Well folks, Bob Hempker has finally released his first solo project! It's called " Then And Now ". And I'm here to tell you that it is one great cd.
I've been listening to it today and am very blown away by it. Bob has been one of my favorite players for many years and he proves why on this project.
It has something for everybody on it from hard core country to bossa nova to swing. He paid tribute to his old boss Loretta Lynn on a few tunes such as " When The Tingle Becomes A Chill ' and a little medley he worked up. He also played the old Irish tune that Eddie Arnold recorded in the '40's " Molly Darlin' complete with a hint of Little Roy. And I really like his rendition of ' The Lady Is A Tramp ". And Papa John would be proud of his job on " Lost In The Feeling ".
Bob plays with soul and emotion and with great tone. Y'all owe it to yourselves to check this new cd out. You'll be glad you did.
Zumsteel steel guitars, Telonics and Peavey amplifiers, GHS strings.
Thanks Mike. Bob has been a very good friend of mine for many years and one of my favorite psg artists as well. I have his old p/p and wish that I could get out of it what he did. Thanks again for the heads up on the CD. Whip
Whip Lashaway
Sierra E9/B6 12 string
Sierra E9/B6 14 string
Excel S12 8x9 blue
Excel S12 8x9 black
Mike, thanks so much. Coming from you, I really take that as a great compliment. Whip, I'm sure you're playing that old guitar better than I ever did. I'm glad you got it.
People have been asking about obtaining my CD. I'm working on a website, but don't quite have it done, yet. You can email me at: stlgtr55@yahoo.com. I will definitely get back to you. In the meantime I'm working on the website and putting a paypal account on it. Thanks so much to any of you that show any interest in my project.
Thanks for posting this Mike.Bob is one of the steel Guitar greats without a doubt.I got to be friends with Bob when he lived in Branson.I had the pleasure of setting down with him a few times for some direction on the pedal steel.I was amazed at his approach and theory of the instrument.I wish he would make a DVD for both necks.I will be getting his cd,I did not know he had made one.I still remember Bob playing the OSGA one year and his tone was the best I herd all that day.
Bob was a good friend when he lived in Branson and we really miss him up here. I always looked forward to him coming and sitting in on my old blue Emmons and having a great steel player to sing with. I'm loooking forward to hearing your album Bob and sure wish you would come up and play the July OzSGA show W'e love to see you. Ted Emmons
I just listened to the finish product of Bob Hempker's first CD. What a great work. The selection of songs and different styles of music should make all steel players like at least some of the songs if not all. Bob in my opinion is one of the best commercial player out there. He can also "Jam" with anyone. Down thru the years Bob has taken pride to play the style that fits the song as good as anyone. This is a big plus when playing behind different singers. I think this project is a great learning tool for most "steelers" Dave Thornhill
Dave, thanks so much for your input and good words. Coming from you, I really take it complimentary. You have one of the best ears I've ever known. BTW, Dave played on this, and believe me, he played his butt off on it. All the players on this CD or top-notch. I'm the weakest musician on it.
Bob, just mail me at stlgtr55@yahoo.com, and I'll fix 'ya up with one. They are $15 + $3 s&h in the lower 48, and $18 + s&h anywhere else in the world. My website is up and running, also. If you want to use PayPal, it accepts PayPal. My website is; bobhempkermusic.webs.com.
Last edited by Bob Hempker on 29 May 2011 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I second what Dave T. said, CUBED! I just received this CD, and there are no "weak players" on it, especially not the steel! Bob has long been one of the unsung heros of our instrument. the music is tastefully done,the musicians are top-notch, and the recording is definately worth listening to. Good job!
Well Bobby, you old dog I'm so mad at ya that I could bight a candy bar in two You better either bring me my copy or get it in the mail before I send Jay Andrews over there to give you a big ole whooping LOL!!! Maybe we can get together at Jay's sometime and I can buy a copy then. Congratulations pal you sure deserve accolades I'll bet you album is killer!!
Big Bob, I'll get with Jay, and we will come see you, and I'll bring a copy with me. Thanks so much for your friendship. I hope you're getting along better. Pal, take care. Luv 'ya!
I listened to Bobby Hempker's CD on the way to Tn last week, I think it is a real winner. I especially loved "The Lady Is A Tramp", it has been a favorite of mine since I heard Johnny Smith play it more than a couple of years ago.
Bobby I miss you and wish you were still here in Branson. But Branson's loss is Nashvilles gain,
Love you my friend,
Terry Bethel
www.ozarksteelguitar.com www.terrybethelmusic.com
D-10 Mullen G2 9 x 9, 2-D-10 Bethels 9x9 , 2= Nashville 112's, a Walker Stereo steel Amp Hilton VP, Hardwire Reverb with Lexicon Reverb Peavy Pro Fex II Peavey Digital power amp with effects.Sarno Black Box
Terry, thanks so much. I'm sorry I missed you when you were in town, last week. I really respect your opinion, because of your talent and, like me, your honesty and non-phoniness. I miss you living a 3-4 miles from me. That was a great time in my life in Branson. Thanks again, so much, pal.
Billy, let me work on it and try to fix it. I'm not too swift on websites, so it's possible I could have done something wrong. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Well I have to repeat what everybody is raving here on ole bobs new cd I think it's a real treat . Bob sent me a copy a few weeks ago and I have listened to it several times and hear something that catches my attention every time. I really like the loretta stuff it's dead on... the C6th work is flawless and from the heart as only bob can play I truly love this man and his playing .. a more honest american man and professional musician you will not find these days. Glad your having fun in nashburg but we miss you up here in Branson. Hope to see ya soon
Love ya brother
Boo Miller
Lisa Layne
AL (BOO) Miller
Mullen D10
76 Emmons P/P
2022 65 Emmons Resound P/P D10
Thanks, Boo and Lisa. I miss both of you. I'll be coming to Branson the end of July to do Terry's show. I'm looking very forward to seeing both of you. The feeling is mutual toward you both. I met so many wonderful folks while I lived in Branson. You definitely are two of them. Hope everything is fine with you. I'm glad you approve of the CD, and I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Just wanted to announce that I have tracks available, now for the CD. Email me at stlgtr55@yahoo.com if you're interested. The tracks are $10 + s&h. Thanks!
I would just like to echo the comments made by the other forumites and say how much I am enjoying Bob's CD.
Great playing (of course) and selection of songs to match.Bob also gives the other musicians a chance to shine and to top it off the liner notes and photos are not too shabby either!
Bob is really easy & courteous to deal with and purchasing from this side of the Pond was very painless.
Thanks also to Mike & Teresa Sweeney for their involvement.
I just listened to Bob's CD and, like everyone else,
I can tell you that it is a "KEEPER"! Bob is one of my best friends and also one of my heros. In my book, only Bob can play those Loretta licks like we always wanted them to sound. Bob, all I can say is it's about time.
Been a long time and a lot of miles since "The Lucky Shoe" jam session in Fort Wayne, Ind. I beleive you was around 16, when we first met, and snuck you in and you messed everybodys head up back then and I don't guess you ever quit. Glad to hear you are doing well. An old freind. Doyle