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Author Topic:  Using a SPLIT amp with two speakers
Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2011 1:56 pm    
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I recently aquired just the power amp from a split and I stuck it in a cab with a jbl K130-16ohm. Surprisingly at 16ohms I could probably blow the speaker if I tried, so there's plenty of power there.

I'm curious as to what would be the most efficient way to wire the power amp to speakers for using two (sometimes one) speakers. The split amp has just two raw speaker wires that normally go straight into one speaker.

One idea I had was to daisy chain the cabs together in parallel with both raw wires (pwr amp & output to ext speaker) in the JBL terminals but that just doesn't seem very efficient having four wires hooked up to one speaker. Thoughts?
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Eric Philippsen

Central Florida USA
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2011 4:14 pm    
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If the power amp section you have originally came from a Furlong "Split" or CB12 then I would recommend that you contact TC Furlong for his advice on speaker hookups. He's a great guy and I am sure he would be more than glad to help.
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Ray DeVoe


Hudson, FL
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2011 4:38 pm    
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Hi Brett

I have TC's 15" split and I usually run an 8 ohm JBL K 130 in it. The K 130 will only hold up if pushed moderately. The band I played in for the past 8 years always ran all of the instruments through the mains by way of mic so I didnt have to be real loud anyway. I really like the sound of the K 130 with the split but it has its limitations.

I have considered trying one of the 15" Sica speakers that Ken Fox sells in my split. Has anyone out there tried this combo yet?

I mainly use the 15" split with K 130 at home now for my practice setup. I purchased two 12" splits to use with my Revelation and that makes a great playing out rig.

Good luck with your setup. TC will surely give you some advice as to a proper speaker hookup.

Ray DeVoe
Zum SD 10 Hybrid, Zum D 10 Hybrid, Emmons SD 10 P.P.
SMS: Revelation & Classic Preamps: Furlong 12" Splits.
Webb 15" Splits: Telonics 500 C: Head and 12" cabinet:
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