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Author Topic:  Seattle area repair / set-up ?
Dayna Loeffler


Washington, USA
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2011 9:43 pm    
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Hey folks,

I'm having some serious trouble with my Emmons student model S-10. I changed the strings and after about 5 (or more) .011's I'm getting that G# breaking anytime I try to raise it to A (or sometimes just in the process of being tuned up to G#). I've tried wrapping in both directions, I tried a .012, I can't find any obvious sharp parts anywhere.
This is what I do know, it worked great before I changed the strings. I am a fairly inexperienced player, so please forgive my lack of knowledge / understanding of how the guitar works. I did notice that the - well, what I would call a bridge on a traditional guitar - seems to be eating up the strings more than I remember. What I mean is, the strings seem to be sinking into those grooves a bit deeper than what seems right. I bought 6 sets of the SIT 12 - 38W's, and I can't see any lot numbers on them.

Do I have a bad batch of strings?
Are they completely the wrong gauge?
Is it possible that the bridge piece got too loose somehow?
Something else?

If anyone can recommend anyone in the Seattle area (or perhaps a member on this forum that is nearby) to take a look and repair whatever is going on I would be most pleased.

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Bill Moore

Manchester, Michigan
Post  Posted 22 Apr 2011 5:59 am    
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Dayna, the bridge would be the changer end, the roller nut is at the tuner end. When you say the string is sinking into the groove, it sounds like you might be referring to the groove in the roller, at the tuner end. Is the string breaking at the roller or the tuner itself? If it breaks at the tuner, there is probably a sharp area right around the hole in the tuner shaft. If that's the case, you need to smooth it out, use a very small round file, or maybe a toothpick with fine emery cloth wrapped around it. When you replace the string, make sure to leave it long enough to do at least 6 wraps on the tuner shaft, or even more. If it's breaking at the roller, make sure the roller is able to turn on the shaft. A couple of drops of oil on all the rollers where the shaft goes through is a good idea.

From the way you describe the problem, I think this might correct it.
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Lynn Stafford

Ridgefield, WA USA
Post  Posted 22 Apr 2011 3:38 pm     Emmons PP Problems
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I just sent you an email. I'm pretty sure you brought that guitar down to me about a year ago for a set-up. Please give me a call and I'll try to help you sort out your string breakage issues.
Best regards,
Lynn Stafford

Steel Guitar Technician (Restoration, Set-up, Service and Repair work)

Previous Emmons Authorized Dealer & Service Technician (original factory is now closed)

ZumSteel Authorized Service Technician
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