization) has to to with the true spirit of Christianity.
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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

i too know many Muslims - they respect the same commandments that God handed down to Moses
( Moussa )
they too are waiting on the return of the Messiah Jesus
( Aissa )
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

Christians should read the Koran. There you will find that Mohammed instructed his followers to follow the teachings of Jesus, who is the most revered prophet of Islam next to Mohammed himself. Indeed, the name of Jesus appears more times in the Koran that does that of Mohammed.

But I'm an Agnostic. I don't pretend to know the answers, and don't expect to be judged for being imperfect by someone who created me imperfect.
I'll leave it to the experts out there, who know the truth to the extent that they can teach others, to tell us all the meaning of life. While they're about it, since they know the answers, they can explain cosmology and nuclear physics. :roll:

To all you Pagans out there, celebrating this happy season, may you all have a happy Œstre, and may your bunnies lay may eggs this year.
Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Alan Brookes wrote:Christians should read the Koran. There you will find that Mohammed instructed his followers to follow the teachings of Jesus
Chapter and verse please? I missed that the first time around...
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

Michael Wolfe wrote:
Alan Brookes wrote:Christians should read the Koran. There you will find that Mohammed instructed his followers to follow the teachings of Jesus
Chapter and verse please? I missed that the first time around...
http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/art ... t125/e1196
Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Mike Neer wrote:
Michael Wolfe wrote:
Alan Brookes wrote:Christians should read the Koran. There you will find that Mohammed instructed his followers to follow the teachings of Jesus
Chapter and verse please? I missed that the first time around...
http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/art ... t125/e1196
That is not compatible with Christian teaching. Sorry.
Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

"That is not compatible with Christian teaching."

Isn't the old testament incompatible with Christianity?

Being a believer doesn't make you a scholar and my guess is few of us on this forum have the scholarly chops to seriously debate any religion's compatibility with another.
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Niels Andrews
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Post by Niels Andrews »

Then there are those of us that have no need to debate or defend our beliefs. I pray for those that feel so inclined.
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Gordon Borland
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Post by Gordon Borland »

Niels that says it and I hope that does it!
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

Michael Wolfe wrote:
Alan Brookes wrote:Christians should read the Koran. There you will find that Mohammed instructed his followers to follow the teachings of Jesus
Chapter and verse please? I missed that the first time around...
Surah 3, Verses 43 through 93, and there are other passages too.
Bill McCloskey wrote:...Being a believer doesn't make you a scholar and my guess is few of us on this forum have the scholarly chops to seriously debate any religion's compatibility with another.
No, you don't have to be a scholar to follow a religion, but if you're going to base your life on a faith doesn't it make sense to study it and its origins as much as possible ?
I've studied the bible and its origins, and the origins of many other religions, to the extent that I don't feel anyone is wise enough to know the truth; it's not inherent in humans to ever be intelligent enough; the wise man knows his own limitations and accepts that he will never know. That's why I'm an Agnostic. I accept that I am inherently incapable of understanding the universe and all its wonders, and never will be.
I also find it difficult to believe that a god who has made us imperfect would condemn us to an eternity of suffering for being the way he made us.
Personally, I think of God as a thing rather than a personality, rather like gravity or electricity. We create a god as we would want him/it to be and then attribute human traits to it.

If you want to watch a cosmological viewpoint on creation you should check out the above video by Stephen Hawking. His mathematical conclusion is that the "big bang", the creation of the universe, occurred spontaneously within a black hole, and, since at the centre of a black hole there is no time, the time did not exist for God to have made the universe in.