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Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2011 3:24 pm    
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Been revisiting Erroll Garner this week. Man, what a unique and swinging player.

This is a really interesting analysis of Garner's style by Dick Hyman. Good lessons for any musician if one's paying attention.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2011 6:43 pm    
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Erroll was really astonishing and such a kick to watch as well with his well-known vocalizing. My mother saw him numerous times, but I never got a chance.

I guess he could not read a note, but had such an ear and talent that he could play a song after hearing it once. He was known for going into a studio and ripping off 40 or 50 songs in an afternoon, all first takes, no overdubs, etc.

He apparently had no set list in live performances and his sidemen were completely in the dark about the tune, as was the audience. His intros gave no hint as to what song he was beginning and the sidemen would just have to follow him as best they could. You can see that in many of the you tube clips---Brussels, London, etc.

He also did a fine legit vocal on "I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me".

Nobody like him before or since.
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Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2011 7:55 am    
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You said it, Mitch. He was a unique stylist. Some rhythm sections didn't want to work with him because of the ambidextrous way he felt the beat -it was hard to know which hand to follow. His impressionistic improvs were very different but equally good. He could even make material that's inherently unhip swing like crazy. These guy's transcribed his version of "Close to you" note-for-note.

I found this Dudley Moore Garner tribute page that's incredibly passionate but a little bit like those Saturday Night Live sketches that never seem to end.
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