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Author Topic:  Another MSA D-10 for Reece to date please-
Joe Gall

DeLand, Florida
Post  Posted 4 Dec 2012 9:55 pm    
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If you would be so kind:

2c2444 Certified by: Wally (as per the label on the underside)

This is currently an 8/4 setup in White woodgrain mica. E-9th neck has a E-66 pickup and the C-6th neck still has the original SuperSustain intact. Everything on this guitar works perfectly, the volume/tone knobs, neck selector switch etc. I believe I purchased this guitar from the original owner this past summer (he had passed and I bought it from the family). I also have the original case as well.

I would consider this guitar to be in above average condition based on others I have seen. Not only that, this guitar is fairly tight and not sloppy at all so I am guessing it did not see a ton of action over the years...

Been at this damn thing for a few years now. Not so sure that I'm getting anywhere but it is fun. Sometimes.
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Don Poland

Hanover, PA.
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2012 6:31 am    
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Joe, I have a D10 Classic with serial # 2C2324 and it was made in Apr of 1974, so yours cant be too far behind that. I am sure that Reece can help further if he sees this post.
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Joe Gall

DeLand, Florida
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2012 6:55 am    
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Thanks, based on others that have been posted I figured that rough time frame. I think it awesome how these guitars were kept track of and the info is still available etc.
Been at this damn thing for a few years now. Not so sure that I'm getting anywhere but it is fun. Sometimes.
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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2012 8:12 am    
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Joe,,,,,Great looking guitar. MSA records indicate serial number 2C2444 as being a white double 10 which left the factory with 8 pedals and 2 knee levers. It was originally shipped to our distributor at the time, (CMI) who was located in Chicago. They would of course sold it to a music store, however our tracking ends with the original shipping destination. Your guitar was born on April 17th 1974.

As a side note, Wally (who assembled your guitar) passed away suddenly from the worst and fastest advancing cancer not long after your guitar was completed. He was an exceptional man, a picture of health with a beautiful family, a great guitar player, black belt Karate expert, and orginally came to MSA from New Zealand.

He drove up at MSA with his family and all his belongings, asked my secretary if he could speak with me, then told me he had just arrived in this country and came straight to our factory to work for MSA, he was hired on the spot, and within a short time became an exceptional asset and friend to all of us at MSA, and at the end, an inspiration to all of us.
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Joe Gall

DeLand, Florida
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2012 8:18 am    
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Thank you for taking the time to look up my MSA. Also thank you very much for the additional story and information about your employee & friend of the company, Wally. It speaks volumes of you and your business that you remember him so well and willing to share his story with everyone. I am even more honored to own this fine guitar with yet another twist to an already amazing story.

This guitar came to me via this website this past summer from a family here in FL. The family who posted it for sale lost their loved one. He was an accomplished PSG player but ironically he and I had a common link.

The gentleman was a retired eye Doctor who had vision issues of his own. I myself have such issues. In speaking with the Daughter of the original owner of this MSA Classic, she & her Mother felt it was meant to be so to speak that I be the next owner of this fine guitar.

What an amazing journey this guitar has had and it sounds as though it started with an amazing man who first put it together!
Been at this damn thing for a few years now. Not so sure that I'm getting anywhere but it is fun. Sometimes.
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Joe Gall

DeLand, Florida
Post  Posted 5 Dec 2012 8:27 am    
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On a side not Reece, I play drums in our Church band. We have a PSG player as well. He is from my home town area of Tonawanda, NY. He also owns the exact same MSA Classic as mine, same color, same configuration! He bought his brand new in 74 in Buffalo, NY.

What are the chances? Small world isn't it?
Been at this damn thing for a few years now. Not so sure that I'm getting anywhere but it is fun. Sometimes.
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