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Author Topic:  TELECASTER WIRING 3 pick up
Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2012 8:08 am    
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OK like everyone else when I get started on something I go whole hog:)... I got a new telecaster going to customize it. Heres what I want to do while having the neck redone.
It has 3 pick ups on it,I want to wire it with ORIGINAL Telecaster 3 way switch. THEN put a separate volume and tone control. (if tone c is needed). on control plate so middle pick up is totally by itself. I don't care about splitting the Humbuck bridge pick I.. <?? What does this accomplish??
I know someone knows how to do this and I really appreciate the vast knowledge on this Forum.. I always try to help others when I can. Thanks Gentlemen....
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D Schubert


Columbia, MO, USA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2012 9:11 am     3 pickup tele
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I have tried this several different ways.

One way is to put a mini-pot in between the other two that controls the volume of the middle pickup. Another is to replace the one or both of the single pots with concentric pots. Both of these involve shoving a lot of wiring under the control plate. And what I found was that bleeding in tiny amounts of the middle pickup didn't have that much audible effect. Too subtle. Middle pickup had to be 75-100% on -- or completely off -- for my tastes

My latest "fix" was to install a 3-way mini-toggle switch between the vol & tone pots. That's what I'd suggest:

Up = middle pickup on, combined with other pickup(s)

Middle = middle pickup off, works like a Tele

Down = middle pickup out-of-phase, combined with other pickup(s)

If you couple this with the standard Tele switch -- or a Tele 4-way switch (series/parallel), you've got a lot of different & usable sounds.

I don't claim any of these ideas, they're all stolen from (Telecaster forum)
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